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Attribute NameDescriptionTypegreetingSongIdM=4G8;3MM=89 4CC=K IDlongSongIdCC=K IDlonggreetingIdM=4G8;3MM=89 IDlong 1.7. @=89 >9;3>;B: Price (Logical View) 1.7.1. @=E89 B>4>@E>9;>;B -=M EA=M3B =L 9;G8;3MM=489= =89= BCE09 <M4MM;;4893 03CC;=0. =4 =L BCE09= 9;G8;3MM=89 B@;, =M 7M@M3 <M4MM;;4893 03CC;A0= EAM3B. 1.7.2. @=E89 <M4MM;M; Attribute NameDescriptionTypeId=89= IDlongserviceId9;G8;3MM=89 IDlongPrice=MintserviceTypeId9;G8;3MM=89 B@;89= IDlong 1.8. @=89 >9;3>;B: Notice (Logical View) 1.8.1. @=E89 B>4>@E>9;>;B -=M EA=M3B 9;G8;3MM=89 70@K= B@;89= <M4MM;;893 03CC;A0= EA=M3B. @@ EM;1M; BCE09= @048>389= 7;4M3 70@K= 1E ; B@;89= 9;G8;3MM=4 =L M=ME EAM3BM=4 03CC;03406 109300. 1.8.2. @=E89 <M4MM;M; Attribute NameDescriptionTypeId9;G8;3MM=89 IDlongFromDate= A0@ 4@DateToDate= A0@ 4@DatePhoneNumber9;G;;M3G89= CB0A=K 4C300@stringName0@;CC;03G 1093CC;;030stringtext0@K= 3stringserviceString9;G8;3MM=89 =M@stringregisterDate@B3MAM= >= A0@ 4@DateserviceTypeId9;G8;3MM=89 B@;89= IDlongCount">>;CC@intPriceId=89= IDlongworkerId68;G=K IDlong 1.9. @=89 >9;3>;B: GreetingTemplate 1.9.1. @=E89 B>4>@E>9;>;B %M@M3;M3G4M4 7>@8C;A0= 1M;M= <M=4G8;3MM=89 3=4 E0430;403 EA=M3B. -=M EA=M3BM=4 109300 <M=4G8;3MM=89 3=4MMA EM@M3;M3G A>=3>6 0H83;0= <M=4G8;3MM O2CC;6 109=0. 1.9.2. @=E89 <M4MM;M; Attribute NameDescriptionTypeIdM=4G8;3MM=89 3=89 IDlongtamplateStringM=4G8;3MM=89 3=4string 1.10. @=89 >9;3>;B: Worker (Logical View) 1.10.1. @=E89 B>4>@E>9;>;B "CE09= FM @048>4 068;;0403 E<A89= B0;00@E <M4MM;;893 03CC;A0= EA=M3B. 1.10.2. @=E89 <M4MM;M; Attribute NameDescriptionTypeId68;G=K IDintfirstName68;G=K =M@ stringlastName68;G=K >2>3stringphoneNumber#B0A=K 4C300@stringgender%9Abooleanaddress%0O3stringusernameM2B@ME =M@stringpasswordCCF 3string 1.11. @=89 >9;3>;B: Reclam (Logical View) 1.11.1. @=E89 B>4>@E>9;>;B "CE09= @048>3>>@ F0F0340E @5:;0<=K B0;00@E <M4MM;;893 03CC;A0= EA=M3B 1.11.2 @=E89 <M4MM;M; Attribute NameDescriptionTypeIdIDlongnameM@stringTime&03timeDay4@daylenght@3M;6;ME EC30F00minut 1.12. @=89 >9;3>;B: UnavailableGreeting (Logical View) 1.12.1. @=E89 B>4>@E>9;>;B M1MM@ E8934AM= <M=4G8;3MM=89 B0;00@E <M4MM;;893 03CC;A0= EA=M3B. -=ME EA=M3BM= 4ME <M=4G8;3MM =L E0@00E0= EG8=BM9 1>;>>39 134 72E= C@L4G8;A0= 1094;00@ <M=4G8;3MM E;MM= 02A0= 10940; N<. 1.12.2 @=E89 <M4MM;M; 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971,669 986,622 995,573 1000,525- 1000,476 995,428 986,379 971,332 953,287 929,244 902,203 871,165- 836,130 798,99 757,72 714,48 669,30 622,15 573,6 525,1- 476,1 428,6 379,15 332,30 287,48 244,72 203,99 165,130- 130,165 99,203 72,244 48,287 30,332 15,379 6,428 1,476- 1,525 6,573 15,622 30,669 48,714 72,757 99,798 130,836- 165,871 203,902 244,929 287,953 332,971 379,986 428,995 476,1000- 525,1000 } FigureSymbol "arc sides" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 102 TextBox 52.083,78.125,947.917,921.875 Fill { Polygon 69 >174,0 <826,0 <831,6 <837,15 <849,30 <861,48 <877,72 <893,99- <910,130 <927,165 <943,203 <958,244 <971,287 <982,332 <991,379 <997,428- 1000,476 1000,525 <997,573 <991,622 <982,669 <971,714 <958,757 <943,798- <927,836 <910,871 <893,902 <876,929 <861,953 <848,971 <837,986 <830,995- <826,1000 <826,1000 >826,1000 >174,1000 >174,1000 >174,1000 >170,995 >163,986- >152,971 >139,953 >124,929 >107,902 >90,871 >73,836 >57,798 >42,757- >29,714 >18,669 >9,622 >3,573 >0,525 >0,476 >3,428 >9,379- >18,332 >29,287 >41,244 >57,203 >73,165 >90,130 >107,99 >123,72- >139,48 >151,30 >163,15 >169,6 >174,0 } Outline { Polyline 69 >174,0 <826,0 <831,6 <837,15 <849,30 <861,48 <877,72 <893,99- <910,130 <927,165 <943,203 <958,244 <971,287 <982,332 <991,379 <997,428- 1000,476 1000,525 <997,573 <991,622 <982,669 <971,714 <958,757 <943,798- <927,836 <910,871 <893,902 <876,929 <861,953 <848,971 <837,986 <830,995- <826,1000 <826,1000 >826,1000 >174,1000 >174,1000 >174,1000 >170,995 >163,986- >152,971 >139,953 >124,929 >107,902 >90,871 >73,836 >57,798 >42,757- >29,714 >18,669 >9,622 >3,573 >0,525 >0,476 >3,428 >9,379- >18,332 >29,287 >41,244 >57,203 >73,165 >90,130 >107,99 >123,72- >139,48 >151,30 >163,15 >169,6 >174,0 } Hot 69 >174,0 <826,0 <831,6 <837,15 <849,30 <861,48 <877,72 <893,99- <910,130 <927,165 <943,203 <958,244 <971,287 <982,332 <991,379 <997,428- 1000,476 1000,525 <997,573 <991,622 <982,669 <971,714 <958,757 <943,798- <927,836 <910,871 <893,902 <876,929 <861,953 <848,971 <837,986 <830,995- <826,1000 <826,1000 >826,1000 >174,1000 >174,1000 >174,1000 >170,995 >163,986- >152,971 >139,953 >124,929 >107,902 >90,871 >73,836 >57,798 >42,757- >29,714 >18,669 >9,622 >3,573 >0,525 >0,476 >3,428 >9,379- >18,332 >29,287 >41,244 >57,203 >73,165 >90,130 >107,99 >123,72- >139,48 >151,30 >163,15 >169,6 >174,0 } FigureSymbol "circle" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 192 Width 192 TextBox 100,100,900,900 Fill { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Hot 17 599,1000 783,924 924,783 1000,599 1000,402 924,218 783,77 599,1- 402,1 218,77 77,218 1,402 1,599 77,783 218,924 402,1000- 599,1000 } FigureSymbol "diamond" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 192 Width 192 OversizeText TRUE TextBox 125,250,875,750 Fill { Polygon 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } Hot 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } FigureSymbol "hexagon" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 192 Width 192 FramedTextBox 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<947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc 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69 >332,0 <668,0 <716,6 <749,15 <780,30 <810,48 <838,72 <865,99- <891,130 <914,165 <935,203 <952,244 <968,287 <980,332 <990,379 <996,428- 1000,476 1000,525 <996,573 <990,622 <980,669 <968,714 <952,757 <935,798- <914,836 <891,871 <865,902 <838,929 <810,953 <780,971 <749,986 <716,995- <685,1000 <668,1000 <668,1000 >332,1000 >332,1000 >315,1000 >284,995 >251,986- >220,971 >190,953 >162,929 >135,902 >109,871 >86,836 >65,798 >48,757- >32,714 >20,669 >10,622 >4,573 0,525 0,476 >4,428 >10,379- >20,332 >32,287 >48,244 >65,203 >86,165 >109,130 >135,99 >162,72- >190,48 >220,30 >251,15 >284,6 >332,0 } Hot 69 >332,0 <668,0 <716,6 <749,15 <780,30 <810,48 <838,72 <865,99- <891,130 <914,165 <935,203 <952,244 <968,287 <980,332 <990,379 <996,428- 1000,476 1000,525 <996,573 <990,622 <980,669 <968,714 <952,757 <935,798- <914,836 <891,871 <865,902 <838,929 <810,953 <780,971 <749,986 <716,995- <685,1000 <668,1000 <668,1000 >332,1000 >332,1000 >315,1000 >284,995 >251,986- >220,971 >190,953 >162,929 >135,902 >109,871 >86,836 >65,798 >48,757- >32,714 >20,669 >10,622 >4,573 0,525 0,476 >4,428 >10,379- >20,332 >32,287 >48,244 >65,203 >86,165 >109,130 >135,99 >162,72- >190,48 >220,30 >251,15 >284,6 >332,0 } FigureSymbol "arrow down" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 256 Width 128 Reshape 16 FramedTextBox 275,52.083,712.5,645.833 150,0,850,650 0 0 0 1 Fill { Polygon 8 500,1000 1000,650 850,650 850,0 150,0 150,650 0,650 500,1000 } Outline { Polyline 8 500,1000 1000,650 850,650 850,0 150,0 150,650 0,650 500,1000 } Hot 8 500,1000 1000,650 850,650 850,0 150,0 150,650 0,650 500,1000 } FigureSymbol "arrow left" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 96 Width 256 Reshape 12 FramedTextBox 296.875,333.333,942.708,652.778 300,200,1000,800 1 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 8 1000,200 300,200 300,0 0,500 300,1000 300,800 1000,800 1000,200 } Outline { Polyline 8 1000,200 300,200 300,0 0,500 300,1000 300,800 1000,800 1000,200 } Hot 8 1000,200 300,200 300,0 0,500 300,1000 300,800 1000,800 1000,200 } FigureSymbol "arrow left/right" { 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<977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 >400,<800 0,1000 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Outline { Polyline 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 >400,<800 0,1000 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Hot 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 >400,<800 0,1000 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } FigureSymbol "callout 4" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox >62.5,>62.5,<931.25,<731.25 0,0,1000,<800 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 1000,1000 <600,<800 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Outline { Polyline 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 1000,1000 <600,<800 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Hot 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 1000,1000 <600,<800 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } FigureSymbol "deck" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 52.083,179.688,875,914.063 0,>100,<900,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,>100,<900,1000 Rect >100,0,1000,<900 Rect >50,>50,<950,<950 } Outline { Rect 0,>100,<900,1000 Polyline 5 >50,>100 >50,>50 <950,>50 <950,<950 <900,<950 Polyline 5 >100,>50 >100,0 1000,0 1000,<900 <950,<900 } MiniOutline { Rect 0,200,800,1000 Polyline 5 100,200 100,100 900,100 900,900 800,900 Polyline 5 200,100 200,0 1000,0 1000,800 900,800 } } FigureSymbol "disk simple" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 52.083,273.438,942.708,890.625 0,>200,1000,<900 0 0 0 1 Fill { Rect 0,>100,1000,<900 Ellipse 0,0,1000,>200 Ellipse 0,<800,1000,1000 } Outline { Line 0,>100 0,<900 Line 1000,>100 1000,<900 Ellipse 0,0,1000,>200 Arc 0,<800,1000,1000 0,<900 1000,<900 } MiniOutline { Line 0,200 0,800 Line 1000,100 1000,900 Ellipse 0,0,1000,400 Arc 0,600,1000,1000 0,800 1000,800 } Hot 17 1,>81 77,>44 218,>16 402,>1 599,>1 783,>16 924,>44 1000,>81- 1000,<920 924,<957 783,<985 599,<1000 402,<1000 218,<985 77,<957 1,<920- 1,>81 } FigureSymbol "paper" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 192 Width 148 FramedTextBox 67.568,52.083,925.676,942.708 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 1000,0 1000,900 875,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 1000,0 1000,900 875,1000 0,1000 0,0 Polyline 5 875,1000 900,900 940,912 970,912 1000,900 } Hot 6 0,0 1000,0 1000,900 875,1000 0,1000 0,0 } FigureSymbol "note" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 Reshape 6 FramedTextBox 52.083,78.125,942.708,914.063 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 Polyline 3 <850,0 <850,>150 1000,>150 } MiniOutline { Polyline 6 0,0 <700,0 1000,>300 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 Polyline 3 <700,0 <700,>300 1000,>300 } Hot 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } FigureSymbol "[class/object]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[action]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "[state]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "[booch class/obj]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Fill { Ellipse 84,114,672,702 Ellipse 421,89,859,527 Ellipse 573,286,995,708 Ellipse 263,492,721,950 Ellipse 0,528,423,952 } Outline { Arc 84,114,672,702 500,140 120,550 Arc 421,89,859,527 860,300 500,140 Arc 573,286,995,708 720,700 860,300 Arc 263,492,721,950 350,900 720,700 Arc 0,528,423,952 120,550 350,900 } Hot 40 350,900 363,915 447,950 538,950 622,915 686,851 721,767 720,700- 743,708 826,708 904,676 963,617 995,539 995,456 963,378 904,319- 860,300 859,265 826,185 764,123 684,90 597,90 517,123 500,140- 436,115 321,115 212,160 130,242 85,351 85,466 120,550 92,561- 33,621 1,699 1,782 33,860 92,920 170,952 253,952 350,900 } FigureSymbol "[usecase]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Fill { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Hot 65 525,1000 573,995 622,986 669,971 714,953 757,929 798,902 836,871- 871,836 902,798 929,757 953,714 971,669 986,622 995,573 1000,525- 1000,476 995,428 986,379 971,332 953,287 929,244 902,203 871,165- 836,130 798,99 757,72 714,48 669,30 622,15 573,6 525,1- 476,1 428,6 379,15 332,30 287,48 244,72 203,99 165,130- 130,165 99,203 72,244 48,287 30,332 15,379 6,428 1,476- 1,525 6,573 15,622 30,669 48,714 72,757 99,798 130,836- 165,871 203,902 244,929 287,953 332,971 379,986 428,995 476,1000- 525,1000 } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 2]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 512 Reshape 65 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 3]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 768 Reshape 66 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 333,0 333,1000 Line 667,0 667,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 4]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 1024 Reshape 67 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 250,0 250,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 Line 750,0 750,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 5]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 1280 Reshape 68 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 200,0 200,1000 Line 400,0 400,1000 Line 600,0 600,1000 Line 800,0 800,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 6]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 1536 Reshape 69 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 166,0 166,1000 Line 332,0 332,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 Line 666,0 666,1000 Line 831,0 831,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[frame]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 124 FramedTextBox 13.021,26.042,436.198,122.396 0,0,450,150 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Polyline 4 450,0 450,94.792 422.396,150 0,150 } } FigureSymbol "class/object" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 FramedTextBox 52.083,102.041,942.708,887.755 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "action" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >104.167,>104.167,<885.417,<885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "action subact" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 133 FramedTextBox >125,>125,<864.583,<864.583 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "input eventl" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 177.083,104.167,942.708,885.417 >250,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 >250,500 0,1000 1000,1000 1000,0 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 >250,500 0,1000 1000,1000 1000,0 0,0 } Hot 6 0,0 >250,500 0,1000 1000,1000 1000,0 0,0 } FigureSymbol "output eventl" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 177.083,104.167,942.708,885.417 >250,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,500 >250,0 1000,0 1000,1000 >250,1000 0,500 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,500 >250,0 1000,0 1000,1000 >250,1000 0,500 } Hot 6 0,500 >250,0 1000,0 1000,1000 >250,1000 0,500 } FigureSymbol "fork/join horz" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 24 Width 144 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 35 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "fork/join vert" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 144 Width 24 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 60 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "start" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 64 Width 64 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 34 Fill { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Hot 17 599,1000 783,924 924,783 1000,599 1000,402 924,218 783,77 599,1- 402,1 218,77 77,218 1,402 1,599 77,783 218,924 402,1000- 599,1000 } FigureSymbol "stop" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 64 Width 64 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 45 Fill { Ellipse 200,200,800,800 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 Ellipse 200,200,800,800 } Hot 17 599,1000 783,924 924,783 1000,599 1000,402 924,218 783,77 599,1- 402,1 218,77 77,218 1,402 1,599 77,783 218,924 402,1000- 599,1000 } FigureSymbol "output eventr" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 52.083,104.167,817.708,885.417 0,0,<750,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 <750,0 1000,500 <750,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 <750,0 1000,500 <750,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Hot 6 0,0 <750,0 1000,500 <750,1000 0,1000 0,0 } FigureSymbol "input eventr" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 52.083,104.167,817.708,885.417 0,0,<750,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 1000,0 <750,500 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 1000,0 <750,500 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Hot 6 0,0 1000,0 <750,500 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } FigureSymbol "terminate" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 128 Width 128 Reshape 61 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 45 Fill { Polygon 13 0,41 41,0 500,458 958,0 1000,41 541,500 1000,958 958,1000- 500,541 41,1000 0,958 458,500 0,41 } Outline { Polyline 13 0,41 41,0 500,458 958,0 1000,41 541,500 1000,958 958,1000- 500,541 41,1000 0,958 458,500 0,41 } Hot 13 0,41 41,0 500,458 958,0 1000,41 541,500 1000,958 958,1000- 500,541 41,1000 0,958 458,500 0,41 } FigureSymbol "time signal" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 64 Width 64 DisplayScale 50 Fill { Polygon 4 0,0 1000,0 500,500 0,0 Polygon 4 0,1000 1000,1000 500,500 0,1000 } Outline { Polyline 4 0,0 1000,0 500,500 0,0 Polyline 4 0,1000 1000,1000 500,500 0,1000 } Hot 7 500,500 0,0 1000,0 500,500 0,1000 1000,1000 500,500 } FigureSymbol "flow final" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 64 Width 64 DisplayScale 50 Fill { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 Line 150,150 850,850 Line 150,850 850,150 } Hot 17 599,1000 783,924 924,783 1000,599 1000,402 924,218 783,77 599,1- 402,1 218,77 77,218 1,402 1,599 77,783 218,924 402,1000- 599,1000 } FigureSymbol "pin" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 24 Width 24 DisplayScale 25 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "exception parameter" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 20 Width 30 DisplayScale 25 Fill { Polygon 4 500,0 1000,1000 0,1000 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 4 500,0 1000,1000 0,1000 500,0 } } FigureSymbol "listbox pin vert" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 98 Width 24 DisplayScale 80 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 0,250 1000,250 Line 0,500 1000,500 Line 0,750 1000,750 } } FigureSymbol "listbox pin horz" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 24 Width 98 DisplayScale 40 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 250,0 250,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 Line 750,0 750,1000 } } FigureSymbol "connector" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 64 Width 64 DisplayScale 65 TextBox 100,100,900,900 Fill { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Hot 17 599,1000 783,924 924,783 1000,599 1000,402 924,218 783,77 599,1- 402,1 218,77 77,218 1,402 1,599 77,783 218,924 402,1000- 599,1000 } FigureSymbol "condition" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 32 Width 32 OversizeText TRUE TextBox 200,255,800,750 Fill { Polygon 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } Hot 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } FigureSymbol "condition notxt" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 32 Width 32 DisplayScale 45 Fill { Polygon 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } Hot 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } FigureSymbol "action:2" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >87.719,>87.719,<903.509,<903.509 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.368,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.368,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.368,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.368,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>421.053,>500 >210.526,0 0,>210.526 Line >210.526,0 <789.474,0 Arc <578.947,0,1000,>500 1000,>210.526 <789.474,0 Line 1000,>210.526 1000,<789.474 Arc <578.947,<500,1000,1000 <789.474,1000 1000,<789.474 Line >210.526,1000 <789.474,1000 Arc 0,<500,>421.053,1000 0,<789.474 >210.526,1000 Line 0,>210.526 0,<789.474 } Hot 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.368,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.368,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } FigureSymbol "action:12" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >104.167,>104.167,<885.417,<885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "[action]:1" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>220.677 >3.466,>198.725 >8.088,>175.618 >13.865,>154.821 >23.108,>132.869 >33.506,>113.227 >46.215,>94.741 >61.235,>77.41- >69.323,>69.323 >77.41,>61.235 >94.741,>46.215 >113.227,>33.506 >132.869,>23.108 >154.821,>13.865 >175.618,>8.088 >198.725,>3.466- >220.677,0 <779.323,0 <801.275,>3.466 <824.383,>8.088 <845.179,>13.865 <867.131,>23.108 <886.773,>33.506 <905.259,>46.215- <922.59,>61.235 <930.677,>69.323 <938.765,>77.41 <953.785,>94.741 <966.494,>113.227 <976.892,>132.869 <986.135,>154.821 <991.912,>175.618- <996.534,>198.725 1000,>220.677 1000,<779.323 <996.534,<801.275 <991.912,<824.383 <986.135,<845.179 <976.892,<867.131 <966.494,<886.773- <953.785,<905.259 <938.765,<922.59 <930.677,<930.677 <922.59,<938.765 <905.259,<953.785 <886.773,<966.494 <867.131,<976.892 <845.179,<986.135- <824.383,<991.912 <801.275,<996.534 <779.323,1000 >220.677,1000 >198.725,<996.534 >175.618,<991.912 >154.821,<986.135 >132.869,<976.892- >113.227,<966.494 >94.741,<953.785 >77.41,<938.765 >69.323,<930.677 >61.235,<922.59 >46.215,<905.259 >33.506,<886.773 >23.108,<867.131- >13.865,<845.179 >8.088,<824.383 >3.466,<801.275 0,<779.323 0,>220.677 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>220.677 >3.466,>198.725 >8.088,>175.618 >13.865,>154.821 >23.108,>132.869 >33.506,>113.227 >46.215,>94.741 >61.235,>77.41- >69.323,>69.323 >77.41,>61.235 >94.741,>46.215 >113.227,>33.506 >132.869,>23.108 >154.821,>13.865 >175.618,>8.088 >198.725,>3.466- >220.677,0 <779.323,0 <801.275,>3.466 <824.383,>8.088 <845.179,>13.865 <867.131,>23.108 <886.773,>33.506 <905.259,>46.215- <922.59,>61.235 <930.677,>69.323 <938.765,>77.41 <953.785,>94.741 <966.494,>113.227 <976.892,>132.869 <986.135,>154.821 <991.912,>175.618- <996.534,>198.725 1000,>220.677 1000,<779.323 <996.534,<801.275 <991.912,<824.383 <986.135,<845.179 <976.892,<867.131 <966.494,<886.773- <953.785,<905.259 <938.765,<922.59 <930.677,<930.677 <922.59,<938.765 <905.259,<953.785 <886.773,<966.494 <867.131,<976.892 <845.179,<986.135- <824.383,<991.912 <801.275,<996.534 <779.323,1000 >220.677,1000 >198.725,<996.534 >175.618,<991.912 >154.821,<986.135 >132.869,<976.892- >113.227,<966.494 >94.741,<953.785 >77.41,<938.765 >69.323,<930.677 >61.235,<922.59 >46.215,<905.259 >33.506,<886.773 >23.108,<867.131- >13.865,<845.179 >8.088,<824.383 >3.466,<801.275 0,<779.323 0,>220.677 } Hot 69 0,>220.677 >3.466,>198.725 >8.088,>175.618 >13.865,>154.821 >23.108,>132.869 >33.506,>113.227 >46.215,>94.741 >61.235,>77.41- >69.323,>69.323 >77.41,>61.235 >94.741,>46.215 >113.227,>33.506 >132.869,>23.108 >154.821,>13.865 >175.618,>8.088 >198.725,>3.466- >220.677,0 <779.323,0 <801.275,>3.466 <824.383,>8.088 <845.179,>13.865 <867.131,>23.108 <886.773,>33.506 <905.259,>46.215- <922.59,>61.235 <930.677,>69.323 <938.765,>77.41 <953.785,>94.741 <966.494,>113.227 <976.892,>132.869 <986.135,>154.821 <991.912,>175.618- <996.534,>198.725 1000,>220.677 1000,<779.323 <996.534,<801.275 <991.912,<824.383 <986.135,<845.179 <976.892,<867.131 <966.494,<886.773- <953.785,<905.259 <938.765,<922.59 <930.677,<930.677 <922.59,<938.765 <905.259,<953.785 <886.773,<966.494 <867.131,<976.892 <845.179,<986.135- <824.383,<991.912 <801.275,<996.534 <779.323,1000 >220.677,1000 >198.725,<996.534 >175.618,<991.912 >154.821,<986.135 >132.869,<976.892- >113.227,<966.494 >94.741,<953.785 >77.41,<938.765 >69.323,<930.677 >61.235,<922.59 >46.215,<905.259 >33.506,<886.773 >23.108,<867.131- >13.865,<845.179 >8.088,<824.383 >3.466,<801.275 0,<779.323 0,>220.677 } FigureSymbol "[action]:2" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } ## End Symbols Section: EndSymbol "arrow umlstick" { Outline { Line 500,500 1000,300 Line 500,500 1000,700 } Silhouette TRUE } EndSymbol "anchor point" { Centered TRUE Magnify 20 LineTo 100 Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } } ## Figure Styles Section: FigureStyle "Title" { Label TRUE Height 74 Width 110 Description "A page, document, or diagram title" FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0042 Behavior 0x00000000018251E2 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 14 TypeWeight 700 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Heading" { Label TRUE Height 74 Width 110 Description "A heading for a swimlane or diagram section" FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x00000000018251E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 9 TypeWeight 700 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Comment" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 Description "An informal description, or a diagram contraint" FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeItalic TRUE TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Label" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Node Label" { Label TRUE InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 DefaultText "Label" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Flow Label" { Label TRUE InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 DefaultText "Label" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Path Label" { Label TRUE InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 DefaultText "Label" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Event" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A trigger event possibly combined with a [guard condition] and/or- /action" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Guard Condition" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A branch condition (enclose condition in brackets)" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Keyword" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A keyword for a use case association or a dependency" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Note" { Category "General" HasButton TRUE Height 128 Width 192 Description "Additional information concerning any element of the diagram" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "note" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Pin" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 24 Width 24 Description "A pin representing input or output data parameters for an activit- y/action" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "pin" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Exception Parameter" { Category "Activity" Height 20 Width 30 Description "Denotes an exception parameter output that flows to the next acti- on immediately" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "exception parameter" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Listbox Pin Vert" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 80 Width 20 Description "An expansion node representing list of input or output data param- eters for an ac" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "listbox pin vert" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Listbox Pin Horz" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 20 Width 80 Description "An expansion node representing list of input or output data param- eters for an ac" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "listbox pin horz" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Action" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "An action state consisting of a single activity that runs to comp- letion" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Subactivity" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "A subactivity that can be expanded and decomposed" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action subact" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Expansion Region" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for defining an action state expansion region" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024421 Symbol "[action]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Object Flow State" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 98 Width 192 Description "An object in a certain state used for input or/and output" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E22 Symbol "class/object" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Send Event" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "A signal that is sent asynchronously to a target" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "output eventr" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Receive Event" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "A signal that is received from a target" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "input eventr" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Send Event2" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "A signal that is sent asynchronously to a target" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "output eventl" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Receive Event2" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "A signal that is received from a target" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "input eventl" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Initial State" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 22 Width 22 Description "The starting point of the activity" FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "start" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Final State" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 32 Width 32 Description "The ending point of the activity" FillColor 0,0,0 BorderWidth 2 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "stop" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Branch/Merge" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 48 Width 48 Description "Point where flows merge asynchronously or branch based on guard c- onditions" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "condition notxt" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Decision" { HasButton TRUE Height 128 Width 128 Description "A branch of control based on a conditional expression" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F005024E12 Symbol "condition" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Fork/Join Horz" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 16 Width 140 Description "Point where multiple control flows synchronize" FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000000F418024612 Symbol "fork/join horz" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Fork/Join Vert" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 140 Width 16 Description "Point where multiple control flows synchronize" FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000000F418024612 Symbol "fork/join vert" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Terminate" { Category "Sequence" InMenu FALSE Height 50 Width 50 Description "Marks the end of an object lifeline" FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "terminate" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Time Signal" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 64 Width 64 Description "A time signal (or accept) triggered by passage of time (or trigge- red to wait)" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "time signal" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Flow Final" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 64 Width 64 Description "An end to a flow that does not terminate the activity" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "flow final" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Connector" { Category "General" HasButton TRUE Height 64 Width 64 Description "Used in identically labeled pairs as a shorthand for a path" DefaultText "A" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F001024E12 Symbol "connector" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Box" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for grouping diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024421 Symbol "[class/object]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Box Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for grouping diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[class/object]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Rounded" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[state]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Rounded Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[state]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Cloud" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[booch class/obj]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Cloud Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[booch class/obj]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Oval" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[usecase]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Oval Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[usecase]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (2)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 2]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (3)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 3]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (4)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 4]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (5)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 5]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (6)" { Category "Containers" InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 6]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Frame" { Category "Containers" Height 384 Width 768 Description "A container for identifying related diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[frame]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Arc Sides" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arc sides" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Circle" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "circle" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Diamond" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 128 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "diamond" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Hexagon" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "hexagon" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Box" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "rectangle" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Rounded Box" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "rounded box" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } 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<971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "octagon" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 192 Width 192 FramedTextBox >195.313,>78.125,<796.875,<914.063 >200,0,<800,1000 1 0 1 0 Fill { Polygon 9 0,>333 >333,0 <666,0 1000,>333 1000,<666 <666,1000 >333,1000 0,<666- 0,>333 } Outline { Polyline 9 0,>333 >333,0 <666,0 1000,>333 1000,<666 <666,1000 >333,1000 0,<666- 0,>333 } Hot 9 0,>333 >333,0 <666,0 1000,>333 1000,<666 <666,1000 >333,1000 0,<666- 0,>333 } FigureSymbol "round sides" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 101 TextBox >78.125,>78.125,<921.875,<921.875 Fill { Polygon 69 >332,0 <668,0 <716,6 <749,15 <780,30 <810,48 <838,72 <865,99- <891,130 <914,165 <935,203 <952,244 <968,287 <980,332 <990,379 <996,428- 1000,476 1000,525 <996,573 <990,622 <980,669 <968,714 <952,757 <935,798- <914,836 <891,871 <865,902 <838,929 <810,953 <780,971 <749,986 <716,995- <685,1000 <668,1000 <668,1000 >332,1000 >332,1000 >315,1000 >284,995 >251,986- >220,971 >190,953 >162,929 >135,902 >109,871 >86,836 >65,798 >48,757- >32,714 >20,669 >10,622 >4,573 0,525 0,476 >4,428 >10,379- >20,332 >32,287 >48,244 >65,203 >86,165 >109,130 >135,99 >162,72- >190,48 >220,30 >251,15 >284,6 >332,0 } Outline { Polyline 69 >332,0 <668,0 <716,6 <749,15 <780,30 <810,48 <838,72 <865,99- <891,130 <914,165 <935,203 <952,244 <968,287 <980,332 <990,379 <996,428- 1000,476 1000,525 <996,573 <990,622 <980,669 <968,714 <952,757 <935,798- <914,836 <891,871 <865,902 <838,929 <810,953 <780,971 <749,986 <716,995- <685,1000 <668,1000 <668,1000 >332,1000 >332,1000 >315,1000 >284,995 >251,986- >220,971 >190,953 >162,929 >135,902 >109,871 >86,836 >65,798 >48,757- >32,714 >20,669 >10,622 >4,573 0,525 0,476 >4,428 >10,379- >20,332 >32,287 >48,244 >65,203 >86,165 >109,130 >135,99 >162,72- >190,48 >220,30 >251,15 >284,6 >332,0 } Hot 69 >332,0 <668,0 <716,6 <749,15 <780,30 <810,48 <838,72 <865,99- <891,130 <914,165 <935,203 <952,244 <968,287 <980,332 <990,379 <996,428- 1000,476 1000,525 <996,573 <990,622 <980,669 <968,714 <952,757 <935,798- <914,836 <891,871 <865,902 <838,929 <810,953 <780,971 <749,986 <716,995- <685,1000 <668,1000 <668,1000 >332,1000 >332,1000 >315,1000 >284,995 >251,986- >220,971 >190,953 >162,929 >135,902 >109,871 >86,836 >65,798 >48,757- >32,714 >20,669 >10,622 >4,573 0,525 0,476 >4,428 >10,379- >20,332 >32,287 >48,244 >65,203 >86,165 >109,130 >135,99 >162,72- >190,48 >220,30 >251,15 >284,6 >332,0 } FigureSymbol "arrow down" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 256 Width 128 Reshape 16 FramedTextBox 275,52.083,712.5,645.833 150,0,850,650 0 0 0 1 Fill { Polygon 8 500,1000 1000,650 850,650 850,0 150,0 150,650 0,650 500,1000 } Outline { Polyline 8 500,1000 1000,650 850,650 850,0 150,0 150,650 0,650 500,1000 } Hot 8 500,1000 1000,650 850,650 850,0 150,0 150,650 0,650 500,1000 } FigureSymbol "arrow left" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 96 Width 256 Reshape 12 FramedTextBox 296.875,333.333,942.708,652.778 300,200,1000,800 1 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 8 1000,200 300,200 300,0 0,500 300,1000 300,800 1000,800 1000,200 } Outline { Polyline 8 1000,200 300,200 300,0 0,500 300,1000 300,800 1000,800 1000,200 } Hot 8 1000,200 300,200 300,0 0,500 300,1000 300,800 1000,800 1000,200 } FigureSymbol "arrow left/right" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 96 Width 256 Reshape 15 FramedTextBox 296.875,333.333,697.917,652.778 300,200,700,800 1 0 1 0 Fill { Polygon 11 0,500 300,0 300,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800- 300,800 300,1000 0,500 } Outline { Polyline 11 0,500 300,0 300,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800- 300,800 300,1000 0,500 } Hot 11 0,500 300,0 300,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800- 300,800 300,1000 0,500 } FigureSymbol "arrow right" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 96 Width 256 Reshape 14 FramedTextBox 52.083,333.333,697.917,652.778 0,200,700,800 0 0 1 0 Fill { Polygon 8 0,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800 0,800 0,200 } Outline { Polyline 8 0,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800 0,800 0,200 } Hot 8 0,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800 0,800 0,200 } FigureSymbol "arrow up" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 256 Width 128 Reshape 17 FramedTextBox 275,348.958,712.5,942.708 150,350,850,1000 0 1 0 0 Fill { Polygon 8 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,1000 150,1000 150,350 0,350 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 8 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,1000 150,1000 150,350 0,350 500,0 } Hot 8 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,1000 150,1000 150,350 0,350 500,0 } FigureSymbol "arrow up/down" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 256 Width 128 Reshape 18 FramedTextBox 275,348.958,712.5,645.833 150,350,850,650 0 1 0 1 Fill { Polygon 11 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,650 1000,650 500,1000 0,650 150,650- 150,350 0,350 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 11 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,650 1000,650 500,1000 0,650 150,650- 150,350 0,350 500,0 } Hot 11 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,650 1000,650 500,1000 0,650 150,650- 150,350 0,350 500,0 } FigureSymbol "callout 3" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox >62.5,>62.5,<931.25,<731.25 0,0,1000,<800 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 >400,<800 0,1000 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Outline { Polyline 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 >400,<800 0,1000 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Hot 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 >400,<800 0,1000 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } FigureSymbol "callout 4" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox >62.5,>62.5,<931.25,<731.25 0,0,1000,<800 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 1000,1000 <600,<800 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Outline { Polyline 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 1000,1000 <600,<800 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Hot 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 1000,1000 <600,<800 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } FigureSymbol "deck" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 52.083,179.688,875,914.063 0,>100,<900,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,>100,<900,1000 Rect >100,0,1000,<900 Rect >50,>50,<950,<950 } Outline { Rect 0,>100,<900,1000 Polyline 5 >50,>100 >50,>50 <950,>50 <950,<950 <900,<950 Polyline 5 >100,>50 >100,0 1000,0 1000,<900 <950,<900 } MiniOutline { Rect 0,200,800,1000 Polyline 5 100,200 100,100 900,100 900,900 800,900 Polyline 5 200,100 200,0 1000,0 1000,800 900,800 } } FigureSymbol "disk simple" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 52.083,273.438,942.708,890.625 0,>200,1000,<900 0 0 0 1 Fill { Rect 0,>100,1000,<900 Ellipse 0,0,1000,>200 Ellipse 0,<800,1000,1000 } Outline { Line 0,>100 0,<900 Line 1000,>100 1000,<900 Ellipse 0,0,1000,>200 Arc 0,<800,1000,1000 0,<900 1000,<900 } MiniOutline { Line 0,200 0,800 Line 1000,100 1000,900 Ellipse 0,0,1000,400 Arc 0,600,1000,1000 0,800 1000,800 } Hot 17 1,>81 77,>44 218,>16 402,>1 599,>1 783,>16 924,>44 1000,>81- 1000,<920 924,<957 783,<985 599,<1000 402,<1000 218,<985 77,<957 1,<920- 1,>81 } FigureSymbol "paper" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 192 Width 148 FramedTextBox 67.568,52.083,925.676,942.708 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 1000,0 1000,900 875,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 1000,0 1000,900 875,1000 0,1000 0,0 Polyline 5 875,1000 900,900 940,912 970,912 1000,900 } Hot 6 0,0 1000,0 1000,900 875,1000 0,1000 0,0 } FigureSymbol "note" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 Reshape 6 FramedTextBox 52.083,78.125,942.708,914.063 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 Polyline 3 <850,0 <850,>150 1000,>150 } MiniOutline { Polyline 6 0,0 <700,0 1000,>300 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 Polyline 3 <700,0 <700,>300 1000,>300 } Hot 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } FigureSymbol "[class/object]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[action]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "[state]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "[booch class/obj]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Fill { Ellipse 84,114,672,702 Ellipse 421,89,859,527 Ellipse 573,286,995,708 Ellipse 263,492,721,950 Ellipse 0,528,423,952 } Outline { Arc 84,114,672,702 500,140 120,550 Arc 421,89,859,527 860,300 500,140 Arc 573,286,995,708 720,700 860,300 Arc 263,492,721,950 350,900 720,700 Arc 0,528,423,952 120,550 350,900 } Hot 40 350,900 363,915 447,950 538,950 622,915 686,851 721,767 720,700- 743,708 826,708 904,676 963,617 995,539 995,456 963,378 904,319- 860,300 859,265 826,185 764,123 684,90 597,90 517,123 500,140- 436,115 321,115 212,160 130,242 85,351 85,466 120,550 92,561- 33,621 1,699 1,782 33,860 92,920 170,952 253,952 350,900 } FigureSymbol "[usecase]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Fill { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Hot 65 525,1000 573,995 622,986 669,971 714,953 757,929 798,902 836,871- 871,836 902,798 929,757 953,714 971,669 986,622 995,573 1000,525- 1000,476 995,428 986,379 971,332 953,287 929,244 902,203 871,165- 836,130 798,99 757,72 714,48 669,30 622,15 573,6 525,1- 476,1 428,6 379,15 332,30 287,48 244,72 203,99 165,130- 130,165 99,203 72,244 48,287 30,332 15,379 6,428 1,476- 1,525 6,573 15,622 30,669 48,714 72,757 99,798 130,836- 165,871 203,902 244,929 287,953 332,971 379,986 428,995 476,1000- 525,1000 } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 2]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 512 Reshape 65 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 3]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 768 Reshape 66 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 333,0 333,1000 Line 667,0 667,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 4]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 1024 Reshape 67 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 250,0 250,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 Line 750,0 750,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 5]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 1280 Reshape 68 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 200,0 200,1000 Line 400,0 400,1000 Line 600,0 600,1000 Line 800,0 800,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 6]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 1536 Reshape 69 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 166,0 166,1000 Line 332,0 332,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 Line 666,0 666,1000 Line 831,0 831,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[frame]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 124 FramedTextBox 13.021,26.042,436.198,122.396 0,0,450,150 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Polyline 4 450,0 450,94.792 422.396,150 0,150 } } FigureSymbol "class/object" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 FramedTextBox 52.083,102.041,942.708,887.755 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "action" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >104.167,>104.167,<885.417,<885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "action subact" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 133 FramedTextBox >125,>125,<864.583,<864.583 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "input eventl" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 177.083,104.167,942.708,885.417 >250,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 >250,500 0,1000 1000,1000 1000,0 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 >250,500 0,1000 1000,1000 1000,0 0,0 } Hot 6 0,0 >250,500 0,1000 1000,1000 1000,0 0,0 } FigureSymbol "output eventl" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 177.083,104.167,942.708,885.417 >250,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,500 >250,0 1000,0 1000,1000 >250,1000 0,500 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,500 >250,0 1000,0 1000,1000 >250,1000 0,500 } Hot 6 0,500 >250,0 1000,0 1000,1000 >250,1000 0,500 } FigureSymbol "fork/join horz" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 24 Width 144 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 35 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "fork/join vert" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 144 Width 24 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 60 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "start" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 64 Width 64 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 34 Fill { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Hot 17 599,1000 783,924 924,783 1000,599 1000,402 924,218 783,77 599,1- 402,1 218,77 77,218 1,402 1,599 77,783 218,924 402,1000- 599,1000 } FigureSymbol "stop" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 64 Width 64 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 45 Fill { Ellipse 200,200,800,800 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 Ellipse 200,200,800,800 } Hot 17 599,1000 783,924 924,783 1000,599 1000,402 924,218 783,77 599,1- 402,1 218,77 77,218 1,402 1,599 77,783 218,924 402,1000- 599,1000 } FigureSymbol "output eventr" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 52.083,104.167,817.708,885.417 0,0,<750,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 <750,0 1000,500 <750,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 <750,0 1000,500 <750,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Hot 6 0,0 <750,0 1000,500 <750,1000 0,1000 0,0 } FigureSymbol "input eventr" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 52.083,104.167,817.708,885.417 0,0,<750,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 1000,0 <750,500 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 1000,0 <750,500 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Hot 6 0,0 1000,0 <750,500 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } FigureSymbol "terminate" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 128 Width 128 Reshape 61 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 45 Fill { Polygon 13 0,41 41,0 500,458 958,0 1000,41 541,500 1000,958 958,1000- 500,541 41,1000 0,958 458,500 0,41 } Outline { Polyline 13 0,41 41,0 500,458 958,0 1000,41 541,500 1000,958 958,1000- 500,541 41,1000 0,958 458,500 0,41 } Hot 13 0,41 41,0 500,458 958,0 1000,41 541,500 1000,958 958,1000- 500,541 41,1000 0,958 458,500 0,41 } FigureSymbol "time signal" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 64 Width 64 DisplayScale 50 Fill { Polygon 4 0,0 1000,0 500,500 0,0 Polygon 4 0,1000 1000,1000 500,500 0,1000 } Outline { Polyline 4 0,0 1000,0 500,500 0,0 Polyline 4 0,1000 1000,1000 500,500 0,1000 } Hot 7 500,500 0,0 1000,0 500,500 0,1000 1000,1000 500,500 } FigureSymbol "flow final" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 64 Width 64 DisplayScale 50 Fill { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 Line 150,150 850,850 Line 150,850 850,150 } Hot 17 599,1000 783,924 924,783 1000,599 1000,402 924,218 783,77 599,1- 402,1 218,77 77,218 1,402 1,599 77,783 218,924 402,1000- 599,1000 } FigureSymbol "pin" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 24 Width 24 DisplayScale 25 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "exception parameter" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 20 Width 30 DisplayScale 25 Fill { Polygon 4 500,0 1000,1000 0,1000 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 4 500,0 1000,1000 0,1000 500,0 } } FigureSymbol "listbox pin vert" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 98 Width 24 DisplayScale 80 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 0,250 1000,250 Line 0,500 1000,500 Line 0,750 1000,750 } } FigureSymbol "listbox pin horz" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 24 Width 98 DisplayScale 40 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 250,0 250,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 Line 750,0 750,1000 } } FigureSymbol "connector" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 64 Width 64 DisplayScale 65 TextBox 100,100,900,900 Fill { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Hot 17 599,1000 783,924 924,783 1000,599 1000,402 924,218 783,77 599,1- 402,1 218,77 77,218 1,402 1,599 77,783 218,924 402,1000- 599,1000 } FigureSymbol "condition" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 32 Width 32 OversizeText TRUE TextBox 200,255,800,750 Fill { Polygon 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } Hot 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } FigureSymbol "condition notxt" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 32 Width 32 DisplayScale 45 Fill { Polygon 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } Hot 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } FigureSymbol "action:12" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >104.167,>104.167,<885.417,<885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "[action]:1" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>220.677 >3.466,>198.725 >8.088,>175.618 >13.865,>154.821 >23.108,>132.869 >33.506,>113.227 >46.215,>94.741 >61.235,>77.41- >69.323,>69.323 >77.41,>61.235 >94.741,>46.215 >113.227,>33.506 >132.869,>23.108 >154.821,>13.865 >175.618,>8.088 >198.725,>3.466- >220.677,0 <779.323,0 <801.275,>3.466 <824.383,>8.088 <845.179,>13.865 <867.131,>23.108 <886.773,>33.506 <905.259,>46.215- <922.59,>61.235 <930.677,>69.323 <938.765,>77.41 <953.785,>94.741 <966.494,>113.227 <976.892,>132.869 <986.135,>154.821 <991.912,>175.618- <996.534,>198.725 1000,>220.677 1000,<779.323 <996.534,<801.275 <991.912,<824.383 <986.135,<845.179 <976.892,<867.131 <966.494,<886.773- <953.785,<905.259 <938.765,<922.59 <930.677,<930.677 <922.59,<938.765 <905.259,<953.785 <886.773,<966.494 <867.131,<976.892 <845.179,<986.135- <824.383,<991.912 <801.275,<996.534 <779.323,1000 >220.677,1000 >198.725,<996.534 >175.618,<991.912 >154.821,<986.135 >132.869,<976.892- >113.227,<966.494 >94.741,<953.785 >77.41,<938.765 >69.323,<930.677 >61.235,<922.59 >46.215,<905.259 >33.506,<886.773 >23.108,<867.131- >13.865,<845.179 >8.088,<824.383 >3.466,<801.275 0,<779.323 0,>220.677 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>220.677 >3.466,>198.725 >8.088,>175.618 >13.865,>154.821 >23.108,>132.869 >33.506,>113.227 >46.215,>94.741 >61.235,>77.41- >69.323,>69.323 >77.41,>61.235 >94.741,>46.215 >113.227,>33.506 >132.869,>23.108 >154.821,>13.865 >175.618,>8.088 >198.725,>3.466- >220.677,0 <779.323,0 <801.275,>3.466 <824.383,>8.088 <845.179,>13.865 <867.131,>23.108 <886.773,>33.506 <905.259,>46.215- <922.59,>61.235 <930.677,>69.323 <938.765,>77.41 <953.785,>94.741 <966.494,>113.227 <976.892,>132.869 <986.135,>154.821 <991.912,>175.618- <996.534,>198.725 1000,>220.677 1000,<779.323 <996.534,<801.275 <991.912,<824.383 <986.135,<845.179 <976.892,<867.131 <966.494,<886.773- <953.785,<905.259 <938.765,<922.59 <930.677,<930.677 <922.59,<938.765 <905.259,<953.785 <886.773,<966.494 <867.131,<976.892 <845.179,<986.135- <824.383,<991.912 <801.275,<996.534 <779.323,1000 >220.677,1000 >198.725,<996.534 >175.618,<991.912 >154.821,<986.135 >132.869,<976.892- >113.227,<966.494 >94.741,<953.785 >77.41,<938.765 >69.323,<930.677 >61.235,<922.59 >46.215,<905.259 >33.506,<886.773 >23.108,<867.131- >13.865,<845.179 >8.088,<824.383 >3.466,<801.275 0,<779.323 0,>220.677 } Hot 69 0,>220.677 >3.466,>198.725 >8.088,>175.618 >13.865,>154.821 >23.108,>132.869 >33.506,>113.227 >46.215,>94.741 >61.235,>77.41- >69.323,>69.323 >77.41,>61.235 >94.741,>46.215 >113.227,>33.506 >132.869,>23.108 >154.821,>13.865 >175.618,>8.088 >198.725,>3.466- >220.677,0 <779.323,0 <801.275,>3.466 <824.383,>8.088 <845.179,>13.865 <867.131,>23.108 <886.773,>33.506 <905.259,>46.215- <922.59,>61.235 <930.677,>69.323 <938.765,>77.41 <953.785,>94.741 <966.494,>113.227 <976.892,>132.869 <986.135,>154.821 <991.912,>175.618- <996.534,>198.725 1000,>220.677 1000,<779.323 <996.534,<801.275 <991.912,<824.383 <986.135,<845.179 <976.892,<867.131 <966.494,<886.773- <953.785,<905.259 <938.765,<922.59 <930.677,<930.677 <922.59,<938.765 <905.259,<953.785 <886.773,<966.494 <867.131,<976.892 <845.179,<986.135- <824.383,<991.912 <801.275,<996.534 <779.323,1000 >220.677,1000 >198.725,<996.534 >175.618,<991.912 >154.821,<986.135 >132.869,<976.892- >113.227,<966.494 >94.741,<953.785 >77.41,<938.765 >69.323,<930.677 >61.235,<922.59 >46.215,<905.259 >33.506,<886.773 >23.108,<867.131- >13.865,<845.179 >8.088,<824.383 >3.466,<801.275 0,<779.323 0,>220.677 } FigureSymbol "[action]:2" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "action:22" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >87.719,>87.719,<903.509,<903.509 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.368,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.368,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.368,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.368,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>421.053,>500 >210.526,0 0,>210.526 Line >210.526,0 <789.474,0 Arc <578.947,0,1000,>500 1000,>210.526 <789.474,0 Line 1000,>210.526 1000,<789.474 Arc <578.947,<500,1000,1000 <789.474,1000 1000,<789.474 Line >210.526,1000 <789.474,1000 Arc 0,<500,>421.053,1000 0,<789.474 >210.526,1000 Line 0,>210.526 0,<789.474 } Hot 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.368,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.368,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } FigureSymbol "action:4" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >87.719,>87.719,<903.509,<903.509 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>421.053,>500 >210.526,0 0,>210.526 Line >210.526,0 <789.474,0 Arc <578.947,0,1000,>500 1000,>210.526 <789.474,0 Line 1000,>210.526 1000,<789.474 Arc <578.947,<500,1000,1000 <789.474,1000 1000,<789.474 Line >210.526,1000 <789.474,1000 Arc 0,<500,>421.053,1000 0,<789.474 >210.526,1000 Line 0,>210.526 0,<789.474 } Hot 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } FigureSymbol "action:27" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >104.167,>104.167,<885.417,<885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "action:7" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >104.167,>104.167,<885.417,<885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "action:30" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >87.719,>87.719,<903.509,<903.509 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>421.053,>500 >210.526,0 0,>210.526 Line >210.526,0 <789.474,0 Arc <578.947,0,1000,>500 1000,>210.526 <789.474,0 Line 1000,>210.526 1000,<789.474 Arc <578.947,<500,1000,1000 <789.474,1000 1000,<789.474 Line >210.526,1000 <789.474,1000 Arc 0,<500,>421.053,1000 0,<789.474 >210.526,1000 Line 0,>210.526 0,<789.474 } Hot 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } FigureSymbol "action:1" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >104.167,>104.167,<885.417,<885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "action:2" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >104.167,>104.167,<885.417,<885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "action:3" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >104.167,>104.167,<885.417,<885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "action:5" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >104.167,>104.167,<885.417,<885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "action:6" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >104.167,>104.167,<885.417,<885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "[action]:3" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>220.677 >3.466,>198.725 >8.088,>175.618 >13.865,>154.821 >23.108,>132.869 >33.506,>113.227 >46.215,>94.741 >61.235,>77.41- >69.323,>69.323 >77.41,>61.235 >94.741,>46.215 >113.227,>33.506 >132.869,>23.108 >154.821,>13.865 >175.618,>8.088 >198.725,>3.466- >220.677,0 <779.323,0 <801.275,>3.466 <824.383,>8.088 <845.179,>13.865 <867.131,>23.108 <886.773,>33.506 <905.259,>46.215- <922.59,>61.235 <930.677,>69.323 <938.765,>77.41 <953.785,>94.741 <966.494,>113.227 <976.892,>132.869 <986.135,>154.821 <991.912,>175.618- <996.534,>198.725 1000,>220.677 1000,<779.323 <996.534,<801.275 <991.912,<824.383 <986.135,<845.179 <976.892,<867.131 <966.494,<886.773- <953.785,<905.259 <938.765,<922.59 <930.677,<930.677 <922.59,<938.765 <905.259,<953.785 <886.773,<966.494 <867.131,<976.892 <845.179,<986.135- <824.383,<991.912 <801.275,<996.534 <779.323,1000 >220.677,1000 >198.725,<996.534 >175.618,<991.912 >154.821,<986.135 >132.869,<976.892- >113.227,<966.494 >94.741,<953.785 >77.41,<938.765 >69.323,<930.677 >61.235,<922.59 >46.215,<905.259 >33.506,<886.773 >23.108,<867.131- >13.865,<845.179 >8.088,<824.383 >3.466,<801.275 0,<779.323 0,>220.677 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>220.677 >3.466,>198.725 >8.088,>175.618 >13.865,>154.821 >23.108,>132.869 >33.506,>113.227 >46.215,>94.741 >61.235,>77.41- >69.323,>69.323 >77.41,>61.235 >94.741,>46.215 >113.227,>33.506 >132.869,>23.108 >154.821,>13.865 >175.618,>8.088 >198.725,>3.466- >220.677,0 <779.323,0 <801.275,>3.466 <824.383,>8.088 <845.179,>13.865 <867.131,>23.108 <886.773,>33.506 <905.259,>46.215- <922.59,>61.235 <930.677,>69.323 <938.765,>77.41 <953.785,>94.741 <966.494,>113.227 <976.892,>132.869 <986.135,>154.821 <991.912,>175.618- <996.534,>198.725 1000,>220.677 1000,<779.323 <996.534,<801.275 <991.912,<824.383 <986.135,<845.179 <976.892,<867.131 <966.494,<886.773- <953.785,<905.259 <938.765,<922.59 <930.677,<930.677 <922.59,<938.765 <905.259,<953.785 <886.773,<966.494 <867.131,<976.892 <845.179,<986.135- <824.383,<991.912 <801.275,<996.534 <779.323,1000 >220.677,1000 >198.725,<996.534 >175.618,<991.912 >154.821,<986.135 >132.869,<976.892- >113.227,<966.494 >94.741,<953.785 >77.41,<938.765 >69.323,<930.677 >61.235,<922.59 >46.215,<905.259 >33.506,<886.773 >23.108,<867.131- >13.865,<845.179 >8.088,<824.383 >3.466,<801.275 0,<779.323 0,>220.677 } Hot 69 0,>220.677 >3.466,>198.725 >8.088,>175.618 >13.865,>154.821 >23.108,>132.869 >33.506,>113.227 >46.215,>94.741 >61.235,>77.41- >69.323,>69.323 >77.41,>61.235 >94.741,>46.215 >113.227,>33.506 >132.869,>23.108 >154.821,>13.865 >175.618,>8.088 >198.725,>3.466- >220.677,0 <779.323,0 <801.275,>3.466 <824.383,>8.088 <845.179,>13.865 <867.131,>23.108 <886.773,>33.506 <905.259,>46.215- <922.59,>61.235 <930.677,>69.323 <938.765,>77.41 <953.785,>94.741 <966.494,>113.227 <976.892,>132.869 <986.135,>154.821 <991.912,>175.618- <996.534,>198.725 1000,>220.677 1000,<779.323 <996.534,<801.275 <991.912,<824.383 <986.135,<845.179 <976.892,<867.131 <966.494,<886.773- <953.785,<905.259 <938.765,<922.59 <930.677,<930.677 <922.59,<938.765 <905.259,<953.785 <886.773,<966.494 <867.131,<976.892 <845.179,<986.135- <824.383,<991.912 <801.275,<996.534 <779.323,1000 >220.677,1000 >198.725,<996.534 >175.618,<991.912 >154.821,<986.135 >132.869,<976.892- >113.227,<966.494 >94.741,<953.785 >77.41,<938.765 >69.323,<930.677 >61.235,<922.59 >46.215,<905.259 >33.506,<886.773 >23.108,<867.131- >13.865,<845.179 >8.088,<824.383 >3.466,<801.275 0,<779.323 0,>220.677 } FigureSymbol "[action]:4" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191.613 >3.01,>172.552 >7.022,>152.488 >12.038,>134.43 >20.064,>115.369 >29.093,>98.314 >40.128,>82.263 >53.17,>67.215- >60.192,>60.192 >67.215,>53.17 >82.263,>40.128 >98.314,>29.093 >115.369,>20.064 >134.43,>12.038 >152.488,>7.022 >172.552,>3.01- >191.613,0 <808.387,0 <827.448,>3.01 <847.512,>7.022 <865.57,>12.038 <884.631,>20.064 <901.686,>29.093 <917.737,>40.128- <932.785,>53.17 <939.808,>60.192 <946.83,>67.215 <959.872,>82.263 <970.907,>98.314 <979.936,>115.369 <987.962,>134.43 <992.978,>152.488- <996.99,>172.552 1000,>191.613 1000,<808.387 <996.99,<827.448 <992.978,<847.512 <987.962,<865.57 <979.936,<884.631 <970.907,<901.686- <959.872,<917.737 <946.83,<932.785 <939.808,<939.808 <932.785,<946.83 <917.737,<959.872 <901.686,<970.907 <884.631,<979.936 <865.57,<987.962- <847.512,<992.978 <827.448,<996.99 <808.387,1000 >191.613,1000 >172.552,<996.99 >152.488,<992.978 >134.43,<987.962 >115.369,<979.936- >98.314,<970.907 >82.263,<959.872 >67.215,<946.83 >60.192,<939.808 >53.17,<932.785 >40.128,<917.737 >29.093,<901.686 >20.064,<884.631- >12.038,<865.57 >7.022,<847.512 >3.01,<827.448 0,<808.387 0,>191.613 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191.613 >3.01,>172.552 >7.022,>152.488 >12.038,>134.43 >20.064,>115.369 >29.093,>98.314 >40.128,>82.263 >53.17,>67.215- >60.192,>60.192 >67.215,>53.17 >82.263,>40.128 >98.314,>29.093 >115.369,>20.064 >134.43,>12.038 >152.488,>7.022 >172.552,>3.01- >191.613,0 <808.387,0 <827.448,>3.01 <847.512,>7.022 <865.57,>12.038 <884.631,>20.064 <901.686,>29.093 <917.737,>40.128- <932.785,>53.17 <939.808,>60.192 <946.83,>67.215 <959.872,>82.263 <970.907,>98.314 <979.936,>115.369 <987.962,>134.43 <992.978,>152.488- <996.99,>172.552 1000,>191.613 1000,<808.387 <996.99,<827.448 <992.978,<847.512 <987.962,<865.57 <979.936,<884.631 <970.907,<901.686- <959.872,<917.737 <946.83,<932.785 <939.808,<939.808 <932.785,<946.83 <917.737,<959.872 <901.686,<970.907 <884.631,<979.936 <865.57,<987.962- <847.512,<992.978 <827.448,<996.99 <808.387,1000 >191.613,1000 >172.552,<996.99 >152.488,<992.978 >134.43,<987.962 >115.369,<979.936- >98.314,<970.907 >82.263,<959.872 >67.215,<946.83 >60.192,<939.808 >53.17,<932.785 >40.128,<917.737 >29.093,<901.686 >20.064,<884.631- >12.038,<865.57 >7.022,<847.512 >3.01,<827.448 0,<808.387 0,>191.613 } Hot 69 0,>191.613 >3.01,>172.552 >7.022,>152.488 >12.038,>134.43 >20.064,>115.369 >29.093,>98.314 >40.128,>82.263 >53.17,>67.215- >60.192,>60.192 >67.215,>53.17 >82.263,>40.128 >98.314,>29.093 >115.369,>20.064 >134.43,>12.038 >152.488,>7.022 >172.552,>3.01- >191.613,0 <808.387,0 <827.448,>3.01 <847.512,>7.022 <865.57,>12.038 <884.631,>20.064 <901.686,>29.093 <917.737,>40.128- <932.785,>53.17 <939.808,>60.192 <946.83,>67.215 <959.872,>82.263 <970.907,>98.314 <979.936,>115.369 <987.962,>134.43 <992.978,>152.488- <996.99,>172.552 1000,>191.613 1000,<808.387 <996.99,<827.448 <992.978,<847.512 <987.962,<865.57 <979.936,<884.631 <970.907,<901.686- <959.872,<917.737 <946.83,<932.785 <939.808,<939.808 <932.785,<946.83 <917.737,<959.872 <901.686,<970.907 <884.631,<979.936 <865.57,<987.962- <847.512,<992.978 <827.448,<996.99 <808.387,1000 >191.613,1000 >172.552,<996.99 >152.488,<992.978 >134.43,<987.962 >115.369,<979.936- >98.314,<970.907 >82.263,<959.872 >67.215,<946.83 >60.192,<939.808 >53.17,<932.785 >40.128,<917.737 >29.093,<901.686 >20.064,<884.631- >12.038,<865.57 >7.022,<847.512 >3.01,<827.448 0,<808.387 0,>191.613 } FigureSymbol "action:8" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >87.719,>87.719,<903.509,<903.509 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>421.053,>500 >210.526,0 0,>210.526 Line >210.526,0 <789.474,0 Arc <578.947,0,1000,>500 1000,>210.526 <789.474,0 Line 1000,>210.526 1000,<789.474 Arc <578.947,<500,1000,1000 <789.474,1000 1000,<789.474 Line >210.526,1000 <789.474,1000 Arc 0,<500,>421.053,1000 0,<789.474 >210.526,1000 Line 0,>210.526 0,<789.474 } Hot 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } FigureSymbol "action:9" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >87.719,>87.719,<903.509,<903.509 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>421.053,>500 >210.526,0 0,>210.526 Line >210.526,0 <789.474,0 Arc <578.947,0,1000,>500 1000,>210.526 <789.474,0 Line 1000,>210.526 1000,<789.474 Arc <578.947,<500,1000,1000 <789.474,1000 1000,<789.474 Line >210.526,1000 <789.474,1000 Arc 0,<500,>421.053,1000 0,<789.474 >210.526,1000 Line 0,>210.526 0,<789.474 } Hot 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } FigureSymbol "action:10" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >87.719,>87.719,<903.509,<903.509 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>421.053,>500 >210.526,0 0,>210.526 Line >210.526,0 <789.474,0 Arc <578.947,0,1000,>500 1000,>210.526 <789.474,0 Line 1000,>210.526 1000,<789.474 Arc <578.947,<500,1000,1000 <789.474,1000 1000,<789.474 Line >210.526,1000 <789.474,1000 Arc 0,<500,>421.053,1000 0,<789.474 >210.526,1000 Line 0,>210.526 0,<789.474 } Hot 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } FigureSymbol "[action]:5" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>286.742 >4.504,>258.218 >10.509,>228.193 >18.015,>201.17 >30.025,>172.646 >43.537,>147.124 >60.051,>123.104 >79.567,>100.585- >90.076,>90.076 >100.585,>79.567 >123.104,>60.051 >147.124,>43.537 >172.646,>30.025 >201.17,>18.015 >228.193,>10.509 >258.218,>4.504- >286.742,0 <713.258,0 <741.782,>4.504 <771.807,>10.509 <798.83,>18.015 <827.354,>30.025 <852.876,>43.537 <876.896,>60.051- <899.415,>79.567 <909.924,>90.076 <920.433,>100.585 <939.949,>123.104 <956.463,>147.124 <969.975,>172.646 <981.985,>201.17 <989.491,>228.193- <995.496,>258.218 1000,>286.742 1000,<713.258 <995.496,<741.782 <989.491,<771.807 <981.985,<798.83 <969.975,<827.354 <956.463,<852.876- <939.949,<876.896 <920.433,<899.415 <909.924,<909.924 <899.415,<920.433 <876.896,<939.949 <852.876,<956.463 <827.354,<969.975 <798.83,<981.985- <771.807,<989.491 <741.782,<995.496 <713.258,1000 >286.742,1000 >258.218,<995.496 >228.193,<989.491 >201.17,<981.985 >172.646,<969.975- >147.124,<956.463 >123.104,<939.949 >100.585,<920.433 >90.076,<909.924 >79.567,<899.415 >60.051,<876.896 >43.537,<852.876 >30.025,<827.354- >18.015,<798.83 >10.509,<771.807 >4.504,<741.782 0,<713.258 0,>286.742 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>286.742 >4.504,>258.218 >10.509,>228.193 >18.015,>201.17 >30.025,>172.646 >43.537,>147.124 >60.051,>123.104 >79.567,>100.585- >90.076,>90.076 >100.585,>79.567 >123.104,>60.051 >147.124,>43.537 >172.646,>30.025 >201.17,>18.015 >228.193,>10.509 >258.218,>4.504- >286.742,0 <713.258,0 <741.782,>4.504 <771.807,>10.509 <798.83,>18.015 <827.354,>30.025 <852.876,>43.537 <876.896,>60.051- <899.415,>79.567 <909.924,>90.076 <920.433,>100.585 <939.949,>123.104 <956.463,>147.124 <969.975,>172.646 <981.985,>201.17 <989.491,>228.193- <995.496,>258.218 1000,>286.742 1000,<713.258 <995.496,<741.782 <989.491,<771.807 <981.985,<798.83 <969.975,<827.354 <956.463,<852.876- <939.949,<876.896 <920.433,<899.415 <909.924,<909.924 <899.415,<920.433 <876.896,<939.949 <852.876,<956.463 <827.354,<969.975 <798.83,<981.985- <771.807,<989.491 <741.782,<995.496 <713.258,1000 >286.742,1000 >258.218,<995.496 >228.193,<989.491 >201.17,<981.985 >172.646,<969.975- >147.124,<956.463 >123.104,<939.949 >100.585,<920.433 >90.076,<909.924 >79.567,<899.415 >60.051,<876.896 >43.537,<852.876 >30.025,<827.354- >18.015,<798.83 >10.509,<771.807 >4.504,<741.782 0,<713.258 0,>286.742 } Hot 69 0,>286.742 >4.504,>258.218 >10.509,>228.193 >18.015,>201.17 >30.025,>172.646 >43.537,>147.124 >60.051,>123.104 >79.567,>100.585- >90.076,>90.076 >100.585,>79.567 >123.104,>60.051 >147.124,>43.537 >172.646,>30.025 >201.17,>18.015 >228.193,>10.509 >258.218,>4.504- >286.742,0 <713.258,0 <741.782,>4.504 <771.807,>10.509 <798.83,>18.015 <827.354,>30.025 <852.876,>43.537 <876.896,>60.051- <899.415,>79.567 <909.924,>90.076 <920.433,>100.585 <939.949,>123.104 <956.463,>147.124 <969.975,>172.646 <981.985,>201.17 <989.491,>228.193- <995.496,>258.218 1000,>286.742 1000,<713.258 <995.496,<741.782 <989.491,<771.807 <981.985,<798.83 <969.975,<827.354 <956.463,<852.876- <939.949,<876.896 <920.433,<899.415 <909.924,<909.924 <899.415,<920.433 <876.896,<939.949 <852.876,<956.463 <827.354,<969.975 <798.83,<981.985- <771.807,<989.491 <741.782,<995.496 <713.258,1000 >286.742,1000 >258.218,<995.496 >228.193,<989.491 >201.17,<981.985 >172.646,<969.975- >147.124,<956.463 >123.104,<939.949 >100.585,<920.433 >90.076,<909.924 >79.567,<899.415 >60.051,<876.896 >43.537,<852.876 >30.025,<827.354- >18.015,<798.83 >10.509,<771.807 >4.504,<741.782 0,<713.258 0,>286.742 } FigureSymbol "[action]:6" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>286.742 >4.504,>258.218 >10.509,>228.193 >18.015,>201.17 >30.025,>172.646 >43.537,>147.124 >60.051,>123.104 >79.567,>100.585- >90.076,>90.076 >100.585,>79.567 >123.104,>60.051 >147.124,>43.537 >172.646,>30.025 >201.17,>18.015 >228.193,>10.509 >258.218,>4.504- >286.742,0 <713.258,0 <741.782,>4.504 <771.807,>10.509 <798.83,>18.015 <827.354,>30.025 <852.876,>43.537 <876.896,>60.051- <899.415,>79.567 <909.924,>90.076 <920.433,>100.585 <939.949,>123.104 <956.463,>147.124 <969.975,>172.646 <981.985,>201.17 <989.491,>228.193- <995.496,>258.218 1000,>286.742 1000,<713.258 <995.496,<741.782 <989.491,<771.807 <981.985,<798.83 <969.975,<827.354 <956.463,<852.876- <939.949,<876.896 <920.433,<899.415 <909.924,<909.924 <899.415,<920.433 <876.896,<939.949 <852.876,<956.463 <827.354,<969.975 <798.83,<981.985- <771.807,<989.491 <741.782,<995.496 <713.258,1000 >286.742,1000 >258.218,<995.496 >228.193,<989.491 >201.17,<981.985 >172.646,<969.975- >147.124,<956.463 >123.104,<939.949 >100.585,<920.433 >90.076,<909.924 >79.567,<899.415 >60.051,<876.896 >43.537,<852.876 >30.025,<827.354- >18.015,<798.83 >10.509,<771.807 >4.504,<741.782 0,<713.258 0,>286.742 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>286.742 >4.504,>258.218 >10.509,>228.193 >18.015,>201.17 >30.025,>172.646 >43.537,>147.124 >60.051,>123.104 >79.567,>100.585- >90.076,>90.076 >100.585,>79.567 >123.104,>60.051 >147.124,>43.537 >172.646,>30.025 >201.17,>18.015 >228.193,>10.509 >258.218,>4.504- >286.742,0 <713.258,0 <741.782,>4.504 <771.807,>10.509 <798.83,>18.015 <827.354,>30.025 <852.876,>43.537 <876.896,>60.051- <899.415,>79.567 <909.924,>90.076 <920.433,>100.585 <939.949,>123.104 <956.463,>147.124 <969.975,>172.646 <981.985,>201.17 <989.491,>228.193- <995.496,>258.218 1000,>286.742 1000,<713.258 <995.496,<741.782 <989.491,<771.807 <981.985,<798.83 <969.975,<827.354 <956.463,<852.876- <939.949,<876.896 <920.433,<899.415 <909.924,<909.924 <899.415,<920.433 <876.896,<939.949 <852.876,<956.463 <827.354,<969.975 <798.83,<981.985- <771.807,<989.491 <741.782,<995.496 <713.258,1000 >286.742,1000 >258.218,<995.496 >228.193,<989.491 >201.17,<981.985 >172.646,<969.975- >147.124,<956.463 >123.104,<939.949 >100.585,<920.433 >90.076,<909.924 >79.567,<899.415 >60.051,<876.896 >43.537,<852.876 >30.025,<827.354- >18.015,<798.83 >10.509,<771.807 >4.504,<741.782 0,<713.258 0,>286.742 } Hot 69 0,>286.742 >4.504,>258.218 >10.509,>228.193 >18.015,>201.17 >30.025,>172.646 >43.537,>147.124 >60.051,>123.104 >79.567,>100.585- >90.076,>90.076 >100.585,>79.567 >123.104,>60.051 >147.124,>43.537 >172.646,>30.025 >201.17,>18.015 >228.193,>10.509 >258.218,>4.504- >286.742,0 <713.258,0 <741.782,>4.504 <771.807,>10.509 <798.83,>18.015 <827.354,>30.025 <852.876,>43.537 <876.896,>60.051- <899.415,>79.567 <909.924,>90.076 <920.433,>100.585 <939.949,>123.104 <956.463,>147.124 <969.975,>172.646 <981.985,>201.17 <989.491,>228.193- <995.496,>258.218 1000,>286.742 1000,<713.258 <995.496,<741.782 <989.491,<771.807 <981.985,<798.83 <969.975,<827.354 <956.463,<852.876- <939.949,<876.896 <920.433,<899.415 <909.924,<909.924 <899.415,<920.433 <876.896,<939.949 <852.876,<956.463 <827.354,<969.975 <798.83,<981.985- <771.807,<989.491 <741.782,<995.496 <713.258,1000 >286.742,1000 >258.218,<995.496 >228.193,<989.491 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TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Exception Parameter" { Category "Activity" Height 20 Width 30 Description "Denotes an exception parameter output that flows to the next acti- on immediately" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "exception parameter" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Listbox Pin Vert" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 80 Width 20 Description "An expansion node representing list of input or output data param- eters for an ac" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "listbox pin vert" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Listbox Pin Horz" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 20 Width 80 Description "An expansion node representing list of input or output data param- eters for an ac" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "listbox pin horz" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Action" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "An action state consisting of a single activity that runs to comp- letion" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Subactivity" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "A subactivity that can be expanded and decomposed" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action subact" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Expansion Region" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for defining an action state expansion region" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024421 Symbol "[action]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Object Flow State" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 98 Width 192 Description "An object in a certain state used for input or/and output" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E22 Symbol "class/object" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Send Event" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "A signal that is sent asynchronously to a target" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "output eventr" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Receive Event" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "A signal that is received from a target" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "input eventr" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Send Event2" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "A signal that is sent asynchronously to a target" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "output eventl" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Receive Event2" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "A signal that is received from a target" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "input eventl" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Initial State" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 22 Width 22 Description "The starting point of the activity" FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "start" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Final State" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 32 Width 32 Description "The ending point of the activity" FillColor 0,0,0 BorderWidth 2 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "stop" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Branch/Merge" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 48 Width 48 Description "Point where flows merge asynchronously or branch based on guard c- onditions" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "condition notxt" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Decision" { HasButton TRUE Height 128 Width 128 Description "A branch of control based on a conditional expression" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F005024E12 Symbol "condition" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Fork/Join Horz" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 16 Width 140 Description "Point where multiple control flows synchronize" FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000000F418024612 Symbol "fork/join horz" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Fork/Join Vert" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 140 Width 16 Description "Point where multiple control flows synchronize" FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000000F418024612 Symbol "fork/join vert" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Terminate" { Category "Sequence" InMenu FALSE Height 50 Width 50 Description "Marks the end of an object lifeline" FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "terminate" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Time Signal" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 64 Width 64 Description "A time signal (or accept) triggered by passage of time (or trigge- red to wait)" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "time signal" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Flow Final" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 64 Width 64 Description "An end to a flow that does not terminate the activity" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "flow final" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Connector" { Category "General" HasButton TRUE Height 64 Width 64 Description "Used in identically labeled pairs as a shorthand for a path" DefaultText "A" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F001024E12 Symbol "connector" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Box" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for grouping diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024421 Symbol "[class/object]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Box Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for grouping diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[class/object]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Rounded" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[state]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Rounded Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[state]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Cloud" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[booch class/obj]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Cloud Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[booch class/obj]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Oval" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[usecase]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Oval Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[usecase]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (2)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 2]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (3)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 3]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (4)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 4]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (5)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 5]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (6)" { Category "Containers" InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 6]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Frame" { Category "Containers" Height 384 Width 768 Description "A container for identifying related diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[frame]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Arc Sides" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arc 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"Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Arw Right" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 72 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow right" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Arw L/R" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 72 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow left/right" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Arw Up/Down" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 80 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow up/down" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Arw Up" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 80 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow up" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Arw Down" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 80 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow down" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Drum" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "disk simple" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Callout Right" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 160 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "callout 3" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Callout Left" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 160 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "callout 4" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } ## Connector Styles Section: ConnectorStyle "Line" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic line for drawing" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Dashed Line" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic dashed line for drawing" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Dotted Line" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic dotted line for drawing" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 6 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Divider" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic heavy line for drawing dividers" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 5 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Dashed Divider" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic heavy dashed line for drawing dividers" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 5 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Anchor" { Category "General" HasButton TRUE Description "Connection to Note for comments and constraint notation" End1 "anchor point" End2 "anchor point" End1Length 7 End2Length 7 PenStyle 6 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Flow" { Category "Control Flow" HasButton TRUE Description "Control flow from one action to another" End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Object Flow" { Category "Control Flow" HasButton TRUE Description "An input or output to or from an object flow state" End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ## Figures & Connectors Section: Figure 1 { Style "Initial State" Text "" Bounds 341,373,363,395 FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "start" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Connector 4 { Style "Flow" Figure1 21 Figure2 14 EndPoint1 486,544 EndPoint2 883,544 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 10 { Style "Flow" Figure1 23 Figure2 24 EndPoint1 884,768 EndPoint2 466,768 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 11 { Style "Expansion Region" Text "" Bounds 736,288,1376,960 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024421 Symbol "[action]:9" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 12 { Style "Expansion Region" Text "" Bounds 160,288,736,960 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024421 Symbol "[action]:8" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 13 { Label TRUE Text "UseFul FM" Bounds 901,322,1114,368 FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000000A241D2 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 12 TypeWeight 700 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 14 { Style "Action" Text " " Bounds 883,487,1165,601 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action:22" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 18 { Label TRUE Text "customer" Bounds 207,321,541,367 FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000000A24052 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 12 TypeWeight 700 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 19 { Style "Final State" Text "" Bounds 336,880,368,912 FillColor 0,0,0 BorderWidth 2 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "stop" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Connector 20 { Style "Flow" Figure1 24 Figure2 19 EndPoint1 352,816 EndPoint2 352,880 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 21 { Style "Action" Text " \line " Bounds 219,487,486,601 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action:10" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 23 { Style "Action" Text " \line \line " Bounds 884,711,1165,825 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action:30" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 24 { Style "Action" Text " \line " Bounds 238,720,466,816 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action:7" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 53 { Style "Initial State" Text "" Bounds 341,373,363,395 FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "start" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Connector 54 { Style "Flow" Figure1 53 Figure2 21 EndPoint1 352,395 EndPoint2 352,487 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 61 { Style "Flow" Figure1 14 Figure2 23 EndPoint1 1024,601 EndPoint2 1024,711 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ## Staples Section: ## Groups Section: 6; -'  --muU----luU--'--$ ----%--'--%3------3 3 ----%------yy----%----------%``------`o`P----%----------%``------`P`o----%-----------|jeQ'J/;G6O,g+o%$"""""""""'"/"G"O"g"o"""""""""""'"/"G"O"g"h#o'))04BG[asx 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>163,986- >152,971 >139,953 >124,929 >107,902 >90,871 >73,836 >57,798 >42,757- >29,714 >18,669 >9,622 >3,573 >0,525 >0,476 >3,428 >9,379- >18,332 >29,287 >41,244 >57,203 >73,165 >90,130 >107,99 >123,72- >139,48 >151,30 >163,15 >169,6 >174,0 } FigureSymbol "circle" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 192 Width 192 TextBox 100,100,900,900 Fill { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Hot 17 599,1000 783,924 924,783 1000,599 1000,402 924,218 783,77 599,1- 402,1 218,77 77,218 1,402 1,599 77,783 218,924 402,1000- 599,1000 } FigureSymbol "diamond" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 192 Width 192 OversizeText TRUE TextBox 125,250,875,750 Fill { Polygon 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } Hot 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } FigureSymbol "hexagon" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 192 Width 192 FramedTextBox >195.313,>78.125,<796.875,<914.063 >200,0,<800,1000 1 0 1 0 Fill { Polygon 7 >200,0 <800,0 1000,500 <800,1000 >200,1000 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>10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 >400,<800 0,1000 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } FigureSymbol "callout 4" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox >62.5,>62.5,<931.25,<731.25 0,0,1000,<800 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 1000,1000 <600,<800 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Outline { Polyline 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 1000,1000 <600,<800 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Hot 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 1000,1000 <600,<800 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } FigureSymbol "deck" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 52.083,179.688,875,914.063 0,>100,<900,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,>100,<900,1000 Rect >100,0,1000,<900 Rect >50,>50,<950,<950 } Outline { Rect 0,>100,<900,1000 Polyline 5 >50,>100 >50,>50 <950,>50 <950,<950 <900,<950 Polyline 5 >100,>50 >100,0 1000,0 1000,<900 <950,<900 } MiniOutline { Rect 0,200,800,1000 Polyline 5 100,200 100,100 900,100 900,900 800,900 Polyline 5 200,100 200,0 1000,0 1000,800 900,800 } } FigureSymbol "disk simple" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 52.083,273.438,942.708,890.625 0,>200,1000,<900 0 0 0 1 Fill { Rect 0,>100,1000,<900 Ellipse 0,0,1000,>200 Ellipse 0,<800,1000,1000 } Outline { Line 0,>100 0,<900 Line 1000,>100 1000,<900 Ellipse 0,0,1000,>200 Arc 0,<800,1000,1000 0,<900 1000,<900 } MiniOutline { Line 0,200 0,800 Line 1000,100 1000,900 Ellipse 0,0,1000,400 Arc 0,600,1000,1000 0,800 1000,800 } Hot 17 1,>81 77,>44 218,>16 402,>1 599,>1 783,>16 924,>44 1000,>81- 1000,<920 924,<957 783,<985 599,<1000 402,<1000 218,<985 77,<957 1,<920- 1,>81 } FigureSymbol "paper" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 192 Width 148 FramedTextBox 67.568,52.083,925.676,942.708 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 1000,0 1000,900 875,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 1000,0 1000,900 875,1000 0,1000 0,0 Polyline 5 875,1000 900,900 940,912 970,912 1000,900 } Hot 6 0,0 1000,0 1000,900 875,1000 0,1000 0,0 } FigureSymbol "note" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 Reshape 6 FramedTextBox 52.083,78.125,942.708,914.063 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 Polyline 3 <850,0 <850,>150 1000,>150 } MiniOutline { Polyline 6 0,0 <700,0 1000,>300 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 Polyline 3 <700,0 <700,>300 1000,>300 } Hot 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } FigureSymbol "[class/object]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[action]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "[state]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "[booch class/obj]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Fill { Ellipse 84,114,672,702 Ellipse 421,89,859,527 Ellipse 573,286,995,708 Ellipse 263,492,721,950 Ellipse 0,528,423,952 } Outline { Arc 84,114,672,702 500,140 120,550 Arc 421,89,859,527 860,300 500,140 Arc 573,286,995,708 720,700 860,300 Arc 263,492,721,950 350,900 720,700 Arc 0,528,423,952 120,550 350,900 } Hot 40 350,900 363,915 447,950 538,950 622,915 686,851 721,767 720,700- 743,708 826,708 904,676 963,617 995,539 995,456 963,378 904,319- 860,300 859,265 826,185 764,123 684,90 597,90 517,123 500,140- 436,115 321,115 212,160 130,242 85,351 85,466 120,550 92,561- 33,621 1,699 1,782 33,860 92,920 170,952 253,952 350,900 } FigureSymbol "[usecase]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Fill { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Hot 65 525,1000 573,995 622,986 669,971 714,953 757,929 798,902 836,871- 871,836 902,798 929,757 953,714 971,669 986,622 995,573 1000,525- 1000,476 995,428 986,379 971,332 953,287 929,244 902,203 871,165- 836,130 798,99 757,72 714,48 669,30 622,15 573,6 525,1- 476,1 428,6 379,15 332,30 287,48 244,72 203,99 165,130- 130,165 99,203 72,244 48,287 30,332 15,379 6,428 1,476- 1,525 6,573 15,622 30,669 48,714 72,757 99,798 130,836- 165,871 203,902 244,929 287,953 332,971 379,986 428,995 476,1000- 525,1000 } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 2]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 512 Reshape 65 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 3]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 768 Reshape 66 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 333,0 333,1000 Line 667,0 667,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 4]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 1024 Reshape 67 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 250,0 250,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 Line 750,0 750,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 5]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 1280 Reshape 68 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 200,0 200,1000 Line 400,0 400,1000 Line 600,0 600,1000 Line 800,0 800,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 6]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 1536 Reshape 69 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 166,0 166,1000 Line 332,0 332,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 Line 666,0 666,1000 Line 831,0 831,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[frame]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 124 FramedTextBox 13.021,26.042,436.198,122.396 0,0,450,150 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Polyline 4 450,0 450,94.792 422.396,150 0,150 } } FigureSymbol "class/object" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 FramedTextBox 52.083,102.041,942.708,887.755 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "action" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >104.167,>104.167,<885.417,<885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "action subact" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 133 FramedTextBox >125,>125,<864.583,<864.583 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "input eventl" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 177.083,104.167,942.708,885.417 >250,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 >250,500 0,1000 1000,1000 1000,0 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 >250,500 0,1000 1000,1000 1000,0 0,0 } Hot 6 0,0 >250,500 0,1000 1000,1000 1000,0 0,0 } FigureSymbol "output eventl" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 177.083,104.167,942.708,885.417 >250,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,500 >250,0 1000,0 1000,1000 >250,1000 0,500 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,500 >250,0 1000,0 1000,1000 >250,1000 0,500 } Hot 6 0,500 >250,0 1000,0 1000,1000 >250,1000 0,500 } FigureSymbol "fork/join horz" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 24 Width 144 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 35 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "fork/join vert" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 144 Width 24 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 60 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "start" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 64 Width 64 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 34 Fill { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Hot 17 599,1000 783,924 924,783 1000,599 1000,402 924,218 783,77 599,1- 402,1 218,77 77,218 1,402 1,599 77,783 218,924 402,1000- 599,1000 } FigureSymbol "stop" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 64 Width 64 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 45 Fill { Ellipse 200,200,800,800 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 Ellipse 200,200,800,800 } Hot 17 599,1000 783,924 924,783 1000,599 1000,402 924,218 783,77 599,1- 402,1 218,77 77,218 1,402 1,599 77,783 218,924 402,1000- 599,1000 } FigureSymbol "output eventr" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 52.083,104.167,817.708,885.417 0,0,<750,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 <750,0 1000,500 <750,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 <750,0 1000,500 <750,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Hot 6 0,0 <750,0 1000,500 <750,1000 0,1000 0,0 } FigureSymbol "input eventr" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 52.083,104.167,817.708,885.417 0,0,<750,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 1000,0 <750,500 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 1000,0 <750,500 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Hot 6 0,0 1000,0 <750,500 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } FigureSymbol "terminate" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 128 Width 128 Reshape 61 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 45 Fill { Polygon 13 0,41 41,0 500,458 958,0 1000,41 541,500 1000,958 958,1000- 500,541 41,1000 0,958 458,500 0,41 } Outline { Polyline 13 0,41 41,0 500,458 958,0 1000,41 541,500 1000,958 958,1000- 500,541 41,1000 0,958 458,500 0,41 } Hot 13 0,41 41,0 500,458 958,0 1000,41 541,500 1000,958 958,1000- 500,541 41,1000 0,958 458,500 0,41 } FigureSymbol "time signal" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 64 Width 64 DisplayScale 50 Fill { Polygon 4 0,0 1000,0 500,500 0,0 Polygon 4 0,1000 1000,1000 500,500 0,1000 } Outline { Polyline 4 0,0 1000,0 500,500 0,0 Polyline 4 0,1000 1000,1000 500,500 0,1000 } Hot 7 500,500 0,0 1000,0 500,500 0,1000 1000,1000 500,500 } FigureSymbol "flow final" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 64 Width 64 DisplayScale 50 Fill { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 Line 150,150 850,850 Line 150,850 850,150 } Hot 17 599,1000 783,924 924,783 1000,599 1000,402 924,218 783,77 599,1- 402,1 218,77 77,218 1,402 1,599 77,783 218,924 402,1000- 599,1000 } FigureSymbol "pin" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 24 Width 24 DisplayScale 25 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "exception parameter" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 20 Width 30 DisplayScale 25 Fill { Polygon 4 500,0 1000,1000 0,1000 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 4 500,0 1000,1000 0,1000 500,0 } } FigureSymbol "listbox pin vert" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 98 Width 24 DisplayScale 80 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 0,250 1000,250 Line 0,500 1000,500 Line 0,750 1000,750 } } FigureSymbol "listbox pin horz" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 24 Width 98 DisplayScale 40 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 250,0 250,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 Line 750,0 750,1000 } } FigureSymbol "connector" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 64 Width 64 DisplayScale 65 TextBox 100,100,900,900 Fill { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Hot 17 599,1000 783,924 924,783 1000,599 1000,402 924,218 783,77 599,1- 402,1 218,77 77,218 1,402 1,599 77,783 218,924 402,1000- 599,1000 } FigureSymbol "condition" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 32 Width 32 OversizeText TRUE TextBox 200,255,800,750 Fill { Polygon 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } Hot 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } FigureSymbol "condition notxt" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 32 Width 32 DisplayScale 45 Fill { Polygon 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } Hot 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } FigureSymbol "action:12" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >104.167,>104.167,<885.417,<885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "[action]:1" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>220.677 >3.466,>198.725 >8.088,>175.618 >13.865,>154.821 >23.108,>132.869 >33.506,>113.227 >46.215,>94.741 >61.235,>77.41- >69.323,>69.323 >77.41,>61.235 >94.741,>46.215 >113.227,>33.506 >132.869,>23.108 >154.821,>13.865 >175.618,>8.088 >198.725,>3.466- >220.677,0 <779.323,0 <801.275,>3.466 <824.383,>8.088 <845.179,>13.865 <867.131,>23.108 <886.773,>33.506 <905.259,>46.215- <922.59,>61.235 <930.677,>69.323 <938.765,>77.41 <953.785,>94.741 <966.494,>113.227 <976.892,>132.869 <986.135,>154.821 <991.912,>175.618- <996.534,>198.725 1000,>220.677 1000,<779.323 <996.534,<801.275 <991.912,<824.383 <986.135,<845.179 <976.892,<867.131 <966.494,<886.773- <953.785,<905.259 <938.765,<922.59 <930.677,<930.677 <922.59,<938.765 <905.259,<953.785 <886.773,<966.494 <867.131,<976.892 <845.179,<986.135- <824.383,<991.912 <801.275,<996.534 <779.323,1000 >220.677,1000 >198.725,<996.534 >175.618,<991.912 >154.821,<986.135 >132.869,<976.892- >113.227,<966.494 >94.741,<953.785 >77.41,<938.765 >69.323,<930.677 >61.235,<922.59 >46.215,<905.259 >33.506,<886.773 >23.108,<867.131- >13.865,<845.179 >8.088,<824.383 >3.466,<801.275 0,<779.323 0,>220.677 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>220.677 >3.466,>198.725 >8.088,>175.618 >13.865,>154.821 >23.108,>132.869 >33.506,>113.227 >46.215,>94.741 >61.235,>77.41- >69.323,>69.323 >77.41,>61.235 >94.741,>46.215 >113.227,>33.506 >132.869,>23.108 >154.821,>13.865 >175.618,>8.088 >198.725,>3.466- >220.677,0 <779.323,0 <801.275,>3.466 <824.383,>8.088 <845.179,>13.865 <867.131,>23.108 <886.773,>33.506 <905.259,>46.215- <922.59,>61.235 <930.677,>69.323 <938.765,>77.41 <953.785,>94.741 <966.494,>113.227 <976.892,>132.869 <986.135,>154.821 <991.912,>175.618- <996.534,>198.725 1000,>220.677 1000,<779.323 <996.534,<801.275 <991.912,<824.383 <986.135,<845.179 <976.892,<867.131 <966.494,<886.773- <953.785,<905.259 <938.765,<922.59 <930.677,<930.677 <922.59,<938.765 <905.259,<953.785 <886.773,<966.494 <867.131,<976.892 <845.179,<986.135- <824.383,<991.912 <801.275,<996.534 <779.323,1000 >220.677,1000 >198.725,<996.534 >175.618,<991.912 >154.821,<986.135 >132.869,<976.892- >113.227,<966.494 >94.741,<953.785 >77.41,<938.765 >69.323,<930.677 >61.235,<922.59 >46.215,<905.259 >33.506,<886.773 >23.108,<867.131- >13.865,<845.179 >8.088,<824.383 >3.466,<801.275 0,<779.323 0,>220.677 } Hot 69 0,>220.677 >3.466,>198.725 >8.088,>175.618 >13.865,>154.821 >23.108,>132.869 >33.506,>113.227 >46.215,>94.741 >61.235,>77.41- >69.323,>69.323 >77.41,>61.235 >94.741,>46.215 >113.227,>33.506 >132.869,>23.108 >154.821,>13.865 >175.618,>8.088 >198.725,>3.466- >220.677,0 <779.323,0 <801.275,>3.466 <824.383,>8.088 <845.179,>13.865 <867.131,>23.108 <886.773,>33.506 <905.259,>46.215- <922.59,>61.235 <930.677,>69.323 <938.765,>77.41 <953.785,>94.741 <966.494,>113.227 <976.892,>132.869 <986.135,>154.821 <991.912,>175.618- <996.534,>198.725 1000,>220.677 1000,<779.323 <996.534,<801.275 <991.912,<824.383 <986.135,<845.179 <976.892,<867.131 <966.494,<886.773- <953.785,<905.259 <938.765,<922.59 <930.677,<930.677 <922.59,<938.765 <905.259,<953.785 <886.773,<966.494 <867.131,<976.892 <845.179,<986.135- <824.383,<991.912 <801.275,<996.534 <779.323,1000 >220.677,1000 >198.725,<996.534 >175.618,<991.912 >154.821,<986.135 >132.869,<976.892- >113.227,<966.494 >94.741,<953.785 >77.41,<938.765 >69.323,<930.677 >61.235,<922.59 >46.215,<905.259 >33.506,<886.773 >23.108,<867.131- >13.865,<845.179 >8.088,<824.383 >3.466,<801.275 0,<779.323 0,>220.677 } FigureSymbol "[action]:2" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "action:22" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >87.719,>87.719,<903.509,<903.509 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.368,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.368,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.368,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.368,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>421.053,>500 >210.526,0 0,>210.526 Line >210.526,0 <789.474,0 Arc <578.947,0,1000,>500 1000,>210.526 <789.474,0 Line 1000,>210.526 1000,<789.474 Arc <578.947,<500,1000,1000 <789.474,1000 1000,<789.474 Line >210.526,1000 <789.474,1000 Arc 0,<500,>421.053,1000 0,<789.474 >210.526,1000 Line 0,>210.526 0,<789.474 } Hot 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.368,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.368,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } FigureSymbol "action:4" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >87.719,>87.719,<903.509,<903.509 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>421.053,>500 >210.526,0 0,>210.526 Line >210.526,0 <789.474,0 Arc <578.947,0,1000,>500 1000,>210.526 <789.474,0 Line 1000,>210.526 1000,<789.474 Arc <578.947,<500,1000,1000 <789.474,1000 1000,<789.474 Line >210.526,1000 <789.474,1000 Arc 0,<500,>421.053,1000 0,<789.474 >210.526,1000 Line 0,>210.526 0,<789.474 } Hot 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } FigureSymbol "action:27" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >104.167,>104.167,<885.417,<885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "action:7" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >104.167,>104.167,<885.417,<885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "action:30" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >87.719,>87.719,<903.509,<903.509 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>421.053,>500 >210.526,0 0,>210.526 Line >210.526,0 <789.474,0 Arc <578.947,0,1000,>500 1000,>210.526 <789.474,0 Line 1000,>210.526 1000,<789.474 Arc <578.947,<500,1000,1000 <789.474,1000 1000,<789.474 Line >210.526,1000 <789.474,1000 Arc 0,<500,>421.053,1000 0,<789.474 >210.526,1000 Line 0,>210.526 0,<789.474 } Hot 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } FigureSymbol "action:1" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >104.167,>104.167,<885.417,<885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "action:2" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >104.167,>104.167,<885.417,<885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "action:3" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >104.167,>104.167,<885.417,<885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "action:5" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >104.167,>104.167,<885.417,<885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 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>172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "[action]:3" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>220.677 >3.466,>198.725 >8.088,>175.618 >13.865,>154.821 >23.108,>132.869 >33.506,>113.227 >46.215,>94.741 >61.235,>77.41- >69.323,>69.323 >77.41,>61.235 >94.741,>46.215 >113.227,>33.506 >132.869,>23.108 >154.821,>13.865 >175.618,>8.088 >198.725,>3.466- >220.677,0 <779.323,0 <801.275,>3.466 <824.383,>8.088 <845.179,>13.865 <867.131,>23.108 <886.773,>33.506 <905.259,>46.215- <922.59,>61.235 <930.677,>69.323 <938.765,>77.41 <953.785,>94.741 <966.494,>113.227 <976.892,>132.869 <986.135,>154.821 <991.912,>175.618- <996.534,>198.725 1000,>220.677 1000,<779.323 <996.534,<801.275 <991.912,<824.383 <986.135,<845.179 <976.892,<867.131 <966.494,<886.773- <953.785,<905.259 <938.765,<922.59 <930.677,<930.677 <922.59,<938.765 <905.259,<953.785 <886.773,<966.494 <867.131,<976.892 <845.179,<986.135- <824.383,<991.912 <801.275,<996.534 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<953.785,<905.259 <938.765,<922.59 <930.677,<930.677 <922.59,<938.765 <905.259,<953.785 <886.773,<966.494 <867.131,<976.892 <845.179,<986.135- <824.383,<991.912 <801.275,<996.534 <779.323,1000 >220.677,1000 >198.725,<996.534 >175.618,<991.912 >154.821,<986.135 >132.869,<976.892- >113.227,<966.494 >94.741,<953.785 >77.41,<938.765 >69.323,<930.677 >61.235,<922.59 >46.215,<905.259 >33.506,<886.773 >23.108,<867.131- >13.865,<845.179 >8.088,<824.383 >3.466,<801.275 0,<779.323 0,>220.677 } Hot 69 0,>220.677 >3.466,>198.725 >8.088,>175.618 >13.865,>154.821 >23.108,>132.869 >33.506,>113.227 >46.215,>94.741 >61.235,>77.41- >69.323,>69.323 >77.41,>61.235 >94.741,>46.215 >113.227,>33.506 >132.869,>23.108 >154.821,>13.865 >175.618,>8.088 >198.725,>3.466- >220.677,0 <779.323,0 <801.275,>3.466 <824.383,>8.088 <845.179,>13.865 <867.131,>23.108 <886.773,>33.506 <905.259,>46.215- <922.59,>61.235 <930.677,>69.323 <938.765,>77.41 <953.785,>94.741 <966.494,>113.227 <976.892,>132.869 <986.135,>154.821 <991.912,>175.618- <996.534,>198.725 1000,>220.677 1000,<779.323 <996.534,<801.275 <991.912,<824.383 <986.135,<845.179 <976.892,<867.131 <966.494,<886.773- <953.785,<905.259 <938.765,<922.59 <930.677,<930.677 <922.59,<938.765 <905.259,<953.785 <886.773,<966.494 <867.131,<976.892 <845.179,<986.135- <824.383,<991.912 <801.275,<996.534 <779.323,1000 >220.677,1000 >198.725,<996.534 >175.618,<991.912 >154.821,<986.135 >132.869,<976.892- >113.227,<966.494 >94.741,<953.785 >77.41,<938.765 >69.323,<930.677 >61.235,<922.59 >46.215,<905.259 >33.506,<886.773 >23.108,<867.131- >13.865,<845.179 >8.088,<824.383 >3.466,<801.275 0,<779.323 0,>220.677 } FigureSymbol "[action]:4" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191.613 >3.01,>172.552 >7.022,>152.488 >12.038,>134.43 >20.064,>115.369 >29.093,>98.314 >40.128,>82.263 >53.17,>67.215- >60.192,>60.192 >67.215,>53.17 >82.263,>40.128 >98.314,>29.093 >115.369,>20.064 >134.43,>12.038 >152.488,>7.022 >172.552,>3.01- 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>3.01,<827.448 0,<808.387 0,>191.613 } Hot 69 0,>191.613 >3.01,>172.552 >7.022,>152.488 >12.038,>134.43 >20.064,>115.369 >29.093,>98.314 >40.128,>82.263 >53.17,>67.215- >60.192,>60.192 >67.215,>53.17 >82.263,>40.128 >98.314,>29.093 >115.369,>20.064 >134.43,>12.038 >152.488,>7.022 >172.552,>3.01- >191.613,0 <808.387,0 <827.448,>3.01 <847.512,>7.022 <865.57,>12.038 <884.631,>20.064 <901.686,>29.093 <917.737,>40.128- <932.785,>53.17 <939.808,>60.192 <946.83,>67.215 <959.872,>82.263 <970.907,>98.314 <979.936,>115.369 <987.962,>134.43 <992.978,>152.488- <996.99,>172.552 1000,>191.613 1000,<808.387 <996.99,<827.448 <992.978,<847.512 <987.962,<865.57 <979.936,<884.631 <970.907,<901.686- <959.872,<917.737 <946.83,<932.785 <939.808,<939.808 <932.785,<946.83 <917.737,<959.872 <901.686,<970.907 <884.631,<979.936 <865.57,<987.962- <847.512,<992.978 <827.448,<996.99 <808.387,1000 >191.613,1000 >172.552,<996.99 >152.488,<992.978 >134.43,<987.962 >115.369,<979.936- >98.314,<970.907 >82.263,<959.872 >67.215,<946.83 >60.192,<939.808 >53.17,<932.785 >40.128,<917.737 >29.093,<901.686 >20.064,<884.631- >12.038,<865.57 >7.022,<847.512 >3.01,<827.448 0,<808.387 0,>191.613 } ## End Symbols Section: EndSymbol "arrow umlstick" { Outline { Line 500,500 1000,300 Line 500,500 1000,700 } Silhouette TRUE } EndSymbol "anchor point" { Centered TRUE Magnify 20 LineTo 100 Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } } ## Figure Styles Section: FigureStyle "Title" { Label TRUE Height 74 Width 110 Description "A page, document, or diagram title" FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0042 Behavior 0x00000000018251E2 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 14 TypeWeight 700 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Heading" { Label TRUE Height 74 Width 110 Description "A heading for a swimlane or diagram section" FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x00000000018251E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 9 TypeWeight 700 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Comment" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 Description "An informal description, or a diagram contraint" FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeItalic TRUE TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Label" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Node Label" { Label TRUE InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 DefaultText "Label" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Flow Label" { Label TRUE InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 DefaultText "Label" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Path Label" { Label TRUE InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 DefaultText "Label" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial 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TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Pin" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 24 Width 24 Description "A pin representing input or output data parameters for an activit- y/action" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "pin" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Exception Parameter" { Category "Activity" Height 20 Width 30 Description "Denotes an exception parameter output that flows to the next acti- on immediately" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "exception parameter" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Listbox Pin Vert" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 80 Width 20 Description "An expansion node representing list of input or output data param- eters for an ac" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "listbox pin vert" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Listbox Pin Horz" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 20 Width 80 Description "An expansion node representing list of input or output data param- eters for an ac" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "listbox pin horz" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Action" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "An action state consisting of a single activity that runs to comp- letion" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Subactivity" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "A subactivity that can be expanded and decomposed" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action subact" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Expansion Region" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for defining an action state expansion region" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024421 Symbol "[action]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Object Flow State" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 98 Width 192 Description "An object in a certain state used for input or/and output" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E22 Symbol "class/object" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Send Event" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "A signal that is sent asynchronously to a target" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "output eventr" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Receive Event" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "A signal that is received from a target" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "input eventr" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Send Event2" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "A signal that is sent asynchronously to a target" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "output eventl" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Receive Event2" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "A signal that is received from a target" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "input eventl" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Initial State" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 22 Width 22 Description "The starting point of the activity" FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "start" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Final State" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 32 Width 32 Description "The ending point of the activity" FillColor 0,0,0 BorderWidth 2 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "stop" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Branch/Merge" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 48 Width 48 Description "Point where flows merge asynchronously or branch based on guard c- onditions" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "condition notxt" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Decision" { HasButton TRUE Height 128 Width 128 Description "A branch of control based on a conditional expression" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F005024E12 Symbol "condition" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Fork/Join Horz" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 16 Width 140 Description "Point where multiple control flows synchronize" FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000000F418024612 Symbol "fork/join horz" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Fork/Join Vert" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 140 Width 16 Description "Point where multiple control flows synchronize" FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000000F418024612 Symbol "fork/join vert" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Terminate" { Category "Sequence" InMenu FALSE Height 50 Width 50 Description "Marks the end of an object lifeline" FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "terminate" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Time Signal" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 64 Width 64 Description "A time signal (or accept) triggered by passage of time (or trigge- red to wait)" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "time signal" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Flow Final" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 64 Width 64 Description "An end to a flow that does not terminate the activity" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "flow final" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Connector" { Category "General" HasButton TRUE Height 64 Width 64 Description "Used in identically labeled pairs as a shorthand for a path" DefaultText "A" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F001024E12 Symbol "connector" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Box" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for grouping diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024421 Symbol "[class/object]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Box Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for grouping diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[class/object]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Rounded" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[state]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Rounded Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[state]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Cloud" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[booch class/obj]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Cloud Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[booch class/obj]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Oval" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[usecase]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Oval Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[usecase]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (2)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 2]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (3)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 3]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (4)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 4]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (5)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 5]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (6)" { Category "Containers" InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 6]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Frame" { Category "Containers" Height 384 Width 768 Description "A container for identifying related diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[frame]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Arc Sides" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arc sides" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Circle" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "circle" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Diamond" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 128 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "diamond" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Hexagon" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "hexagon" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Box" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "rectangle" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Rounded Box" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "rounded box" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Octagon" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 128 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000424E12 Symbol "octagon" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Oval" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "oval" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Round Sides" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "round sides" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Paper" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 148 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "paper" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Deck" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "deck" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Arw Left" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 72 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow left" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Arw Right" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 72 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow right" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Arw L/R" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 72 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow left/right" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Arw Up/Down" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 80 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow up/down" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Arw Up" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 80 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow up" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Arw Down" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 80 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow down" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Drum" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "disk simple" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Callout Right" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 160 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "callout 3" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Callout Left" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 160 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "callout 4" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } ## Connector Styles Section: ConnectorStyle "Line" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic line for drawing" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Dashed Line" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic dashed line for drawing" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Dotted Line" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic dotted line for drawing" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 6 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Divider" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic heavy line for drawing dividers" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 5 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Dashed Divider" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic heavy dashed line for drawing dividers" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 5 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Anchor" { Category "General" HasButton TRUE Description "Connection to Note for comments and constraint notation" End1 "anchor point" End2 "anchor point" End1Length 7 End2Length 7 PenStyle 6 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Flow" { Category "Control Flow" HasButton TRUE Description "Control flow from one action to another" End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Object Flow" { Category "Control Flow" HasButton TRUE Description "An input or output to or from an object flow state" End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ## Figures & Connectors Section: Figure 1 { Style "Initial State" Text "" Bounds 341,373,363,395 FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "start" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 3 { Style "Decision" Text "" Bounds 896,1184,1024,1312 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F005024E12 Symbol "condition" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Connector 4 { Style "Flow" Figure1 21 Figure2 14 EndPoint1 467,928 EndPoint2 819,928 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 5 { Style "Flow" Figure1 14 Figure2 3 EndPoint1 960,985 EndPoint2 960,1184 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 6 { Style "Flow" Figure1 3 Figure2 17 EndPoint1 896,1248 EndPoint2 497,1248 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 7 { Style "Flow" Figure1 17 Figure2 21 EndPoint1 352,1200 EndPoint2 352,985 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 8 { Style "Flow" Figure1 3 Figure2 22 EndPoint1 1024,1248 EndPoint2 1248,1248 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 9 { Style "Flow" Figure1 22 Figure2 23 EndPoint1 1376,1296 EndPoint2 1376,1447 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 10 { Style "Flow" Figure1 23 Figure2 24 EndPoint1 1236,1504 EndPoint2 466,1504 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 11 { Style "Expansion Region" Text "" Bounds 736,288,1568,1824 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024421 Symbol "[action]:3" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 12 { Style "Expansion Region" Text "" Bounds 160,288,736,1824 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024421 Symbol "[action]:4" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 13 { Label TRUE Text "UseFul FM" Bounds 901,322,1114,368 FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000000A241D2 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 12 TypeWeight 700 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 14 { Style "Action" Text " \line " Bounds 819,871,1101,985 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action:22" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 15 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text " " Bounds 668,1207,872,1238 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 16 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text " " Bounds 1076,1207,1142,1238 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 17 { Style "Action" Text " " Bounds 207,1200,497,1296 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action:12" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 18 { Label TRUE Text "customer" Bounds 207,321,541,367 FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000000A24052 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 12 TypeWeight 700 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 19 { Style "Final State" Text "" Bounds 336,1712,368,1744 FillColor 0,0,0 BorderWidth 2 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "stop" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Connector 20 { Style "Flow" Figure1 24 Figure2 19 EndPoint1 352,1552 EndPoint2 352,1712 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 21 { Style "Action" Text " \line " Bounds 237,871,467,985 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action:4" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 22 { Style "Action" Text " \line " Bounds 1248,1200,1504,1296 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action:27" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 23 { Style "Action" Text " l\line \line " Bounds 1236,1447,1517,1561 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action:30" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 24 { Style "Action" Text " \line " Bounds 238,1456,466,1552 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action:7" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 26 { Style "Action" Text " " Bounds 1141,624,1355,720 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action:6" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 27 { Style "Action" Text " \line " Bounds 246,496,458,592 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action:3" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Connector 29 { Style "Flow" Figure1 1 Figure2 27 EndPoint1 352,395 EndPoint2 352,496 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 31 { Style "Decision" Text "" Bounds 896,480,1024,608 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F005024E12 Symbol "condition" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Connector 32 { Style "Flow" Figure1 27 Figure2 31 EndPoint1 458,544 EndPoint2 896,544 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 40 { Text "" Bounds 953,697,968,712 FillColor 0,0,0 BorderWidth 0 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0000 Behavior 0x0000033000327012 Symbol "null" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Connector 41 { Style "Flow" Figure1 31 Figure2 40 EndPoint1 960,608 EndPoint2 960,704 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 TRUE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 42 { Text "" Bounds 313,697,328,712 FillColor 0,0,0 BorderWidth 0 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0000 Behavior 0x0000033000327012 Symbol "null" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Connector 43 { Style "Flow" Figure1 40 Figure2 42 EndPoint1 960,704 EndPoint2 320,704 SuppressEnd1 TRUE SuppressEnd2 TRUE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 48 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text "" Bounds 579,663,655,694 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Connector 44 { Style "Flow" Figure1 42 Figure2 21 EndPoint1 320,704 EndPoint2 343,871 SuppressEnd1 TRUE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 46 { Style "Flow" Figure1 31 Figure2 26 EndPoint1 1004,563 EndPoint2 1149,628 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 49 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text "" Bounds 1077,554,1135,585 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0014 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51C9 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Connector 47 { Style "Flow" Figure1 26 Figure2 14 EndPoint1 1194,720 EndPoint2 1025,871 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ## Staples Section: Staple 1 { StapleType 5 Connector 6 ConPos 81 Figure1 15 Fig1PosX 127 Fig1PosY 127 Figure2 -1 Fig2PosX 0 Fig2PosY 0 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 LateralOffset 10 LateralConsistency 0 } Staple 2 { StapleType 5 Connector 8 ConPos 97 Figure1 16 Fig1PosX 127 Fig1PosY 127 Figure2 -1 Fig2PosX 0 Fig2PosY 0 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 LateralOffset 10 LateralConsistency 0 } Staple 3 { StapleType 5 Connector 43 ConPos 137 Figure1 48 Fig1PosX 127 Fig1PosY 127 Figure2 -1 Fig2PosX 0 Fig2PosY 0 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 LateralOffset 10 LateralConsistency 0 } Staple 4 { StapleType 5 Connector 46 ConPos 123 Figure1 49 Fig1PosX 127 Fig1PosY 127 Figure2 -1 Fig2PosX 0 Fig2PosY 0 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 LateralOffset 10 LateralConsistency 0 } ## Groups Section: ObjInfoContents4p_1198388275Ara6Rp9p9Ole  EDGE Diagram File Version 5.05 ## Globals Section: X 0 Y 457 Scale 73.621 Orientation 1 Paper 1 PaperWidth 2159 PaperLength 2794 PageMarginLeft 128 PageMarginTop 128 PageMarginRight 128 PageMarginBottom 128 PosterRows 1 PosterCols 1 Color1 255,255,255 Color2 192,192,192 Color3 130,130,130 Color4 0,0,0 Color5 0,255,255 Color6 0,0,255 Color7 0,0,160 Color8 128,0,128 Color9 255,128,0 Color10 255,0,0 Color11 128,0,64 Color12 128,64,0 Color13 0,255,0 Color14 0,128,0 Color15 128,128,255 Color16 205,114,203 GridX 32 GridY 32 SnapX 32 SnapY 32 SnapConPtsCentersEdges TRUE ShadowColor 0,0,0 ShadowX 12 ShadowY 12 ShowGrid 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>10,622 >4,573 0,525 0,476 >4,428 >10,379- >20,332 >32,287 >48,244 >65,203 >86,165 >109,130 >135,99 >162,72- >190,48 >220,30 >251,15 >284,6 >332,0 } FigureSymbol "arrow down" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 256 Width 128 Reshape 16 FramedTextBox 275,52.083,712.5,645.833 150,0,850,650 0 0 0 1 Fill { Polygon 8 500,1000 1000,650 850,650 850,0 150,0 150,650 0,650 500,1000 } Outline { Polyline 8 500,1000 1000,650 850,650 850,0 150,0 150,650 0,650 500,1000 } Hot 8 500,1000 1000,650 850,650 850,0 150,0 150,650 0,650 500,1000 } FigureSymbol "arrow left" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 96 Width 256 Reshape 12 FramedTextBox 296.875,333.333,942.708,652.778 300,200,1000,800 1 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 8 1000,200 300,200 300,0 0,500 300,1000 300,800 1000,800 1000,200 } Outline { Polyline 8 1000,200 300,200 300,0 0,500 300,1000 300,800 1000,800 1000,200 } Hot 8 1000,200 300,200 300,0 0,500 300,1000 300,800 1000,800 1000,200 } FigureSymbol "arrow left/right" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 96 Width 256 Reshape 15 FramedTextBox 296.875,333.333,697.917,652.778 300,200,700,800 1 0 1 0 Fill { Polygon 11 0,500 300,0 300,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800- 300,800 300,1000 0,500 } Outline { Polyline 11 0,500 300,0 300,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800- 300,800 300,1000 0,500 } Hot 11 0,500 300,0 300,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800- 300,800 300,1000 0,500 } FigureSymbol "arrow right" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 96 Width 256 Reshape 14 FramedTextBox 52.083,333.333,697.917,652.778 0,200,700,800 0 0 1 0 Fill { Polygon 8 0,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800 0,800 0,200 } Outline { Polyline 8 0,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800 0,800 0,200 } Hot 8 0,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800 0,800 0,200 } FigureSymbol "arrow up" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 256 Width 128 Reshape 17 FramedTextBox 275,348.958,712.5,942.708 150,350,850,1000 0 1 0 0 Fill { Polygon 8 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,1000 150,1000 150,350 0,350 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 8 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,1000 150,1000 150,350 0,350 500,0 } Hot 8 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,1000 150,1000 150,350 0,350 500,0 } FigureSymbol "arrow up/down" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 256 Width 128 Reshape 18 FramedTextBox 275,348.958,712.5,645.833 150,350,850,650 0 1 0 1 Fill { Polygon 11 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,650 1000,650 500,1000 0,650 150,650- 150,350 0,350 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 11 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,650 1000,650 500,1000 0,650 150,650- 150,350 0,350 500,0 } Hot 11 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,650 1000,650 500,1000 0,650 150,650- 150,350 0,350 500,0 } FigureSymbol "callout 3" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox >62.5,>62.5,<931.25,<731.25 0,0,1000,<800 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 >400,<800 0,1000 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Outline { Polyline 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 >400,<800 0,1000 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Hot 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 >400,<800 0,1000 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } FigureSymbol "callout 4" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox >62.5,>62.5,<931.25,<731.25 0,0,1000,<800 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 1000,1000 <600,<800 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Outline { Polyline 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 1000,1000 <600,<800 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Hot 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 1000,1000 <600,<800 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } FigureSymbol "deck" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 52.083,179.688,875,914.063 0,>100,<900,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,>100,<900,1000 Rect >100,0,1000,<900 Rect >50,>50,<950,<950 } Outline { Rect 0,>100,<900,1000 Polyline 5 >50,>100 >50,>50 <950,>50 <950,<950 <900,<950 Polyline 5 >100,>50 >100,0 1000,0 1000,<900 <950,<900 } MiniOutline { Rect 0,200,800,1000 Polyline 5 100,200 100,100 900,100 900,900 800,900 Polyline 5 200,100 200,0 1000,0 1000,800 900,800 } } FigureSymbol "disk simple" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 52.083,273.438,942.708,890.625 0,>200,1000,<900 0 0 0 1 Fill { Rect 0,>100,1000,<900 Ellipse 0,0,1000,>200 Ellipse 0,<800,1000,1000 } Outline { Line 0,>100 0,<900 Line 1000,>100 1000,<900 Ellipse 0,0,1000,>200 Arc 0,<800,1000,1000 0,<900 1000,<900 } MiniOutline { Line 0,200 0,800 Line 1000,100 1000,900 Ellipse 0,0,1000,400 Arc 0,600,1000,1000 0,800 1000,800 } Hot 17 1,>81 77,>44 218,>16 402,>1 599,>1 783,>16 924,>44 1000,>81- 1000,<920 924,<957 783,<985 599,<1000 402,<1000 218,<985 77,<957 1,<920- 1,>81 } FigureSymbol "paper" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 192 Width 148 FramedTextBox 67.568,52.083,925.676,942.708 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 1000,0 1000,900 875,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 1000,0 1000,900 875,1000 0,1000 0,0 Polyline 5 875,1000 900,900 940,912 970,912 1000,900 } Hot 6 0,0 1000,0 1000,900 875,1000 0,1000 0,0 } FigureSymbol "note" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 Reshape 6 FramedTextBox 52.083,78.125,942.708,914.063 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 Polyline 3 <850,0 <850,>150 1000,>150 } MiniOutline { Polyline 6 0,0 <700,0 1000,>300 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 Polyline 3 <700,0 <700,>300 1000,>300 } Hot 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } FigureSymbol "[class/object]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[action]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "[state]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "[booch class/obj]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Fill { Ellipse 84,114,672,702 Ellipse 421,89,859,527 Ellipse 573,286,995,708 Ellipse 263,492,721,950 Ellipse 0,528,423,952 } Outline { Arc 84,114,672,702 500,140 120,550 Arc 421,89,859,527 860,300 500,140 Arc 573,286,995,708 720,700 860,300 Arc 263,492,721,950 350,900 720,700 Arc 0,528,423,952 120,550 350,900 } Hot 40 350,900 363,915 447,950 538,950 622,915 686,851 721,767 720,700- 743,708 826,708 904,676 963,617 995,539 995,456 963,378 904,319- 860,300 859,265 826,185 764,123 684,90 597,90 517,123 500,140- 436,115 321,115 212,160 130,242 85,351 85,466 120,550 92,561- 33,621 1,699 1,782 33,860 92,920 170,952 253,952 350,900 } FigureSymbol "[usecase]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Fill { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Hot 65 525,1000 573,995 622,986 669,971 714,953 757,929 798,902 836,871- 871,836 902,798 929,757 953,714 971,669 986,622 995,573 1000,525- 1000,476 995,428 986,379 971,332 953,287 929,244 902,203 871,165- 836,130 798,99 757,72 714,48 669,30 622,15 573,6 525,1- 476,1 428,6 379,15 332,30 287,48 244,72 203,99 165,130- 130,165 99,203 72,244 48,287 30,332 15,379 6,428 1,476- 1,525 6,573 15,622 30,669 48,714 72,757 99,798 130,836- 165,871 203,902 244,929 287,953 332,971 379,986 428,995 476,1000- 525,1000 } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 2]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 512 Reshape 65 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 3]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 768 Reshape 66 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 333,0 333,1000 Line 667,0 667,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 4]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 1024 Reshape 67 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 250,0 250,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 Line 750,0 750,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 5]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 1280 Reshape 68 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 200,0 200,1000 Line 400,0 400,1000 Line 600,0 600,1000 Line 800,0 800,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 6]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 1536 Reshape 69 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 166,0 166,1000 Line 332,0 332,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 Line 666,0 666,1000 Line 831,0 831,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[frame]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 124 FramedTextBox 13.021,26.042,436.198,122.396 0,0,450,150 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Polyline 4 450,0 450,94.792 422.396,150 0,150 } } FigureSymbol "class/object" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 FramedTextBox 52.083,102.041,942.708,887.755 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "action" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >104.167,>104.167,<885.417,<885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "action subact" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 133 FramedTextBox >125,>125,<864.583,<864.583 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "input eventl" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 177.083,104.167,942.708,885.417 >250,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 >250,500 0,1000 1000,1000 1000,0 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 >250,500 0,1000 1000,1000 1000,0 0,0 } Hot 6 0,0 >250,500 0,1000 1000,1000 1000,0 0,0 } FigureSymbol "output eventl" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 177.083,104.167,942.708,885.417 >250,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,500 >250,0 1000,0 1000,1000 >250,1000 0,500 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,500 >250,0 1000,0 1000,1000 >250,1000 0,500 } Hot 6 0,500 >250,0 1000,0 1000,1000 >250,1000 0,500 } FigureSymbol "fork/join horz" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 24 Width 144 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 35 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "fork/join vert" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 144 Width 24 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 60 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "start" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 64 Width 64 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 34 Fill { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Hot 17 599,1000 783,924 924,783 1000,599 1000,402 924,218 783,77 599,1- 402,1 218,77 77,218 1,402 1,599 77,783 218,924 402,1000- 599,1000 } FigureSymbol "stop" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 64 Width 64 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 45 Fill { Ellipse 200,200,800,800 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 Ellipse 200,200,800,800 } Hot 17 599,1000 783,924 924,783 1000,599 1000,402 924,218 783,77 599,1- 402,1 218,77 77,218 1,402 1,599 77,783 218,924 402,1000- 599,1000 } FigureSymbol "output eventr" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 52.083,104.167,817.708,885.417 0,0,<750,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 <750,0 1000,500 <750,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 <750,0 1000,500 <750,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Hot 6 0,0 <750,0 1000,500 <750,1000 0,1000 0,0 } FigureSymbol "input eventr" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 52.083,104.167,817.708,885.417 0,0,<750,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 1000,0 <750,500 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 1000,0 <750,500 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Hot 6 0,0 1000,0 <750,500 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } FigureSymbol "terminate" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 128 Width 128 Reshape 61 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 45 Fill { Polygon 13 0,41 41,0 500,458 958,0 1000,41 541,500 1000,958 958,1000- 500,541 41,1000 0,958 458,500 0,41 } Outline { Polyline 13 0,41 41,0 500,458 958,0 1000,41 541,500 1000,958 958,1000- 500,541 41,1000 0,958 458,500 0,41 } Hot 13 0,41 41,0 500,458 958,0 1000,41 541,500 1000,958 958,1000- 500,541 41,1000 0,958 458,500 0,41 } FigureSymbol "time signal" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 64 Width 64 DisplayScale 50 Fill { Polygon 4 0,0 1000,0 500,500 0,0 Polygon 4 0,1000 1000,1000 500,500 0,1000 } Outline { Polyline 4 0,0 1000,0 500,500 0,0 Polyline 4 0,1000 1000,1000 500,500 0,1000 } Hot 7 500,500 0,0 1000,0 500,500 0,1000 1000,1000 500,500 } FigureSymbol "flow final" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 64 Width 64 DisplayScale 50 Fill { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 Line 150,150 850,850 Line 150,850 850,150 } Hot 17 599,1000 783,924 924,783 1000,599 1000,402 924,218 783,77 599,1- 402,1 218,77 77,218 1,402 1,599 77,783 218,924 402,1000- 599,1000 } FigureSymbol "pin" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 24 Width 24 DisplayScale 25 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "exception parameter" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 20 Width 30 DisplayScale 25 Fill { Polygon 4 500,0 1000,1000 0,1000 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 4 500,0 1000,1000 0,1000 500,0 } } FigureSymbol "listbox pin vert" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 98 Width 24 DisplayScale 80 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 0,250 1000,250 Line 0,500 1000,500 Line 0,750 1000,750 } } FigureSymbol "listbox pin horz" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 24 Width 98 DisplayScale 40 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 250,0 250,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 Line 750,0 750,1000 } } FigureSymbol "connector" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 64 Width 64 DisplayScale 65 TextBox 100,100,900,900 Fill { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Hot 17 599,1000 783,924 924,783 1000,599 1000,402 924,218 783,77 599,1- 402,1 218,77 77,218 1,402 1,599 77,783 218,924 402,1000- 599,1000 } FigureSymbol "condition" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 32 Width 32 OversizeText TRUE TextBox 200,255,800,750 Fill { Polygon 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } Hot 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } FigureSymbol "condition notxt" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 32 Width 32 DisplayScale 45 Fill { Polygon 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } Hot 5 500,0 1000,500 500,1000 0,500 500,0 } FigureSymbol "action:22" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >87.719,>87.719,<903.509,<903.509 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.368,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.368,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.368,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.368,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>421.053,>500 >210.526,0 0,>210.526 Line >210.526,0 <789.474,0 Arc <578.947,0,1000,>500 1000,>210.526 <789.474,0 Line 1000,>210.526 1000,<789.474 Arc <578.947,<500,1000,1000 <789.474,1000 1000,<789.474 Line >210.526,1000 <789.474,1000 Arc 0,<500,>421.053,1000 0,<789.474 >210.526,1000 Line 0,>210.526 0,<789.474 } Hot 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.368,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.368,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } FigureSymbol "action:4" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >87.719,>87.719,<903.509,<903.509 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>421.053,>500 >210.526,0 0,>210.526 Line >210.526,0 <789.474,0 Arc <578.947,0,1000,>500 1000,>210.526 <789.474,0 Line 1000,>210.526 1000,<789.474 Arc <578.947,<500,1000,1000 <789.474,1000 1000,<789.474 Line >210.526,1000 <789.474,1000 Arc 0,<500,>421.053,1000 0,<789.474 >210.526,1000 Line 0,>210.526 0,<789.474 } Hot 69 0,>160.842 >2.526,>144.842 >5.895,>128 >10.105,>112.842 >16.842,>96.842 >24.421,>82.526 >33.684,>69.053 >44.632,>56.421- >50.526,>50.526 >56.421,>44.632 >69.053,>33.684 >82.526,>24.421 >96.842,>16.842 >112.842,>10.105 >128,>5.895 >144.842,>2.526- >160.842,0 <839.158,0 <855.158,>2.526 <872,>5.895 <887.158,>10.105 <903.158,>16.842 <917.474,>24.421 <930.947,>33.684- <943.579,>44.632 <949.474,>50.526 <955.369,>56.421 <966.316,>69.053 <975.579,>82.526 <983.158,>96.842 <989.895,>112.842 <994.105,>128- <997.474,>144.842 1000,>160.842 1000,<839.158 <997.474,<855.158 <994.105,<872 <989.895,<887.158 <983.158,<903.158 <975.579,<917.474- <966.316,<930.947 <955.369,<943.579 <949.474,<949.474 <943.579,<955.368 <930.947,<966.316 <917.474,<975.579 <903.158,<983.158 <887.158,<989.895- <872,<994.105 <855.158,<997.474 <839.158,1000 >160.842,1000 >144.842,<997.474 >128,<994.105 >112.842,<989.895 >96.842,<983.158- >82.526,<975.579 >69.053,<966.316 >56.421,<955.368 >50.526,<949.474 >44.632,<943.579 >33.684,<930.947 >24.421,<917.474 >16.842,<903.158- >10.105,<887.158 >5.895,<872 >2.526,<855.158 0,<839.158 0,>160.842 } FigureSymbol "action:1" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox >104.167,>104.167,<885.417,<885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "[action]:4" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 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>53.17,<932.785 >40.128,<917.737 >29.093,<901.686 >20.064,<884.631- >12.038,<865.57 >7.022,<847.512 >3.01,<827.448 0,<808.387 0,>191.613 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191.613 >3.01,>172.552 >7.022,>152.488 >12.038,>134.43 >20.064,>115.369 >29.093,>98.314 >40.128,>82.263 >53.17,>67.215- >60.192,>60.192 >67.215,>53.17 >82.263,>40.128 >98.314,>29.093 >115.369,>20.064 >134.43,>12.038 >152.488,>7.022 >172.552,>3.01- >191.613,0 <808.387,0 <827.448,>3.01 <847.512,>7.022 <865.57,>12.038 <884.631,>20.064 <901.686,>29.093 <917.737,>40.128- <932.785,>53.17 <939.808,>60.192 <946.83,>67.215 <959.872,>82.263 <970.907,>98.314 <979.936,>115.369 <987.962,>134.43 <992.978,>152.488- <996.99,>172.552 1000,>191.613 1000,<808.387 <996.99,<827.448 <992.978,<847.512 <987.962,<865.57 <979.936,<884.631 <970.907,<901.686- <959.872,<917.737 <946.83,<932.785 <939.808,<939.808 <932.785,<946.83 <917.737,<959.872 <901.686,<970.907 <884.631,<979.936 <865.57,<987.962- <847.512,<992.978 <827.448,<996.99 <808.387,1000 >191.613,1000 >172.552,<996.99 >152.488,<992.978 >134.43,<987.962 >115.369,<979.936- >98.314,<970.907 >82.263,<959.872 >67.215,<946.83 >60.192,<939.808 >53.17,<932.785 >40.128,<917.737 >29.093,<901.686 >20.064,<884.631- >12.038,<865.57 >7.022,<847.512 >3.01,<827.448 0,<808.387 0,>191.613 } Hot 69 0,>191.613 >3.01,>172.552 >7.022,>152.488 >12.038,>134.43 >20.064,>115.369 >29.093,>98.314 >40.128,>82.263 >53.17,>67.215- >60.192,>60.192 >67.215,>53.17 >82.263,>40.128 >98.314,>29.093 >115.369,>20.064 >134.43,>12.038 >152.488,>7.022 >172.552,>3.01- >191.613,0 <808.387,0 <827.448,>3.01 <847.512,>7.022 <865.57,>12.038 <884.631,>20.064 <901.686,>29.093 <917.737,>40.128- <932.785,>53.17 <939.808,>60.192 <946.83,>67.215 <959.872,>82.263 <970.907,>98.314 <979.936,>115.369 <987.962,>134.43 <992.978,>152.488- <996.99,>172.552 1000,>191.613 1000,<808.387 <996.99,<827.448 <992.978,<847.512 <987.962,<865.57 <979.936,<884.631 <970.907,<901.686- <959.872,<917.737 <946.83,<932.785 <939.808,<939.808 <932.785,<946.83 <917.737,<959.872 <901.686,<970.907 <884.631,<979.936 <865.57,<987.962- <847.512,<992.978 <827.448,<996.99 <808.387,1000 >191.613,1000 >172.552,<996.99 >152.488,<992.978 >134.43,<987.962 >115.369,<979.936- >98.314,<970.907 >82.263,<959.872 >67.215,<946.83 >60.192,<939.808 >53.17,<932.785 >40.128,<917.737 >29.093,<901.686 >20.064,<884.631- >12.038,<865.57 >7.022,<847.512 >3.01,<827.448 0,<808.387 0,>191.613 } FigureSymbol "[action]:5" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>286.742 >4.504,>258.218 >10.509,>228.193 >18.015,>201.17 >30.025,>172.646 >43.537,>147.124 >60.051,>123.104 >79.567,>100.585- >90.076,>90.076 >100.585,>79.567 >123.104,>60.051 >147.124,>43.537 >172.646,>30.025 >201.17,>18.015 >228.193,>10.509 >258.218,>4.504- >286.742,0 <713.258,0 <741.782,>4.504 <771.807,>10.509 <798.83,>18.015 <827.354,>30.025 <852.876,>43.537 <876.896,>60.051- <899.415,>79.567 <909.924,>90.076 <920.433,>100.585 <939.949,>123.104 <956.463,>147.124 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>79.567,>100.585- >90.076,>90.076 >100.585,>79.567 >123.104,>60.051 >147.124,>43.537 >172.646,>30.025 >201.17,>18.015 >228.193,>10.509 >258.218,>4.504- >286.742,0 <713.258,0 <741.782,>4.504 <771.807,>10.509 <798.83,>18.015 <827.354,>30.025 <852.876,>43.537 <876.896,>60.051- <899.415,>79.567 <909.924,>90.076 <920.433,>100.585 <939.949,>123.104 <956.463,>147.124 <969.975,>172.646 <981.985,>201.17 <989.491,>228.193- <995.496,>258.218 1000,>286.742 1000,<713.258 <995.496,<741.782 <989.491,<771.807 <981.985,<798.83 <969.975,<827.354 <956.463,<852.876- <939.949,<876.896 <920.433,<899.415 <909.924,<909.924 <899.415,<920.433 <876.896,<939.949 <852.876,<956.463 <827.354,<969.975 <798.83,<981.985- <771.807,<989.491 <741.782,<995.496 <713.258,1000 >286.742,1000 >258.218,<995.496 >228.193,<989.491 >201.17,<981.985 >172.646,<969.975- >147.124,<956.463 >123.104,<939.949 >100.585,<920.433 >90.076,<909.924 >79.567,<899.415 >60.051,<876.896 >43.537,<852.876 >30.025,<827.354- >18.015,<798.83 >10.509,<771.807 >4.504,<741.782 0,<713.258 0,>286.742 } ## End Symbols Section: EndSymbol "arrow umlstick" { Outline { Line 500,500 1000,300 Line 500,500 1000,700 } Silhouette TRUE } EndSymbol "anchor point" { Centered TRUE Magnify 20 LineTo 100 Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } } ## Figure Styles Section: FigureStyle "Title" { Label TRUE Height 74 Width 110 Description "A page, document, or diagram title" FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0042 Behavior 0x00000000018251E2 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 14 TypeWeight 700 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Heading" { Label TRUE Height 74 Width 110 Description "A heading for a swimlane or diagram section" FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x00000000018251E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 9 TypeWeight 700 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Comment" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 Description "An informal description, or a diagram contraint" FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 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Description "A pin representing input or output data parameters for an activit- y/action" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "pin" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Exception Parameter" { Category "Activity" Height 20 Width 30 Description "Denotes an exception parameter output that flows to the next acti- on immediately" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "exception parameter" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Listbox Pin Vert" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 80 Width 20 Description "An expansion node representing list of input or output data param- eters for an ac" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "listbox pin vert" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Listbox Pin Horz" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 20 Width 80 Description "An expansion node representing list of input or output data param- eters for an ac" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "listbox pin horz" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Action" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "An action state consisting of a single activity that runs to comp- letion" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Subactivity" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "A subactivity that can be expanded and decomposed" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action subact" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Expansion Region" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for defining an action state expansion region" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024421 Symbol "[action]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Object Flow State" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 98 Width 192 Description "An object in a certain state used for input or/and output" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E22 Symbol "class/object" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Send Event" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "A signal that is sent asynchronously to a target" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "output eventr" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Receive Event" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "A signal that is received from a target" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "input eventr" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Send Event2" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "A signal that is sent asynchronously to a target" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "output eventl" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Receive Event2" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "A signal that is received from a target" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "input eventl" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Initial State" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 22 Width 22 Description "The starting point of the activity" FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "start" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Final State" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 32 Width 32 Description "The ending point of the activity" FillColor 0,0,0 BorderWidth 2 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "stop" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Branch/Merge" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 48 Width 48 Description "Point where flows merge asynchronously or branch based on guard c- onditions" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "condition notxt" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Decision" { HasButton TRUE Height 128 Width 128 Description "A branch of control based on a conditional expression" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F005024E12 Symbol "condition" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Fork/Join Horz" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 16 Width 140 Description "Point where multiple control flows synchronize" FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000000F418024612 Symbol "fork/join horz" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Fork/Join Vert" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 140 Width 16 Description "Point where multiple control flows synchronize" FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000000F418024612 Symbol "fork/join vert" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Terminate" { Category "Sequence" InMenu FALSE Height 50 Width 50 Description "Marks the end of an object lifeline" FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "terminate" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Time Signal" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 64 Width 64 Description "A time signal (or accept) triggered by passage of time (or trigge- red to wait)" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "time signal" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Flow Final" { Category "Activity" HasButton TRUE Height 64 Width 64 Description "An end to a flow that does not terminate the activity" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "flow final" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Connector" { Category "General" HasButton TRUE Height 64 Width 64 Description "Used in identically labeled pairs as a shorthand for a path" DefaultText "A" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F001024E12 Symbol "connector" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Box" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for grouping diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024421 Symbol "[class/object]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Box Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for grouping diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[class/object]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Rounded" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[state]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Rounded Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[state]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Cloud" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[booch class/obj]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Cloud Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[booch class/obj]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Oval" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[usecase]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Container Oval Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[usecase]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (2)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 2]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (3)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 3]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (4)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 4]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (5)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 5]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (6)" { Category "Containers" InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 6]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Frame" { Category "Containers" Height 384 Width 768 Description "A container for identifying related diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[frame]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Arc Sides" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arc sides" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Circle" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "circle" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Diamond" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 128 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "diamond" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Hexagon" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "hexagon" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Box" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "rectangle" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Rounded Box" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "rounded box" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Octagon" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 128 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000424E12 Symbol "octagon" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Oval" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "oval" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Round Sides" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "round sides" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Paper" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 148 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "paper" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Deck" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "deck" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Arw Left" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 72 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow left" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Arw Right" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 72 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow right" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Arw L/R" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 72 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow left/right" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Arw Up/Down" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 80 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow up/down" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Arw Up" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 80 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow up" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Arw Down" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 80 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow down" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Drum" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "disk simple" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Callout Right" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 160 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "callout 3" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } FigureStyle "Callout Left" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 160 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "callout 4" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } ## Connector Styles Section: ConnectorStyle "Line" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic line for drawing" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Dashed Line" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic dashed line for drawing" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Dotted Line" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic dotted line for drawing" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 6 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Divider" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic heavy line for drawing dividers" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 5 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Dashed Divider" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic heavy dashed line for drawing dividers" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 5 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Anchor" { Category "General" HasButton TRUE Description "Connection to Note for comments and constraint notation" End1 "anchor point" End2 "anchor point" End1Length 7 End2Length 7 PenStyle 6 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Flow" { Category "Control Flow" HasButton TRUE Description "Control flow from one action to another" End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Object Flow" { Category "Control Flow" HasButton TRUE Description "An input or output to or from an object flow state" End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ## Figures & Connectors Section: Figure 1 { Style "Initial State" Text "" Bounds 341,373,363,395 FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "start" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 2 { Style "Decision" Text "" Bounds 960,672,1088,800 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F005024E12 Symbol "condition" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Connector 3 { Style "Flow" Figure1 20 Figure2 13 EndPoint1 486,544 EndPoint2 883,544 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 4 { Style "Flow" Figure1 13 Figure2 2 EndPoint1 1024,601 EndPoint2 1024,672 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 5 { Style "Flow" Figure1 2 Figure2 16 EndPoint1 960,736 EndPoint2 497,736 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 6 { Style "Flow" Figure1 16 Figure2 20 EndPoint1 352,688 EndPoint2 352,601 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 7 { Style "Flow" Figure1 2 Figure2 21 EndPoint1 1024,800 EndPoint2 1024,912 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 8 { Style "Flow" Figure1 21 Figure2 22 EndPoint1 1024,1008 EndPoint2 1024,1095 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 9 { Style "Flow" Figure1 22 Figure2 23 EndPoint1 884,1152 EndPoint2 466,1152 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 10 { Style "Expansion Region" Text "" Bounds 736,288,1376,1472 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024421 Symbol "[action]:5" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 11 { Style "Expansion Region" Text "" Bounds 160,288,736,1472 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024421 Symbol "[action]:4" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 12 { Label TRUE Text "UseFul FM" Bounds 901,322,1114,368 FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000000A241D2 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 12 TypeWeight 700 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 13 { Style "Action" Text " \line " Bounds 883,487,1165,601 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action:22" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 14 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text " " Bounds 711,695,915,726 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 15 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text " " Bounds 1034,827,1100,858 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0024 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51D1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 16 { Style "Action" Text " " Bounds 207,688,497,784 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action:1" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 17 { Label TRUE Text "customer" Bounds 207,321,541,367 FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000000A24052 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 12 TypeWeight 700 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 18 { Style "Final State" Text "" Bounds 336,1360,368,1392 FillColor 0,0,0 BorderWidth 2 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "stop" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Connector 19 { Style "Flow" Figure1 23 Figure2 18 EndPoint1 352,1200 EndPoint2 352,1360 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 20 { Style "Action" Text " CD \line " Bounds 219,487,486,601 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action:4" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 21 { Style "Action" Text "CD " Bounds 896,912,1152,1008 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action:1" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 22 { Style "Action" Text " \line \line " Bounds 884,1095,1165,1209 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action:4" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 23 { Style "Action" Text " \line " Bounds 238,1104,466,1200 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "action:1" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Figure 24 { Style "Initial State" Text "" Bounds 341,373,363,395 FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "start" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } Connector 25 { Style "Flow" Figure1 24 Figure2 20 EndPoint1 352,395 EndPoint2 352,487 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ## Staples Section: Staple 1 { StapleType 5 Connector 5 ConPos 81 Figure1 14 Fig1PosX 127 Fig1PosY 127 Figure2 -1 Fig2PosX 0 Fig2PosY 0 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 LateralOffset 10 LateralConsistency 0 } Staple 2 { StapleType 5 Connector 7 ConPos 97 Figure1 15 Fig1PosX 127 Fig1PosY 127 Figure2 -1 Fig2PosX 0 Fig2PosY 0 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 LateralOffset 10 LateralConsistency 0 } ## Groups Section: Oh+'0| ObjInfo Contentsܝ_1198388424Ara6Rp9p9Ole        !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~  EDGE Diagram File Version 5.05 ## Globals Section: X 0 Y 862 Scale 87.96 Orientation 1 Paper 1 PaperWidth 2159 PaperLength 2794 PageMarginLeft 128 PageMarginTop 128 PageMarginRight 128 PageMarginBottom 128 PosterRows 1 PosterCols 1 Color1 255,255,255 Color2 192,192,192 Color3 130,130,130 Color4 0,0,0 Color5 0,255,255 Color6 0,0,255 Color7 0,0,160 Color8 128,0,128 Color9 255,128,0 Color10 255,0,0 Color11 128,0,64 Color12 128,64,0 Color13 0,255,0 Color14 0,128,0 Color15 128,128,255 Color16 205,114,203 GridX 32 GridY 32 SnapX 16 SnapY 16 SnapConPtsCentersEdges TRUE 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Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 102 TextBox 52.083,78.125,947.917,921.875 Fill { Polygon 69 >174,0 <826,0 <831,6 <837,15 <849,30 <861,48 <877,72 <893,99- <910,130 <927,165 <943,203 <958,244 <971,287 <982,332 <991,379 <997,428- 1000,476 1000,525 <997,573 <991,622 <982,669 <971,714 <958,757 <943,798- <927,836 <910,871 <893,902 <876,929 <861,953 <848,971 <837,986 <830,995- <826,1000 <826,1000 >826,1000 >174,1000 >174,1000 >174,1000 >170,995 >163,986- >152,971 >139,953 >124,929 >107,902 >90,871 >73,836 >57,798 >42,757- >29,714 >18,669 >9,622 >3,573 >0,525 >0,476 >3,428 >9,379- >18,332 >29,287 >41,244 >57,203 >73,165 >90,130 >107,99 >123,72- >139,48 >151,30 >163,15 >169,6 >174,0 } Outline { Polyline 69 >174,0 <826,0 <831,6 <837,15 <849,30 <861,48 <877,72 <893,99- <910,130 <927,165 <943,203 <958,244 <971,287 <982,332 <991,379 <997,428- 1000,476 1000,525 <997,573 <991,622 <982,669 <971,714 <958,757 <943,798- <927,836 <910,871 <893,902 <876,929 <861,953 <848,971 <837,986 <830,995- <826,1000 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0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "rounded box" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox 52.083,78.125,942.708,914.063 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "octagon" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 192 Width 192 FramedTextBox >195.313,>78.125,<796.875,<914.063 >200,0,<800,1000 1 0 1 0 Fill { Polygon 9 0,>333 >333,0 <666,0 1000,>333 1000,<666 <666,1000 >333,1000 0,<666- 0,>333 } Outline { Polyline 9 0,>333 >333,0 <666,0 1000,>333 1000,<666 <666,1000 >333,1000 0,<666- 0,>333 } Hot 9 0,>333 >333,0 <666,0 1000,>333 1000,<666 <666,1000 >333,1000 0,<666- 0,>333 } FigureSymbol "round sides" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 101 TextBox >78.125,>78.125,<921.875,<921.875 Fill { Polygon 69 >332,0 <668,0 <716,6 <749,15 <780,30 <810,48 <838,72 <865,99- <891,130 <914,165 <935,203 <952,244 <968,287 <980,332 <990,379 <996,428- 1000,476 1000,525 <996,573 <990,622 <980,669 <968,714 <952,757 <935,798- <914,836 <891,871 <865,902 <838,929 <810,953 <780,971 <749,986 <716,995- <685,1000 <668,1000 <668,1000 >332,1000 >332,1000 >315,1000 >284,995 >251,986- >220,971 >190,953 >162,929 >135,902 >109,871 >86,836 >65,798 >48,757- >32,714 >20,669 >10,622 >4,573 0,525 0,476 >4,428 >10,379- >20,332 >32,287 >48,244 >65,203 >86,165 >109,130 >135,99 >162,72- >190,48 >220,30 >251,15 >284,6 >332,0 } Outline { Polyline 69 >332,0 <668,0 <716,6 <749,15 <780,30 <810,48 <838,72 <865,99- <891,130 <914,165 <935,203 <952,244 <968,287 <980,332 <990,379 <996,428- 1000,476 1000,525 <996,573 <990,622 <980,669 <968,714 <952,757 <935,798- <914,836 <891,871 <865,902 <838,929 <810,953 <780,971 <749,986 <716,995- <685,1000 <668,1000 <668,1000 >332,1000 >332,1000 >315,1000 >284,995 >251,986- >220,971 >190,953 >162,929 >135,902 >109,871 >86,836 >65,798 >48,757- >32,714 >20,669 >10,622 >4,573 0,525 0,476 >4,428 >10,379- >20,332 >32,287 >48,244 >65,203 >86,165 >109,130 >135,99 >162,72- >190,48 >220,30 >251,15 >284,6 >332,0 } Hot 69 >332,0 <668,0 <716,6 <749,15 <780,30 <810,48 <838,72 <865,99- <891,130 <914,165 <935,203 <952,244 <968,287 <980,332 <990,379 <996,428- 1000,476 1000,525 <996,573 <990,622 <980,669 <968,714 <952,757 <935,798- <914,836 <891,871 <865,902 <838,929 <810,953 <780,971 <749,986 <716,995- <685,1000 <668,1000 <668,1000 >332,1000 >332,1000 >315,1000 >284,995 >251,986- >220,971 >190,953 >162,929 >135,902 >109,871 >86,836 >65,798 >48,757- >32,714 >20,669 >10,622 >4,573 0,525 0,476 >4,428 >10,379- >20,332 >32,287 >48,244 >65,203 >86,165 >109,130 >135,99 >162,72- >190,48 >220,30 >251,15 >284,6 >332,0 } FigureSymbol "arrow down" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 256 Width 128 Reshape 16 FramedTextBox 275,52.083,712.5,645.833 150,0,850,650 0 0 0 1 Fill { Polygon 8 500,1000 1000,650 850,650 850,0 150,0 150,650 0,650 500,1000 } Outline { Polyline 8 500,1000 1000,650 850,650 850,0 150,0 150,650 0,650 500,1000 } Hot 8 500,1000 1000,650 850,650 850,0 150,0 150,650 0,650 500,1000 } FigureSymbol "arrow left" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 96 Width 256 Reshape 12 FramedTextBox 296.875,333.333,942.708,652.778 300,200,1000,800 1 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 8 1000,200 300,200 300,0 0,500 300,1000 300,800 1000,800 1000,200 } Outline { Polyline 8 1000,200 300,200 300,0 0,500 300,1000 300,800 1000,800 1000,200 } Hot 8 1000,200 300,200 300,0 0,500 300,1000 300,800 1000,800 1000,200 } FigureSymbol "arrow left/right" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 96 Width 256 Reshape 15 FramedTextBox 296.875,333.333,697.917,652.778 300,200,700,800 1 0 1 0 Fill { Polygon 11 0,500 300,0 300,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800- 300,800 300,1000 0,500 } Outline { Polyline 11 0,500 300,0 300,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800- 300,800 300,1000 0,500 } Hot 11 0,500 300,0 300,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800- 300,800 300,1000 0,500 } FigureSymbol "arrow right" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 96 Width 256 Reshape 14 FramedTextBox 52.083,333.333,697.917,652.778 0,200,700,800 0 0 1 0 Fill { Polygon 8 0,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800 0,800 0,200 } Outline { Polyline 8 0,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800 0,800 0,200 } Hot 8 0,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800 0,800 0,200 } FigureSymbol "arrow up" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 256 Width 128 Reshape 17 FramedTextBox 275,348.958,712.5,942.708 150,350,850,1000 0 1 0 0 Fill { Polygon 8 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,1000 150,1000 150,350 0,350 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 8 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,1000 150,1000 150,350 0,350 500,0 } Hot 8 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,1000 150,1000 150,350 0,350 500,0 } FigureSymbol "arrow up/down" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 256 Width 128 Reshape 18 FramedTextBox 275,348.958,712.5,645.833 150,350,850,650 0 1 0 1 Fill { Polygon 11 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,650 1000,650 500,1000 0,650 150,650- 150,350 0,350 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 11 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,650 1000,650 500,1000 0,650 150,650- 150,350 0,350 500,0 } Hot 11 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,650 1000,650 500,1000 0,650 150,650- 150,350 0,350 500,0 } FigureSymbol "callout 3" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox >62.5,>62.5,<931.25,<731.25 0,0,1000,<800 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 >400,<800 0,1000 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Outline { Polyline 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 >400,<800 0,1000 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Hot 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 >400,<800 0,1000 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } FigureSymbol "callout 4" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox >62.5,>62.5,<931.25,<731.25 0,0,1000,<800 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 1000,1000 <600,<800 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Outline { Polyline 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 1000,1000 <600,<800 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Hot 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 1000,1000 <600,<800 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } FigureSymbol "deck" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 52.083,179.688,875,914.063 0,>100,<900,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,>100,<900,1000 Rect >100,0,1000,<900 Rect >50,>50,<950,<950 } Outline { Rect 0,>100,<900,1000 Polyline 5 >50,>100 >50,>50 <950,>50 <950,<950 <900,<950 Polyline 5 >100,>50 >100,0 1000,0 1000,<900 <950,<900 } MiniOutline { Rect 0,200,800,1000 Polyline 5 100,200 100,100 900,100 900,900 800,900 Polyline 5 200,100 200,0 1000,0 1000,800 900,800 } } FigureSymbol "disk simple" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 52.083,273.438,942.708,890.625 0,>200,1000,<900 0 0 0 1 Fill { Rect 0,>100,1000,<900 Ellipse 0,0,1000,>200 Ellipse 0,<800,1000,1000 } Outline { Line 0,>100 0,<900 Line 1000,>100 1000,<900 Ellipse 0,0,1000,>200 Arc 0,<800,1000,1000 0,<900 1000,<900 } MiniOutline { Line 0,200 0,800 Line 1000,100 1000,900 Ellipse 0,0,1000,400 Arc 0,600,1000,1000 0,800 1000,800 } Hot 17 1,>81 77,>44 218,>16 402,>1 599,>1 783,>16 924,>44 1000,>81- 1000,<920 924,<957 783,<985 599,<1000 402,<1000 218,<985 77,<957 1,<920- 1,>81 } FigureSymbol "paper" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 192 Width 148 FramedTextBox 67.568,52.083,925.676,942.708 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 1000,0 1000,900 875,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 1000,0 1000,900 875,1000 0,1000 0,0 Polyline 5 875,1000 900,900 940,912 970,912 1000,900 } Hot 6 0,0 1000,0 1000,900 875,1000 0,1000 0,0 } FigureSymbol "note" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 Reshape 6 FramedTextBox 52.083,78.125,942.708,914.063 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 Polyline 3 <850,0 <850,>150 1000,>150 } MiniOutline { Polyline 6 0,0 <700,0 1000,>300 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 Polyline 3 <700,0 <700,>300 1000,>300 } Hot 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } FigureSymbol "[class/object]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[state]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "[booch class/obj]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Fill { Ellipse 84,114,672,702 Ellipse 421,89,859,527 Ellipse 573,286,995,708 Ellipse 263,492,721,950 Ellipse 0,528,423,952 } Outline { Arc 84,114,672,702 500,140 120,550 Arc 421,89,859,527 860,300 500,140 Arc 573,286,995,708 720,700 860,300 Arc 263,492,721,950 350,900 720,700 Arc 0,528,423,952 120,550 350,900 } Hot 40 350,900 363,915 447,950 538,950 622,915 686,851 721,767 720,700- 743,708 826,708 904,676 963,617 995,539 995,456 963,378 904,319- 860,300 859,265 826,185 764,123 684,90 597,90 517,123 500,140- 436,115 321,115 212,160 130,242 85,351 85,466 120,550 92,561- 33,621 1,699 1,782 33,860 92,920 170,952 253,952 350,900 } FigureSymbol "[usecase]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Fill { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Hot 65 525,1000 573,995 622,986 669,971 714,953 757,929 798,902 836,871- 871,836 902,798 929,757 953,714 971,669 986,622 995,573 1000,525- 1000,476 995,428 986,379 971,332 953,287 929,244 902,203 871,165- 836,130 798,99 757,72 714,48 669,30 622,15 573,6 525,1- 476,1 428,6 379,15 332,30 287,48 244,72 203,99 165,130- 130,165 99,203 72,244 48,287 30,332 15,379 6,428 1,476- 1,525 6,573 15,622 30,669 48,714 72,757 99,798 130,836- 165,871 203,902 244,929 287,953 332,971 379,986 428,995 476,1000- 525,1000 } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 2]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 512 Reshape 65 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 3]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 768 Reshape 66 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 333,0 333,1000 Line 667,0 667,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 4]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 1024 Reshape 67 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 250,0 250,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 Line 750,0 750,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 5]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 1280 Reshape 68 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 200,0 200,1000 Line 400,0 400,1000 Line 600,0 600,1000 Line 800,0 800,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 6]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 1536 Reshape 69 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 166,0 166,1000 Line 332,0 332,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 Line 666,0 666,1000 Line 831,0 831,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[frame]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 124 FramedTextBox 13.021,26.042,436.198,122.396 0,0,450,150 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Polyline 4 450,0 450,94.792 422.396,150 0,150 } } FigureSymbol "[combined fragment2]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 138 FramedTextBox 13.021,26.042,436.198,122.396 0,0,450,150 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Polyline 4 450,0 450,94.792 422.396,150 0,150 Line 0,500 1000,500 } } FigureSymbol "[combined fragment3]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 139 FramedTextBox 13.021,26.042,436.198,122.396 0,0,450,150 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Polyline 4 450,0 450,94.792 422.396,150 0,150 Line 0,333 1000,333 Line 0,666 1000,666 } } FigureSymbol "[combined fragment4]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 140 FramedTextBox 13.021,26.042,436.198,122.396 0,0,450,150 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Polyline 4 450,0 450,94.792 422.396,150 0,150 Line 0,250 1000,250 Line 0,500 1000,500 Line 0,750 1000,750 } } FigureSymbol "actor" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 128 Width 64 Fill { Ellipse 300,0,700,200 } Outline { Ellipse 300,0,700,200 Line 500,200 500,700 Line 0,350 1000,350 Line 0,1000 500,700 Line 1000,1000 500,700 } Hot 11 1000,161 924,88 783,31 599,0 402,0 218,31 77,88 0,161- 0,1000 1000,1000 1000,161 } FigureSymbol "class/object" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 52.083,104.167,942.708,885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "active class/object" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 Reshape 136 FramedTextBox 114.583,104.167,880.208,885.417 63,0,937,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 63,0 63,1000 Line 937,0 937,1000 } MiniOutline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 100,0 100,1000 Line 880,0 880,1000 } } FigureSymbol "terminate" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 128 Width 128 Reshape 61 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 45 Fill { Polygon 13 0,41 41,0 500,458 958,0 1000,41 541,500 1000,958 958,1000- 500,541 41,1000 0,958 458,500 0,41 } Outline { Polyline 13 0,41 41,0 500,458 958,0 1000,41 541,500 1000,958 958,1000- 500,541 41,1000 0,958 458,500 0,41 } Hot 13 0,41 41,0 500,458 958,0 1000,41 541,500 1000,958 958,1000- 500,541 41,1000 0,958 458,500 0,41 } FigureSymbol "state" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox 62.5,156.25,931.25,828.125 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "seq activation" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 256 Width 32 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "seq lifeline" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 256 Width 8 Outline { Line 500,0 500,1000 } } FigureSymbol "class/object r3" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 210 Width 192 Reshape 2 FramedTextBox 39.063,35.714,957.031,157.143 0,0,1000,194 0 0 0 0 FramedTextBox 39.063,228.571,957.031,567.857 0,194,1000,606 0 0 0 0 FramedTextBox 39.063,639.286,957.031,960.714 0,606,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 0,194 1000,194 Line 0,606 1000,606 } } FigureSymbol "class/object:5" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 50.761,144.928,944.162,840.58 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "class/object:7" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 52.083,144.928,942.708,840.58 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "class/object:28" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 46.729,144.928,948.598,840.58 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "class/object:59" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 44.248,144.928,951.327,840.58 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } ## End Symbols Section: EndSymbol "arrow umlopen" { LineTo 80 Fill { Polygon 4 500,500 900,300 900,700 500,500 } Outline { Polyline 4 500,500 900,300 900,700 500,500 } } EndSymbol "arrow umlsolid" { LineTo 80 Fill { Polygon 4 500,500 900,300 900,700 500,500 } Outline { Polyline 4 500,500 900,300 900,700 500,500 } Silhouette TRUE } EndSymbol "arrow umlstick" { Outline { Line 500,500 1000,300 Line 500,500 1000,700 } Silhouette TRUE } EndSymbol "measure stick2" { Outline { Polyline 3 800,300 500,500 800,700 Line 500,0 500,1000 } } EndSymbol "msg found" { Centered TRUE LineTo 100 Fill { Polygon 4 700,500 1000,300 1000,700 700,500 Ellipse 300,300,700,700 } Outline { Polyline 4 700,500 1000,300 1000,700 700,500 Ellipse 300,300,700,700 } Silhouette TRUE } EndSymbol "msg lost" { Centered TRUE LineTo 40 Fill { Ellipse 300,300,700,700 } Outline { Ellipse 300,300,700,700 } Silhouette TRUE } EndSymbol "anchor point" { Centered TRUE Magnify 20 LineTo 100 Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } } ## Figure Styles Section: FigureStyle "Title" { Label TRUE Height 74 Width 110 Description "A page, document, or diagram title" FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0042 Behavior 0x00000000018251E2 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 12 TypeWeight 700 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Heading" { Label TRUE Height 74 Width 110 Description "A heading for a swimlane or diagram section" FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x00000000018251E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 9 TypeWeight 700 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Comment" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 Description "An informal description, or a diagram contraint" FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeItalic TRUE TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Label" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Node Label" { Label TRUE InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 DefaultText "Label" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Flow Label" { Label TRUE InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 DefaultText "Label" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Path Label" { Label TRUE InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 DefaultText "Label" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Event" { Label TRUE InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A trigger event possibly combined with a [guard condition] and/or- /action" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Guard Condition" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A branch condition (enclose condition in brackets)" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Keyword" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A keyword for a use case association or a dependency" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Message" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A message identifier or description" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Note" { Category "General" HasButton TRUE Height 128 Width 192 Description "Additional information concerning any element of the diagram" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "note" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Terminate" { Category "Sequence" HasButton TRUE Height 50 Width 50 Description "Destruction event" FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "terminate" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Actor" { Category "Use Case" HasButton TRUE Height 128 Width 64 Description "An external person, process, or thing that interacts with a syste- m" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "Actor" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "actor" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Actor System" { Category "Use Case" InMenu FALSE DisplayText TRUE Height 144 Width 256 Description "An actor that is another system (alternate notation)" DefaultText "actor\line " BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E22 Symbol "class/object" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "State" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 64 Width 160 Description "A condition in which each event has a consistent defined response" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E22 Symbol "state" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Object" { Category "Sequence" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "An object with a lifeline and/or activations that communicates wi- th other object" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "class/object" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Active Object" { Category "Class / Object" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "An object that actively directs other objects" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E22 Symbol "active class/object" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Activation" { Category "Sequence" HasButton TRUE Height 512 Width 22 Description "An execution specification such as a procedure call including the- time it waits " BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Lifeline" { Category "Sequence" HasButton TRUE Height 512 Width 22 Description "An object lifeline" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Box" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for grouping diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024421 Symbol "[class/object]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Box Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for grouping diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[class/object]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Subject Boundary" { Category "Containers" InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for grouping diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024421 Symbol "[class/object]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Subject Boundary Dash" { Category "Containers" InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for grouping diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[class/object]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Rounded" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[state]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Rounded Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[state]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Cloud" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[booch class/obj]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Cloud Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[booch class/obj]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Oval" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[usecase]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Oval Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[usecase]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (2)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 2]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (3)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 3]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (4)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 4]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (5)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 5]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (6)" { Category "Containers" InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 6]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Frame" { Category "Containers" HasButton TRUE Height 384 Width 768 Description "A container for identifying related diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[frame]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Combined Fragment2" { Category "Containers" HasButton TRUE Height 384 Width 768 Description "A frame for conditional partition of sequences" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[combined fragment2]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Combined Fragment3" { Category "Containers" HasButton TRUE Height 384 Width 768 Description "A frame for conditional partition of sequences" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[combined fragment3]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Combined Fragment4" { Category "Containers" Height 384 Width 768 Description "A frame for conditional partition of sequences" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[combined fragment4]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Arc Sides" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arc sides" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Circle" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "circle" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Diamond" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 128 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "diamond" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Hexagon" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "hexagon" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Box" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "rectangle" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Rounded Box" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "rounded box" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Octagon" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 128 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000424E12 Symbol "octagon" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Oval" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "oval" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Round Sides" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "round sides" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Paper" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 148 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "paper" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Deck" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "deck" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Arw Left" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 72 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow left" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Arw Right" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 72 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow right" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Arw L/R" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 72 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow left/right" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Arw Up/Down" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 80 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow up/down" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Arw Up" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 80 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow up" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Arw Down" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 80 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow down" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Drum" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "disk simple" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Callout Right" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 160 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "callout 3" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Callout Left" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 160 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "callout 4" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Class R3" { Category "Class / Object" Height 280 Width 256 Description "A class or object with a name compartment and a body compartment" TextInits "\vertalc \qc\sect \vertalt \ql\sect \vertalt \ql\sect \vertalt \q- l" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000003300024222 Symbol "class/object r3" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } ## Connector Styles Section: ConnectorStyle "Measure" { Category "Nonstandard" HasButton TRUE Description "Designates a specific time interval" End1 "measure stick2" End2 "measure stick2" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Line" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic line for drawing" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Dashed Line" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic dashed line for drawing" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Dotted Line" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic dotted line for drawing" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 6 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Divider" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic heavy line for drawing dividers" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 5 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Dashed Divider" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic heavy dashed line for drawing dividers" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 5 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Anchor" { Category "General" HasButton TRUE Description "Connection to Note for comments and constraint notation" End1 "anchor point" End2 "anchor point" End1Length 7 End2Length 7 PenStyle 6 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Message SYNC" { Category "Message" HasButton TRUE Description "A synchronous message / procedure call" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Message ASYNC" { Category "Message" HasButton TRUE Description "An asynchronous message" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Message REPLY" { Category "Message" HasButton TRUE Description "A reply/return from a synchronous message" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Message LOST" { Category "Message" HasButton TRUE Description "A messsage sent to a receiver unknown or outside of scope" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 End1 "msg lost" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Message FOUND" { Category "Message" HasButton TRUE Description "A messsage received from a sender unknown or outside of scope" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 End1 "null" End2 "msg found" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Message SYNC Left" { Category "Message" Description "A synchronous message / procedure call (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 270 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message SYNC Right" { Category "Message" Description "A synchronous message / procedure call (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 90 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message SYNC UpR" { Category "Message" Description "A synchronous message / procedure call (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message SYNC UpL" { Category "Message" Description "A synchronous message / procedure call (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message SYNC DownR" { Category "Message" Description "A synchronous message / procedure call (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message SYNC DownL" { Category "Message" Description "A synchronous message / procedure call (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message ASYNC Left" { Category "Message" Description "An asynchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 270 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message ASYNC Right" { Category "Message" Description "An asynchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 90 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message ASYNC UpR" { Category "Message" Description "An asynchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message ASYNC DownR" { Category "Message" Description "An asynchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message ASYNC UpL" { Category "Message" Description "An asynchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message ASYNC DownL" { Category "Message" Description "An asynchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message REPLY Left" { Category "Message" Description "A reply/return from a synchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 270 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message REPLY Right" { Category "Message" Description "A reply/return from a synchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 90 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message REPLY UpR" { Category "Message" Description "A reply/return from a synchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message REPLY DownR" { Category "Message" Description "A reply/return from a synchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message REPLY UpL" { Category "Message" Description "A reply/return from a synchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message REPLY DownL" { Category "Message" Description "A reply/return from a synchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message LOST Left" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage sent to a receiver unknown or outside of scope (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 270 End1 "msg lost" End2 "arrow umlopen" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message LOST Right" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage sent to a receiver unknown or outside of scope (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 90 End1 "msg lost" End2 "arrow umlopen" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message LOST UpR" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage sent to a receiver unknown or outside of scope (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "msg lost" End2 "arrow umlopen" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message LOST DownR" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage sent to a receiver unknown or outside of scope (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "msg lost" End2 "arrow umlopen" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message LOST UpL" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage sent to a receiver unknown or outside of scope (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "msg lost" End2 "arrow umlopen" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message LOST DownL" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage sent to a receiver unknown or outside of scope (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "msg lost" End2 "arrow umlopen" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message FOUND Left" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage received from a sender unknown or outside of scope (st- amp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 270 End1 "null" End2 "msg found" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message FOUND Right" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage received from a sender unknown or outside of scope (st- amp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 90 End1 "null" End2 "msg found" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message FOUND UpR" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage received from a sender unknown or outside of scope (st- amp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "msg found" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message FOUND DownR" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage received from a sender unknown or outside of scope (st- amp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "msg found" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message FOUND UpL" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage received from a sender unknown or outside of scope (st- amp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "msg found" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message FOUND DownL" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage received from a sender unknown or outside of scope (st- amp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "msg found" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ## Figures & Connectors Section: Figure 1 { Style "Container Box" Text "" Bounds 256,976,1024,1808 BorderColor 252,252,252 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024421 Symbol "[class/object]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 2 { Style "Object" Text "MainForm" Bounds 221,480,359,549 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E0A Symbol "class/object" TypeSize 6 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 3 { Style "Object" Text "CommandManager" Bounds 581,480,778,549 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E0A Symbol "class/object:5" TypeSize 6 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 4 { Style "Object" Text "GreetingForm" Bounds 1039,480,1231,549 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E0A Symbol "class/object:7" TypeSize 6 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 5 { Style "Lifeline" Text "" Bounds 282,549,298,880 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 6 { Style "Lifeline" Text "" Bounds 671,549,687,880 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 7 { Style "Lifeline" Text "" Bounds 1127,549,1143,912 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 8 { Style "Activation" Text "" Bounds 278,560,303,813 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" HasConnectionPoints TRUE ConnectionPoint 1 480,185.771 "" 1 } Figure 9 { Style "Activation" Text "" Bounds 667,607,692,816 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" HasConnectionPoints TRUE ConnectionPoint 1 480,172.249 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 2 480,0.000 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 3 480,540.670 "" 1 } Figure 10 { Style "Activation" Text "" Bounds 1123,643,1148,848 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" HasConnectionPoints TRUE ConnectionPoint 1 500,0.000 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 2 480,375.610 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 3 480,219.512 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 4 480,687.805 "" 1 } Connector 11 { Style "Message SYNC" Figure1 8 Figure2 9 ConnectionPoint1 1 ConnectionPoint2 2 EndPoint1 303,607 EndPoint2 667,607 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 28 End2Length 32 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 12 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 9 Figure2 10 ConnectionPoint1 1 ConnectionPoint2 1 EndPoint1 692,643 EndPoint2 1123,643 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 28 End2Length 32 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 13 { Label TRUE Text "Create Greeting Sequence Diagram" Bounds 419,274,1661,361 FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000000A241D2 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 21 TypeWeight 700 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 14 { Label TRUE Style "Flow Label" Text "createGreeting_onclick()" Bounds 313,565,615,597 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0014 Behavior 0x0000000001A241C9 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 15 { Label TRUE Style "Flow Label" Text "Create(DataRow is null, int index);" Bounds 702,601,1122,633 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0014 Behavior 0x0000000001A241C9 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Connector 16 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 9 Figure2 10 ConnectionPoint1 3 ConnectionPoint2 2 EndPoint1 692,720 EndPoint2 1123,720 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 17 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text "setIsNew(true)" Bounds 817,678,996,710 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 18 { Style "Object" Text "GreetingDataControl" Bounds 1364,480,1578,549 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E0A Symbol "class/object:28" TypeSize 6 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 19 { Style "Lifeline" Text "" Bounds 1463,549,1479,1024 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 20 { Style "Activation" Text "" Bounds 1459,643,1484,944 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" HasConnectionPoints TRUE ConnectionPoint 1 480,149.502 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 2 480,468.439 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 3 480,627.907 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 4 480,308.970 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 5 480,840.532 "" 1 } Connector 21 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 10 Figure2 20 ConnectionPoint1 3 ConnectionPoint2 1 EndPoint1 1148,688 EndPoint2 1459,688 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 22 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text "Create()" Bounds 1252,646,1352,678 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Connector 23 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 10 Figure2 20 ConnectionPoint1 4 ConnectionPoint2 2 EndPoint1 1148,784 EndPoint2 1459,784 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 24 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text "CreateNewRow()" Bounds 1198,742,1406,774 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 25 { Style "Object" Text "GreetingDataProvider" Bounds 1694,480,1920,549 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E0A Symbol "class/object:59" TypeSize 6 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 26 { Style "Lifeline" Text "" Bounds 1799,549,1815,1024 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 27 { Style "Activation" Text "" Bounds 1795,643,1820,944 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" HasConnectionPoints TRUE ConnectionPoint 1 480,627.907 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 2 480,840.532 "" 1 } Connector 28 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 20 Figure2 27 ConnectionPoint1 3 ConnectionPoint2 1 EndPoint1 1484,832 EndPoint2 1795,832 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 29 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text "getDataAdapter()" Bounds 1532,790,1745,822 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 30 { Text "" Bounds 1593,681,1608,696 FillColor 0,0,0 BorderWidth 0 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0000 Behavior 0x0000033000327012 Symbol "null" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Connector 31 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 20 Figure2 30 ConnectionPoint1 1 EndPoint1 1484,688 EndPoint2 1600,688 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 TRUE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 32 { Text "" Bounds 1593,729,1608,744 FillColor 0,0,0 BorderWidth 0 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0000 Behavior 0x0000033000327012 Symbol "null" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Connector 33 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 30 Figure2 32 EndPoint1 1600,688 EndPoint2 1600,736 SuppressEnd1 TRUE SuppressEnd2 TRUE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 34 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 32 Figure2 20 ConnectionPoint2 4 EndPoint1 1600,736 EndPoint2 1484,736 SuppressEnd1 TRUE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 35 { Label TRUE Style "Flow Label" Text "AddBinding()" Bounds 1494,646,1658,678 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0014 Behavior 0x0000000001A241C9 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Connector 36 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 20 Figure2 27 ConnectionPoint1 5 ConnectionPoint2 2 EndPoint1 1484,896 EndPoint2 1795,896 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 37 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text "UpdateChanges()" Bounds 1528,854,1748,886 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 38 { Style "Object" Text "MainForm" Bounds 253,1536,391,1605 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E0A Symbol "class/object" TypeSize 6 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 39 { Style "Object" Text "CommandManager" Bounds 613,1536,810,1605 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E0A Symbol "class/object:5" TypeSize 6 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 40 { Style "Object" Text "WorkerForm" Bounds 1071,1536,1263,1605 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E0A Symbol "class/object:7" TypeSize 6 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 41 { Style "Lifeline" Text "" Bounds 314,1605,330,1936 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 42 { Style "Lifeline" Text "" Bounds 703,1605,719,1936 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 43 { Style "Lifeline" Text "" Bounds 1159,1605,1175,1968 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 44 { Style "Activation" Text "" Bounds 310,1616,335,1869 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" HasConnectionPoints TRUE ConnectionPoint 1 480,185.771 "" 1 } Figure 45 { Style "Activation" Text "" Bounds 699,1663,724,1872 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" HasConnectionPoints TRUE ConnectionPoint 1 480,172.249 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 2 480,0.000 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 3 480,540.670 "" 1 } Figure 46 { Style "Activation" Text "" Bounds 1155,1699,1180,1904 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" HasConnectionPoints TRUE ConnectionPoint 1 500,0.000 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 2 480,375.610 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 3 480,219.512 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 4 480,687.805 "" 1 } Connector 47 { Style "Message SYNC" Figure1 44 Figure2 45 ConnectionPoint1 1 ConnectionPoint2 2 EndPoint1 335,1663 EndPoint2 699,1663 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 28 End2Length 32 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 48 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 45 Figure2 46 ConnectionPoint1 1 ConnectionPoint2 1 EndPoint1 724,1699 EndPoint2 1155,1699 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 28 End2Length 32 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 49 { Label TRUE Text "Create Worker Sequence Diagram" Bounds 477,1330,1668,1417 FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000000A241D2 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 21 TypeWeight 700 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 50 { Label TRUE Style "Flow Label" Text "createWorker_onclick()" Bounds 345,1621,630,1653 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0014 Behavior 0x0000000001A241C9 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 51 { Label TRUE Style "Flow Label" Text "Create(DataRow is null, int index);" Bounds 734,1657,1154,1689 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0014 Behavior 0x0000000001A241C9 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Connector 52 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 45 Figure2 46 ConnectionPoint1 3 ConnectionPoint2 2 EndPoint1 724,1776 EndPoint2 1155,1776 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 53 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text "setIsNew(true)" Bounds 849,1734,1028,1766 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 54 { Style "Object" Text "WorkerDataControl" Bounds 1396,1536,1610,1605 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E0A Symbol "class/object:28" TypeSize 6 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 55 { Style "Lifeline" Text "" Bounds 1495,1605,1511,2080 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 56 { Style "Activation" Text "" Bounds 1491,1699,1516,2000 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" HasConnectionPoints TRUE ConnectionPoint 1 480,149.502 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 2 480,468.439 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 3 480,627.907 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 4 480,308.970 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 5 480,840.532 "" 1 } Connector 57 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 46 Figure2 56 ConnectionPoint1 3 ConnectionPoint2 1 EndPoint1 1180,1744 EndPoint2 1491,1744 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 58 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text "Create()" Bounds 1284,1702,1384,1734 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Connector 59 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 46 Figure2 56 ConnectionPoint1 4 ConnectionPoint2 2 EndPoint1 1180,1840 EndPoint2 1491,1840 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 60 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text "CreateNewRow()" Bounds 1230,1798,1438,1830 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 61 { Style "Object" Text "WorkerDataProvider" Bounds 1726,1536,1952,1605 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E0A Symbol "class/object:59" TypeSize 6 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 62 { Style "Lifeline" Text "" Bounds 1831,1605,1847,2080 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 63 { Style "Activation" Text "" Bounds 1827,1699,1852,2000 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" HasConnectionPoints TRUE ConnectionPoint 1 480,627.907 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 2 480,840.532 "" 1 } Connector 64 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 56 Figure2 63 ConnectionPoint1 3 ConnectionPoint2 1 EndPoint1 1516,1888 EndPoint2 1827,1888 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 65 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text "getDataAdapter()" Bounds 1564,1846,1777,1878 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 66 { Text "" Bounds 1625,1737,1640,1752 FillColor 0,0,0 BorderWidth 0 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0000 Behavior 0x0000033000327012 Symbol "null" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Connector 67 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 56 Figure2 66 ConnectionPoint1 1 EndPoint1 1516,1744 EndPoint2 1632,1744 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 TRUE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 68 { Text "" Bounds 1625,1785,1640,1800 FillColor 0,0,0 BorderWidth 0 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0000 Behavior 0x0000033000327012 Symbol "null" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Connector 69 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 66 Figure2 68 EndPoint1 1632,1744 EndPoint2 1632,1792 SuppressEnd1 TRUE SuppressEnd2 TRUE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 70 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 68 Figure2 56 ConnectionPoint2 4 EndPoint1 1632,1792 EndPoint2 1516,1792 SuppressEnd1 TRUE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 71 { Label TRUE Style "Flow Label" Text "AddBinding()" Bounds 1526,1702,1690,1734 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0014 Behavior 0x0000000001A241C9 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Connector 72 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 56 Figure2 63 ConnectionPoint1 5 ConnectionPoint2 2 EndPoint1 1516,1952 EndPoint2 1827,1952 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 73 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text "UpdateChanges()" Bounds 1560,1910,1780,1942 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } ## Staples Section: Staple 1 { StapleType 4 Connector -1 ConPos 0 Figure1 5 Fig1PosX 128 Fig1PosY 0 Figure2 2 Fig2PosX 128 Fig2PosY 255 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 27 } Staple 2 { StapleType 4 Connector -1 ConPos 0 Figure1 6 Fig1PosX 128 Fig1PosY 0 Figure2 3 Fig2PosX 128 Fig2PosY 255 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 27 } Staple 3 { StapleType 4 Connector -1 ConPos 0 Figure1 7 Fig1PosX 128 Fig1PosY 0 Figure2 4 Fig2PosX 128 Fig2PosY 255 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 27 } Staple 4 { StapleType 4 Connector -1 ConPos 0 Figure1 5 Fig1PosX 128 Fig1PosY 95 Figure2 8 Fig2PosX 122 Fig2PosY 127 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>40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "octagon" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 192 Width 192 FramedTextBox >195.313,>78.125,<796.875,<914.063 >200,0,<800,1000 1 0 1 0 Fill { Polygon 9 0,>333 >333,0 <666,0 1000,>333 1000,<666 <666,1000 >333,1000 0,<666- 0,>333 } Outline { Polyline 9 0,>333 >333,0 <666,0 1000,>333 1000,<666 <666,1000 >333,1000 0,<666- 0,>333 } Hot 9 0,>333 >333,0 <666,0 1000,>333 1000,<666 <666,1000 >333,1000 0,<666- 0,>333 } FigureSymbol "round sides" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 101 TextBox >78.125,>78.125,<921.875,<921.875 Fill { Polygon 69 >332,0 <668,0 <716,6 <749,15 <780,30 <810,48 <838,72 <865,99- <891,130 <914,165 <935,203 <952,244 <968,287 <980,332 <990,379 <996,428- 1000,476 1000,525 <996,573 <990,622 <980,669 <968,714 <952,757 <935,798- <914,836 <891,871 <865,902 <838,929 <810,953 <780,971 <749,986 <716,995- <685,1000 <668,1000 <668,1000 >332,1000 >332,1000 >315,1000 >284,995 >251,986- >220,971 >190,953 >162,929 >135,902 >109,871 >86,836 >65,798 >48,757- >32,714 >20,669 >10,622 >4,573 0,525 0,476 >4,428 >10,379- >20,332 >32,287 >48,244 >65,203 >86,165 >109,130 >135,99 >162,72- >190,48 >220,30 >251,15 >284,6 >332,0 } Outline { Polyline 69 >332,0 <668,0 <716,6 <749,15 <780,30 <810,48 <838,72 <865,99- <891,130 <914,165 <935,203 <952,244 <968,287 <980,332 <990,379 <996,428- 1000,476 1000,525 <996,573 <990,622 <980,669 <968,714 <952,757 <935,798- <914,836 <891,871 <865,902 <838,929 <810,953 <780,971 <749,986 <716,995- <685,1000 <668,1000 <668,1000 >332,1000 >332,1000 >315,1000 >284,995 >251,986- >220,971 >190,953 >162,929 >135,902 >109,871 >86,836 >65,798 >48,757- >32,714 >20,669 >10,622 >4,573 0,525 0,476 >4,428 >10,379- >20,332 >32,287 >48,244 >65,203 >86,165 >109,130 >135,99 >162,72- >190,48 >220,30 >251,15 >284,6 >332,0 } Hot 69 >332,0 <668,0 <716,6 <749,15 <780,30 <810,48 <838,72 <865,99- <891,130 <914,165 <935,203 <952,244 <968,287 <980,332 <990,379 <996,428- 1000,476 1000,525 <996,573 <990,622 <980,669 <968,714 <952,757 <935,798- <914,836 <891,871 <865,902 <838,929 <810,953 <780,971 <749,986 <716,995- <685,1000 <668,1000 <668,1000 >332,1000 >332,1000 >315,1000 >284,995 >251,986- >220,971 >190,953 >162,929 >135,902 >109,871 >86,836 >65,798 >48,757- >32,714 >20,669 >10,622 >4,573 0,525 0,476 >4,428 >10,379- >20,332 >32,287 >48,244 >65,203 >86,165 >109,130 >135,99 >162,72- >190,48 >220,30 >251,15 >284,6 >332,0 } FigureSymbol "arrow down" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 256 Width 128 Reshape 16 FramedTextBox 275,52.083,712.5,645.833 150,0,850,650 0 0 0 1 Fill { Polygon 8 500,1000 1000,650 850,650 850,0 150,0 150,650 0,650 500,1000 } Outline { Polyline 8 500,1000 1000,650 850,650 850,0 150,0 150,650 0,650 500,1000 } Hot 8 500,1000 1000,650 850,650 850,0 150,0 150,650 0,650 500,1000 } FigureSymbol "arrow left" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 96 Width 256 Reshape 12 FramedTextBox 296.875,333.333,942.708,652.778 300,200,1000,800 1 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 8 1000,200 300,200 300,0 0,500 300,1000 300,800 1000,800 1000,200 } Outline { Polyline 8 1000,200 300,200 300,0 0,500 300,1000 300,800 1000,800 1000,200 } Hot 8 1000,200 300,200 300,0 0,500 300,1000 300,800 1000,800 1000,200 } FigureSymbol "arrow left/right" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 96 Width 256 Reshape 15 FramedTextBox 296.875,333.333,697.917,652.778 300,200,700,800 1 0 1 0 Fill { Polygon 11 0,500 300,0 300,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800- 300,800 300,1000 0,500 } Outline { Polyline 11 0,500 300,0 300,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800- 300,800 300,1000 0,500 } Hot 11 0,500 300,0 300,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800- 300,800 300,1000 0,500 } FigureSymbol "arrow right" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 96 Width 256 Reshape 14 FramedTextBox 52.083,333.333,697.917,652.778 0,200,700,800 0 0 1 0 Fill { Polygon 8 0,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800 0,800 0,200 } Outline { Polyline 8 0,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800 0,800 0,200 } Hot 8 0,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800 0,800 0,200 } FigureSymbol "arrow up" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 256 Width 128 Reshape 17 FramedTextBox 275,348.958,712.5,942.708 150,350,850,1000 0 1 0 0 Fill { Polygon 8 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,1000 150,1000 150,350 0,350 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 8 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,1000 150,1000 150,350 0,350 500,0 } Hot 8 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,1000 150,1000 150,350 0,350 500,0 } FigureSymbol "arrow up/down" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 256 Width 128 Reshape 18 FramedTextBox 275,348.958,712.5,645.833 150,350,850,650 0 1 0 1 Fill { Polygon 11 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,650 1000,650 500,1000 0,650 150,650- 150,350 0,350 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 11 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,650 1000,650 500,1000 0,650 150,650- 150,350 0,350 500,0 } Hot 11 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,650 1000,650 500,1000 0,650 150,650- 150,350 0,350 500,0 } FigureSymbol "callout 3" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox >62.5,>62.5,<931.25,<731.25 0,0,1000,<800 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 >400,<800 0,1000 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Outline { Polyline 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 >400,<800 0,1000 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Hot 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 >400,<800 0,1000 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } FigureSymbol "callout 4" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox >62.5,>62.5,<931.25,<731.25 0,0,1000,<800 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 1000,1000 <600,<800 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Outline { Polyline 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 1000,1000 <600,<800 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Hot 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 1000,1000 <600,<800 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } FigureSymbol "deck" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 52.083,179.688,875,914.063 0,>100,<900,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,>100,<900,1000 Rect >100,0,1000,<900 Rect >50,>50,<950,<950 } Outline { Rect 0,>100,<900,1000 Polyline 5 >50,>100 >50,>50 <950,>50 <950,<950 <900,<950 Polyline 5 >100,>50 >100,0 1000,0 1000,<900 <950,<900 } MiniOutline { Rect 0,200,800,1000 Polyline 5 100,200 100,100 900,100 900,900 800,900 Polyline 5 200,100 200,0 1000,0 1000,800 900,800 } } FigureSymbol "disk simple" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 52.083,273.438,942.708,890.625 0,>200,1000,<900 0 0 0 1 Fill { Rect 0,>100,1000,<900 Ellipse 0,0,1000,>200 Ellipse 0,<800,1000,1000 } Outline { Line 0,>100 0,<900 Line 1000,>100 1000,<900 Ellipse 0,0,1000,>200 Arc 0,<800,1000,1000 0,<900 1000,<900 } MiniOutline { Line 0,200 0,800 Line 1000,100 1000,900 Ellipse 0,0,1000,400 Arc 0,600,1000,1000 0,800 1000,800 } Hot 17 1,>81 77,>44 218,>16 402,>1 599,>1 783,>16 924,>44 1000,>81- 1000,<920 924,<957 783,<985 599,<1000 402,<1000 218,<985 77,<957 1,<920- 1,>81 } FigureSymbol "paper" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 192 Width 148 FramedTextBox 67.568,52.083,925.676,942.708 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 1000,0 1000,900 875,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 1000,0 1000,900 875,1000 0,1000 0,0 Polyline 5 875,1000 900,900 940,912 970,912 1000,900 } Hot 6 0,0 1000,0 1000,900 875,1000 0,1000 0,0 } FigureSymbol "note" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 Reshape 6 FramedTextBox 52.083,78.125,942.708,914.063 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 Polyline 3 <850,0 <850,>150 1000,>150 } MiniOutline { Polyline 6 0,0 <700,0 1000,>300 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 Polyline 3 <700,0 <700,>300 1000,>300 } Hot 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } FigureSymbol "[class/object]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[state]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "[booch class/obj]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Fill { Ellipse 84,114,672,702 Ellipse 421,89,859,527 Ellipse 573,286,995,708 Ellipse 263,492,721,950 Ellipse 0,528,423,952 } Outline { Arc 84,114,672,702 500,140 120,550 Arc 421,89,859,527 860,300 500,140 Arc 573,286,995,708 720,700 860,300 Arc 263,492,721,950 350,900 720,700 Arc 0,528,423,952 120,550 350,900 } Hot 40 350,900 363,915 447,950 538,950 622,915 686,851 721,767 720,700- 743,708 826,708 904,676 963,617 995,539 995,456 963,378 904,319- 860,300 859,265 826,185 764,123 684,90 597,90 517,123 500,140- 436,115 321,115 212,160 130,242 85,351 85,466 120,550 92,561- 33,621 1,699 1,782 33,860 92,920 170,952 253,952 350,900 } FigureSymbol "[usecase]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Fill { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Hot 65 525,1000 573,995 622,986 669,971 714,953 757,929 798,902 836,871- 871,836 902,798 929,757 953,714 971,669 986,622 995,573 1000,525- 1000,476 995,428 986,379 971,332 953,287 929,244 902,203 871,165- 836,130 798,99 757,72 714,48 669,30 622,15 573,6 525,1- 476,1 428,6 379,15 332,30 287,48 244,72 203,99 165,130- 130,165 99,203 72,244 48,287 30,332 15,379 6,428 1,476- 1,525 6,573 15,622 30,669 48,714 72,757 99,798 130,836- 165,871 203,902 244,929 287,953 332,971 379,986 428,995 476,1000- 525,1000 } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 2]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 512 Reshape 65 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 3]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 768 Reshape 66 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 333,0 333,1000 Line 667,0 667,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 4]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 1024 Reshape 67 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 250,0 250,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 Line 750,0 750,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 5]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 1280 Reshape 68 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 200,0 200,1000 Line 400,0 400,1000 Line 600,0 600,1000 Line 800,0 800,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 6]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 1536 Reshape 69 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 166,0 166,1000 Line 332,0 332,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 Line 666,0 666,1000 Line 831,0 831,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[frame]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 124 FramedTextBox 13.021,26.042,436.198,122.396 0,0,450,150 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Polyline 4 450,0 450,94.792 422.396,150 0,150 } } FigureSymbol "[combined fragment2]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 138 FramedTextBox 13.021,26.042,436.198,122.396 0,0,450,150 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Polyline 4 450,0 450,94.792 422.396,150 0,150 Line 0,500 1000,500 } } FigureSymbol "[combined fragment3]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 139 FramedTextBox 13.021,26.042,436.198,122.396 0,0,450,150 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Polyline 4 450,0 450,94.792 422.396,150 0,150 Line 0,333 1000,333 Line 0,666 1000,666 } } FigureSymbol "[combined fragment4]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 140 FramedTextBox 13.021,26.042,436.198,122.396 0,0,450,150 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Polyline 4 450,0 450,94.792 422.396,150 0,150 Line 0,250 1000,250 Line 0,500 1000,500 Line 0,750 1000,750 } } FigureSymbol "actor" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 128 Width 64 Fill { Ellipse 300,0,700,200 } Outline { Ellipse 300,0,700,200 Line 500,200 500,700 Line 0,350 1000,350 Line 0,1000 500,700 Line 1000,1000 500,700 } Hot 11 1000,161 924,88 783,31 599,0 402,0 218,31 77,88 0,161- 0,1000 1000,1000 1000,161 } FigureSymbol "class/object" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 52.083,104.167,942.708,885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "active class/object" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 Reshape 136 FramedTextBox 114.583,104.167,880.208,885.417 63,0,937,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 63,0 63,1000 Line 937,0 937,1000 } MiniOutline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 100,0 100,1000 Line 880,0 880,1000 } } FigureSymbol "terminate" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 128 Width 128 Reshape 61 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 45 Fill { Polygon 13 0,41 41,0 500,458 958,0 1000,41 541,500 1000,958 958,1000- 500,541 41,1000 0,958 458,500 0,41 } Outline { Polyline 13 0,41 41,0 500,458 958,0 1000,41 541,500 1000,958 958,1000- 500,541 41,1000 0,958 458,500 0,41 } Hot 13 0,41 41,0 500,458 958,0 1000,41 541,500 1000,958 958,1000- 500,541 41,1000 0,958 458,500 0,41 } FigureSymbol "state" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox 62.5,156.25,931.25,828.125 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "seq activation" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 256 Width 32 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "seq lifeline" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 256 Width 8 Outline { Line 500,0 500,1000 } } FigureSymbol "class/object r3" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 210 Width 192 Reshape 2 FramedTextBox 39.063,35.714,957.031,157.143 0,0,1000,194 0 0 0 0 FramedTextBox 39.063,228.571,957.031,567.857 0,194,1000,606 0 0 0 0 FramedTextBox 39.063,639.286,957.031,960.714 0,606,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 0,194 1000,194 Line 0,606 1000,606 } } FigureSymbol "class/object:5" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 50.761,144.928,944.162,840.58 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "class/object:7" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 52.083,144.928,942.708,840.58 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "class/object:28" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 46.729,144.928,948.598,840.58 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "class/object:59" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 44.248,144.928,951.327,840.58 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "class/object:65" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 50.761,144.928,944.162,840.58 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "class/object:67" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 52.083,144.928,942.708,840.58 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "class/object:88" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 46.729,144.928,948.598,840.58 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "class/object:119" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 44.248,144.928,951.327,840.58 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } ## End Symbols Section: EndSymbol "arrow umlopen" { LineTo 80 Fill { Polygon 4 500,500 900,300 900,700 500,500 } Outline { Polyline 4 500,500 900,300 900,700 500,500 } } EndSymbol "arrow umlsolid" { LineTo 80 Fill { Polygon 4 500,500 900,300 900,700 500,500 } Outline { Polyline 4 500,500 900,300 900,700 500,500 } Silhouette TRUE } EndSymbol "arrow umlstick" { Outline { Line 500,500 1000,300 Line 500,500 1000,700 } Silhouette TRUE } EndSymbol "measure stick2" { Outline { Polyline 3 800,300 500,500 800,700 Line 500,0 500,1000 } } EndSymbol "msg found" { Centered TRUE LineTo 100 Fill { Polygon 4 700,500 1000,300 1000,700 700,500 Ellipse 300,300,700,700 } Outline { Polyline 4 700,500 1000,300 1000,700 700,500 Ellipse 300,300,700,700 } Silhouette TRUE } EndSymbol "msg lost" { Centered TRUE LineTo 40 Fill { Ellipse 300,300,700,700 } Outline { Ellipse 300,300,700,700 } Silhouette TRUE } EndSymbol "anchor point" { Centered TRUE Magnify 20 LineTo 100 Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } } ## Figure Styles Section: FigureStyle "Title" { Label TRUE Height 74 Width 110 Description "A page, document, or diagram title" FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0042 Behavior 0x00000000018251E2 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 12 TypeWeight 700 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Heading" { Label TRUE Height 74 Width 110 Description "A heading for a swimlane or diagram section" FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x00000000018251E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 9 TypeWeight 700 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Comment" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 Description "An informal description, or a diagram contraint" FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeItalic TRUE TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Label" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Node Label" { Label TRUE InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 DefaultText "Label" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Flow Label" { Label TRUE InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 DefaultText "Label" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Path Label" { Label TRUE InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 DefaultText "Label" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Event" { Label TRUE InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A trigger event possibly combined with a [guard condition] and/or- /action" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Guard Condition" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A branch condition (enclose condition in brackets)" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Keyword" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A keyword for a use case association or a dependency" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Message" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A message identifier or description" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Note" { Category "General" HasButton TRUE Height 128 Width 192 Description "Additional information concerning any element of the diagram" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "note" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Terminate" { Category "Sequence" HasButton TRUE Height 50 Width 50 Description "Destruction event" FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "terminate" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Actor" { Category "Use Case" HasButton TRUE Height 128 Width 64 Description "An external person, process, or thing that interacts with a syste- m" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "Actor" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "actor" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Actor System" { Category "Use Case" InMenu FALSE DisplayText TRUE Height 144 Width 256 Description "An actor that is another system (alternate notation)" DefaultText "actor\line " BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E22 Symbol "class/object" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "State" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 64 Width 160 Description "A condition in which each event has a consistent defined response" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E22 Symbol "state" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Object" { Category "Sequence" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "An object with a lifeline and/or activations that communicates wi- th other object" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "class/object" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Active Object" { Category "Class / Object" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "An object that actively directs other objects" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E22 Symbol "active class/object" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Activation" { Category "Sequence" HasButton TRUE Height 512 Width 22 Description "An execution specification such as a procedure call including the- time it waits " BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Lifeline" { Category "Sequence" HasButton TRUE Height 512 Width 22 Description "An object lifeline" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Box" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for grouping diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024421 Symbol "[class/object]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Box Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for grouping diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[class/object]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Subject Boundary" { Category "Containers" InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for grouping diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024421 Symbol "[class/object]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Subject Boundary Dash" { Category "Containers" InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for grouping diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[class/object]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Rounded" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[state]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Rounded Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[state]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Cloud" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[booch class/obj]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Cloud Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[booch class/obj]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Oval" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[usecase]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Oval Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[usecase]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (2)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 2]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (3)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 3]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } 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conditional partition of sequences" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[combined fragment2]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Combined Fragment3" { Category "Containers" HasButton TRUE Height 384 Width 768 Description "A frame for conditional partition of sequences" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[combined fragment3]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Combined Fragment4" { Category "Containers" Height 384 Width 768 Description "A frame for conditional partition of sequences" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[combined fragment4]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Arc Sides" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arc sides" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Circle" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "circle" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Diamond" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 128 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "diamond" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Hexagon" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "hexagon" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Box" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "rectangle" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Rounded Box" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "rounded box" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Octagon" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 128 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000424E12 Symbol "octagon" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Oval" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "oval" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Round Sides" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "round sides" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Paper" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 148 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "paper" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Deck" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "deck" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Arw Left" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 72 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow left" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Arw Right" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 72 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow right" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Arw L/R" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 72 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow left/right" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Arw Up/Down" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 80 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow up/down" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Arw Up" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 80 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow up" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Arw Down" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 80 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow down" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Drum" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "disk simple" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Callout Right" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 160 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "callout 3" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Callout Left" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 160 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "callout 4" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Class R3" { Category "Class / Object" Height 280 Width 256 Description "A class or object with a name compartment and a body compartment" TextInits "\vertalc \qc\sect \vertalt \ql\sect \vertalt \ql\sect \vertalt \q- l" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000003300024222 Symbol "class/object r3" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } ## Connector Styles Section: ConnectorStyle "Measure" { Category "Nonstandard" HasButton TRUE Description "Designates a specific time interval" End1 "measure stick2" End2 "measure stick2" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Line" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic line for drawing" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Dashed Line" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic dashed line for drawing" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Dotted Line" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic dotted line for drawing" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 6 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Divider" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic heavy line for drawing dividers" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 5 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Dashed Divider" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic heavy dashed line for drawing dividers" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 5 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Anchor" { Category "General" HasButton TRUE Description "Connection to Note for comments and constraint notation" End1 "anchor point" End2 "anchor point" End1Length 7 End2Length 7 PenStyle 6 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Message SYNC" { Category "Message" HasButton TRUE Description "A synchronous message / procedure call" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Message ASYNC" { Category "Message" HasButton TRUE Description "An asynchronous message" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Message REPLY" { Category "Message" HasButton TRUE Description "A reply/return from a synchronous message" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Message LOST" { Category "Message" HasButton TRUE Description "A messsage sent to a receiver unknown or outside of scope" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 End1 "msg lost" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Message FOUND" { Category "Message" HasButton TRUE Description "A messsage received from a sender unknown or outside of scope" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 End1 "null" End2 "msg found" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Message SYNC Left" { Category "Message" Description "A synchronous message / procedure call (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 270 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message SYNC Right" { Category "Message" Description "A synchronous message / procedure call (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 90 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message SYNC UpR" { Category "Message" Description "A synchronous message / procedure call (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message SYNC UpL" { Category "Message" Description "A synchronous message / procedure call (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message SYNC DownR" { Category "Message" Description "A synchronous message / procedure call (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message SYNC DownL" { Category "Message" Description "A synchronous message / procedure call (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message ASYNC Left" { Category "Message" Description "An asynchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 270 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message ASYNC Right" { Category "Message" Description "An asynchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 90 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message ASYNC UpR" { Category "Message" Description "An asynchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message ASYNC DownR" { Category "Message" Description "An asynchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message ASYNC UpL" { Category "Message" Description "An asynchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message ASYNC DownL" { Category "Message" Description "An asynchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message REPLY Left" { Category "Message" Description "A reply/return from a synchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 270 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message REPLY Right" { Category "Message" Description "A reply/return from a synchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 90 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message REPLY UpR" { Category "Message" Description "A reply/return from a synchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message REPLY DownR" { Category "Message" Description "A reply/return from a synchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message REPLY UpL" { Category "Message" Description "A reply/return from a synchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message REPLY DownL" { Category "Message" Description "A reply/return from a synchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message LOST Left" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage sent to a receiver unknown or outside of scope (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 270 End1 "msg lost" End2 "arrow umlopen" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message LOST Right" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage sent to a receiver unknown or outside of scope (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 90 End1 "msg lost" End2 "arrow umlopen" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message LOST UpR" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage sent to a receiver unknown or outside of scope (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "msg lost" End2 "arrow umlopen" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message LOST DownR" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage sent to a receiver unknown or outside of scope (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "msg lost" End2 "arrow umlopen" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message LOST UpL" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage sent to a receiver unknown or outside of scope (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "msg lost" End2 "arrow umlopen" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message LOST DownL" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage sent to a receiver unknown or outside of scope (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "msg lost" End2 "arrow umlopen" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message FOUND Left" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage received from a sender unknown or outside of scope (st- amp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 270 End1 "null" End2 "msg found" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message FOUND Right" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage received from a sender unknown or outside of scope (st- amp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 90 End1 "null" End2 "msg found" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message FOUND UpR" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage received from a sender unknown or outside of scope (st- amp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "msg found" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message FOUND DownR" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage received from a sender unknown or outside of scope (st- amp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "msg found" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message FOUND UpL" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage received from a sender unknown or outside of scope (st- amp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "msg found" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message FOUND DownL" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage received from a sender unknown or outside of scope (st- amp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "msg found" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ## Figures & Connectors Section: Figure 146 { Style "Object" Text "MainForm" Bounds 269,2000,407,2069 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E0A Symbol "class/object" TypeSize 6 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 147 { Style "Object" Text "CommandManager" Bounds 629,2000,826,2069 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E0A Symbol "class/object:65" TypeSize 6 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 148 { Style "Object" Text "ArtistForm" Bounds 1087,2000,1279,2069 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E0A Symbol "class/object:67" TypeSize 6 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 149 { Style "Lifeline" Text "" Bounds 330,2069,346,2400 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 150 { Style "Lifeline" Text "" Bounds 719,2069,735,2400 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 151 { Style "Lifeline" Text "" Bounds 1175,2069,1191,2432 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 152 { Style "Activation" Text "" Bounds 326,2080,351,2333 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" HasConnectionPoints TRUE ConnectionPoint 1 480,185.771 "" 1 } Figure 153 { Style "Activation" Text "" Bounds 715,2127,740,2336 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" HasConnectionPoints TRUE ConnectionPoint 1 480,172.249 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 2 480,0.000 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 3 480,540.670 "" 1 } Figure 154 { Style "Activation" Text "" Bounds 1171,2163,1196,2368 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" HasConnectionPoints TRUE ConnectionPoint 1 500,0.000 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 2 480,375.610 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 3 480,219.512 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 4 480,687.805 "" 1 } Connector 155 { Style "Message SYNC" Figure1 152 Figure2 153 ConnectionPoint1 1 ConnectionPoint2 2 EndPoint1 351,2127 EndPoint2 715,2127 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 28 End2Length 32 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 156 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 153 Figure2 154 ConnectionPoint1 1 ConnectionPoint2 1 EndPoint1 740,2163 EndPoint2 1171,2163 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 28 End2Length 32 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 157 { Label TRUE Text "Create Artist Sequence Diagram" Bounds 530,1794,1659,1881 FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000000A241D2 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 21 TypeWeight 700 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 158 { Label TRUE Style "Flow Label" Text "createArtist_onclick()" Bounds 361,2085,620,2117 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0014 Behavior 0x0000000001A241C9 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 159 { Label TRUE Style "Flow Label" Text "Create(DataRow is null, int index);" Bounds 750,2121,1170,2153 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0014 Behavior 0x0000000001A241C9 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Connector 160 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 153 Figure2 154 ConnectionPoint1 3 ConnectionPoint2 2 EndPoint1 740,2240 EndPoint2 1171,2240 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 161 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text "setIsNew(true)" Bounds 865,2198,1044,2230 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 162 { Style "Object" Text "ArtistDataControl" Bounds 1412,2000,1626,2069 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E0A Symbol "class/object:88" TypeSize 6 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 163 { Style "Lifeline" Text "" Bounds 1511,2069,1527,2544 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 164 { Style "Activation" Text "" Bounds 1507,2163,1532,2464 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" HasConnectionPoints TRUE ConnectionPoint 1 480,149.502 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 2 480,468.439 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 3 480,627.907 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 4 480,308.970 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 5 480,840.532 "" 1 } Connector 165 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 154 Figure2 164 ConnectionPoint1 3 ConnectionPoint2 1 EndPoint1 1196,2208 EndPoint2 1507,2208 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 166 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text "Create()" Bounds 1300,2166,1400,2198 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Connector 167 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 154 Figure2 164 ConnectionPoint1 4 ConnectionPoint2 2 EndPoint1 1196,2304 EndPoint2 1507,2304 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 168 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text "CreateNewRow()" Bounds 1246,2262,1454,2294 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 169 { Style "Object" Text "ArtistDataProvider" Bounds 1742,2000,1968,2069 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E0A Symbol "class/object:119" TypeSize 6 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 170 { Style "Lifeline" Text "" Bounds 1847,2069,1863,2544 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 171 { Style "Activation" Text "" Bounds 1843,2163,1868,2464 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" HasConnectionPoints TRUE ConnectionPoint 1 480,627.907 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 2 480,840.532 "" 1 } Connector 172 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 164 Figure2 171 ConnectionPoint1 3 ConnectionPoint2 1 EndPoint1 1532,2352 EndPoint2 1843,2352 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 173 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text "getDataAdapter()" Bounds 1580,2310,1793,2342 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 174 { Text "" Bounds 1641,2201,1656,2216 FillColor 0,0,0 BorderWidth 0 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0000 Behavior 0x0000033000327012 Symbol "null" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Connector 175 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 164 Figure2 174 ConnectionPoint1 1 EndPoint1 1532,2208 EndPoint2 1648,2208 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 TRUE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 176 { Text "" Bounds 1641,2249,1656,2264 FillColor 0,0,0 BorderWidth 0 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0000 Behavior 0x0000033000327012 Symbol "null" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Connector 177 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 174 Figure2 176 EndPoint1 1648,2208 EndPoint2 1648,2256 SuppressEnd1 TRUE SuppressEnd2 TRUE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 178 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 176 Figure2 164 ConnectionPoint2 4 EndPoint1 1648,2256 EndPoint2 1532,2256 SuppressEnd1 TRUE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 179 { Label TRUE Style "Flow Label" Text "AddBinding()" Bounds 1542,2166,1706,2198 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0014 Behavior 0x0000000001A241C9 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Connector 180 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 164 Figure2 171 ConnectionPoint1 5 ConnectionPoint2 2 EndPoint1 1532,2416 EndPoint2 1843,2416 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 181 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text "UpdateChanges()" Bounds 1576,2374,1796,2406 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } ## Staples Section: Staple 73 { StapleType 4 Connector -1 ConPos 0 Figure1 149 Fig1PosX 128 Fig1PosY 0 Figure2 146 Fig2PosX 128 Fig2PosY 255 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 27 } Staple 74 { StapleType 4 Connector -1 ConPos 0 Figure1 150 Fig1PosX 128 Fig1PosY 0 Figure2 147 Fig2PosX 128 Fig2PosY 255 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 27 } Staple 75 { StapleType 4 Connector -1 ConPos 0 Figure1 151 Fig1PosX 128 Fig1PosY 0 Figure2 148 Fig2PosX 128 Fig2PosY 255 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 27 } Staple 76 { StapleType 4 Connector -1 ConPos 0 Figure1 149 Fig1PosX 128 Fig1PosY 95 Figure2 152 Fig2PosX 122 Fig2PosY 127 OffsetX -1 OffsetY 14 PinType 16 } Staple 77 { StapleType 4 Connector -1 ConPos 0 Figure1 150 Fig1PosX 128 Fig1PosY 105 Figure2 153 Fig2PosX 122 Fig2PosY 128 OffsetX -1 OffsetY 26 PinType 16 } Staple 78 { StapleType 4 Connector -1 ConPos 0 Figure1 151 Fig1PosX 128 Fig1PosY 112 Figure2 154 Fig2PosX 122 Fig2PosY 128 OffsetX -1 OffsetY 37 PinType 16 } Staple 79 { StapleType 3 Connector 155 ConPos 0 Figure1 152 Fig1PosX 0 Fig1PosY 0 Figure2 158 Fig2PosX 0 Fig2PosY 0 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 16 FlowSide 1 } Staple 80 { StapleType 3 Connector 156 ConPos 0 Figure1 153 Fig1PosX 0 Fig1PosY 0 Figure2 159 Fig2PosX 0 Fig2PosY 0 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 16 FlowSide 1 } Staple 81 { StapleType 5 Connector 160 ConPos 127 Figure1 161 Fig1PosX 127 Fig1PosY 127 Figure2 -1 Fig2PosX 0 Fig2PosY 0 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 16 LateralOffset 10 LateralConsistency 0 } Staple 82 { StapleType 4 Connector -1 ConPos 0 Figure1 163 Fig1PosX 128 Fig1PosY 0 Figure2 162 Fig2PosX 128 Fig2PosY 255 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 27 } Staple 83 { StapleType 5 Connector 165 ConPos 127 Figure1 166 Fig1PosX 127 Fig1PosY 127 Figure2 -1 Fig2PosX 0 Fig2PosY 0 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 27 LateralOffset 10 LateralConsistency 0 } Staple 84 { StapleType 5 Connector 167 ConPos 127 Figure1 168 Fig1PosX 127 Fig1PosY 127 Figure2 -1 Fig2PosX 0 Fig2PosY 0 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 27 LateralOffset 10 LateralConsistency 0 } Staple 85 { StapleType 4 Connector -1 ConPos 0 Figure1 170 Fig1PosX 128 Fig1PosY 0 Figure2 169 Fig2PosX 128 Fig2PosY 255 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 27 } Staple 86 { StapleType 5 Connector 172 ConPos 127 Figure1 173 Fig1PosX 127 Fig1PosY 127 Figure2 -1 Fig2PosX 0 Fig2PosY 0 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 27 LateralOffset 10 LateralConsistency 0 } Staple 87 { StapleType 3 Connector 175 ConPos 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Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 101 TextBox >78.125,>78.125,<921.875,<921.875 Fill { Polygon 69 >332,0 <668,0 <716,6 <749,15 <780,30 <810,48 <838,72 <865,99- <891,130 <914,165 <935,203 <952,244 <968,287 <980,332 <990,379 <996,428- 1000,476 1000,525 <996,573 <990,622 <980,669 <968,714 <952,757 <935,798- <914,836 <891,871 <865,902 <838,929 <810,953 <780,971 <749,986 <716,995- <685,1000 <668,1000 <668,1000 >332,1000 >332,1000 >315,1000 >284,995 >251,986- >220,971 >190,953 >162,929 >135,902 >109,871 >86,836 >65,798 >48,757- >32,714 >20,669 >10,622 >4,573 0,525 0,476 >4,428 >10,379- >20,332 >32,287 >48,244 >65,203 >86,165 >109,130 >135,99 >162,72- >190,48 >220,30 >251,15 >284,6 >332,0 } Outline { Polyline 69 >332,0 <668,0 <716,6 <749,15 <780,30 <810,48 <838,72 <865,99- <891,130 <914,165 <935,203 <952,244 <968,287 <980,332 <990,379 <996,428- 1000,476 1000,525 <996,573 <990,622 <980,669 <968,714 <952,757 <935,798- <914,836 <891,871 <865,902 <838,929 <810,953 <780,971 <749,986 <716,995- <685,1000 <668,1000 <668,1000 >332,1000 >332,1000 >315,1000 >284,995 >251,986- >220,971 >190,953 >162,929 >135,902 >109,871 >86,836 >65,798 >48,757- >32,714 >20,669 >10,622 >4,573 0,525 0,476 >4,428 >10,379- >20,332 >32,287 >48,244 >65,203 >86,165 >109,130 >135,99 >162,72- >190,48 >220,30 >251,15 >284,6 >332,0 } Hot 69 >332,0 <668,0 <716,6 <749,15 <780,30 <810,48 <838,72 <865,99- <891,130 <914,165 <935,203 <952,244 <968,287 <980,332 <990,379 <996,428- 1000,476 1000,525 <996,573 <990,622 <980,669 <968,714 <952,757 <935,798- <914,836 <891,871 <865,902 <838,929 <810,953 <780,971 <749,986 <716,995- <685,1000 <668,1000 <668,1000 >332,1000 >332,1000 >315,1000 >284,995 >251,986- >220,971 >190,953 >162,929 >135,902 >109,871 >86,836 >65,798 >48,757- >32,714 >20,669 >10,622 >4,573 0,525 0,476 >4,428 >10,379- >20,332 >32,287 >48,244 >65,203 >86,165 >109,130 >135,99 >162,72- >190,48 >220,30 >251,15 >284,6 >332,0 } FigureSymbol "arrow down" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 256 Width 128 Reshape 16 FramedTextBox 275,52.083,712.5,645.833 150,0,850,650 0 0 0 1 Fill { Polygon 8 500,1000 1000,650 850,650 850,0 150,0 150,650 0,650 500,1000 } Outline { Polyline 8 500,1000 1000,650 850,650 850,0 150,0 150,650 0,650 500,1000 } Hot 8 500,1000 1000,650 850,650 850,0 150,0 150,650 0,650 500,1000 } FigureSymbol "arrow left" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 96 Width 256 Reshape 12 FramedTextBox 296.875,333.333,942.708,652.778 300,200,1000,800 1 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 8 1000,200 300,200 300,0 0,500 300,1000 300,800 1000,800 1000,200 } Outline { Polyline 8 1000,200 300,200 300,0 0,500 300,1000 300,800 1000,800 1000,200 } Hot 8 1000,200 300,200 300,0 0,500 300,1000 300,800 1000,800 1000,200 } FigureSymbol "arrow left/right" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 96 Width 256 Reshape 15 FramedTextBox 296.875,333.333,697.917,652.778 300,200,700,800 1 0 1 0 Fill { Polygon 11 0,500 300,0 300,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800- 300,800 300,1000 0,500 } Outline { Polyline 11 0,500 300,0 300,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800- 300,800 300,1000 0,500 } Hot 11 0,500 300,0 300,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800- 300,800 300,1000 0,500 } FigureSymbol "arrow right" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 96 Width 256 Reshape 14 FramedTextBox 52.083,333.333,697.917,652.778 0,200,700,800 0 0 1 0 Fill { Polygon 8 0,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800 0,800 0,200 } Outline { Polyline 8 0,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800 0,800 0,200 } Hot 8 0,200 700,200 700,0 1000,500 700,1000 700,800 0,800 0,200 } FigureSymbol "arrow up" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 256 Width 128 Reshape 17 FramedTextBox 275,348.958,712.5,942.708 150,350,850,1000 0 1 0 0 Fill { Polygon 8 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,1000 150,1000 150,350 0,350 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 8 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,1000 150,1000 150,350 0,350 500,0 } Hot 8 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,1000 150,1000 150,350 0,350 500,0 } FigureSymbol "arrow up/down" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 256 Width 128 Reshape 18 FramedTextBox 275,348.958,712.5,645.833 150,350,850,650 0 1 0 1 Fill { Polygon 11 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,650 1000,650 500,1000 0,650 150,650- 150,350 0,350 500,0 } Outline { Polyline 11 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,650 1000,650 500,1000 0,650 150,650- 150,350 0,350 500,0 } Hot 11 500,0 1000,350 850,350 850,650 1000,650 500,1000 0,650 150,650- 150,350 0,350 500,0 } FigureSymbol "callout 3" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox >62.5,>62.5,<931.25,<731.25 0,0,1000,<800 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 >400,<800 0,1000 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Outline { Polyline 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 >400,<800 0,1000 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Hot 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 >400,<800 0,1000 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } FigureSymbol "callout 4" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox >62.5,>62.5,<931.25,<731.25 0,0,1000,<800 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 1000,1000 <600,<800 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Outline { Polyline 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 1000,1000 <600,<800 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } Hot 71 0,>153 >3,>137 >6,>122 >10,>107 >16,>92 >23,>78 >32,>66 >42,>54- >48,>48 >54,>42 >66,>32 >78,>23 >92,>16 >107,>10 >122,>6 >137,>3- >153,0 <847,0 <863,>3 <887,>6 <893,>10 <908,>16 <922,>23 <934,>32- <946,>42 <952,>48 <958,>54 <968,>66 <977,>78 <984,>92 <990,>107 <994,>122- <997,>137 1000,>153 1000,<647 <997,<662 <994,<678 <990,<693 <984,<708 <977,<722- <968,<734 <958,<746 <952,<752 <946,<757 <934,<768 <922,<777 <908,<784 <893,<790- <887,<794 <863,<798 <847,<800 1000,1000 <600,<800 >153,<800 >137,<798 >122,<794- >107,<790 >92,<784 >78,<777 >66,<768 >54,<757 >48,<752 >42,<746 >32,<734- >23,<722 >16,<708 >10,<693 >6,<678 >3,<662 0,<647 0,>153 } FigureSymbol "deck" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 52.083,179.688,875,914.063 0,>100,<900,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,>100,<900,1000 Rect >100,0,1000,<900 Rect >50,>50,<950,<950 } Outline { Rect 0,>100,<900,1000 Polyline 5 >50,>100 >50,>50 <950,>50 <950,<950 <900,<950 Polyline 5 >100,>50 >100,0 1000,0 1000,<900 <950,<900 } MiniOutline { Rect 0,200,800,1000 Polyline 5 100,200 100,100 900,100 900,900 800,900 Polyline 5 200,100 200,0 1000,0 1000,800 900,800 } } FigureSymbol "disk simple" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FramedTextBox 52.083,273.438,942.708,890.625 0,>200,1000,<900 0 0 0 1 Fill { Rect 0,>100,1000,<900 Ellipse 0,0,1000,>200 Ellipse 0,<800,1000,1000 } Outline { Line 0,>100 0,<900 Line 1000,>100 1000,<900 Ellipse 0,0,1000,>200 Arc 0,<800,1000,1000 0,<900 1000,<900 } MiniOutline { Line 0,200 0,800 Line 1000,100 1000,900 Ellipse 0,0,1000,400 Arc 0,600,1000,1000 0,800 1000,800 } Hot 17 1,>81 77,>44 218,>16 402,>1 599,>1 783,>16 924,>44 1000,>81- 1000,<920 924,<957 783,<985 599,<1000 402,<1000 218,<985 77,<957 1,<920- 1,>81 } FigureSymbol "paper" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 192 Width 148 FramedTextBox 67.568,52.083,925.676,942.708 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 1000,0 1000,900 875,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 1000,0 1000,900 875,1000 0,1000 0,0 Polyline 5 875,1000 900,900 940,912 970,912 1000,900 } Hot 6 0,0 1000,0 1000,900 875,1000 0,1000 0,0 } FigureSymbol "note" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 0 Width 0 Reshape 6 FramedTextBox 52.083,78.125,942.708,914.063 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } Outline { Polyline 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 Polyline 3 <850,0 <850,>150 1000,>150 } MiniOutline { Polyline 6 0,0 <700,0 1000,>300 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 Polyline 3 <700,0 <700,>300 1000,>300 } Hot 6 0,0 <850,0 1000,>150 1000,1000 0,1000 0,0 } FigureSymbol "[class/object]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[state]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 25 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "[booch class/obj]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Fill { Ellipse 84,114,672,702 Ellipse 421,89,859,527 Ellipse 573,286,995,708 Ellipse 263,492,721,950 Ellipse 0,528,423,952 } Outline { Arc 84,114,672,702 500,140 120,550 Arc 421,89,859,527 860,300 500,140 Arc 573,286,995,708 720,700 860,300 Arc 263,492,721,950 350,900 720,700 Arc 0,528,423,952 120,550 350,900 } Hot 40 350,900 363,915 447,950 538,950 622,915 686,851 721,767 720,700- 743,708 826,708 904,676 963,617 995,539 995,456 963,378 904,319- 860,300 859,265 826,185 764,123 684,90 597,90 517,123 500,140- 436,115 321,115 212,160 130,242 85,351 85,466 120,550 92,561- 33,621 1,699 1,782 33,860 92,920 170,952 253,952 350,900 } FigureSymbol "[usecase]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Fill { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } Hot 65 525,1000 573,995 622,986 669,971 714,953 757,929 798,902 836,871- 871,836 902,798 929,757 953,714 971,669 986,622 995,573 1000,525- 1000,476 995,428 986,379 971,332 953,287 929,244 902,203 871,165- 836,130 798,99 757,72 714,48 669,30 622,15 573,6 525,1- 476,1 428,6 379,15 332,30 287,48 244,72 203,99 165,130- 130,165 99,203 72,244 48,287 30,332 15,379 6,428 1,476- 1,525 6,573 15,622 30,669 48,714 72,757 99,798 130,836- 165,871 203,902 244,929 287,953 332,971 379,986 428,995 476,1000- 525,1000 } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 2]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 512 Reshape 65 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 3]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 768 Reshape 66 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 333,0 333,1000 Line 667,0 667,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 4]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 1024 Reshape 67 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 250,0 250,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 Line 750,0 750,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 5]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 1280 Reshape 68 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 200,0 200,1000 Line 400,0 400,1000 Line 600,0 600,1000 Line 800,0 800,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[swim lanes 6]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 1024 Width 1536 Reshape 69 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 166,0 166,1000 Line 332,0 332,1000 Line 500,0 500,1000 Line 666,0 666,1000 Line 831,0 831,1000 } } FigureSymbol "[frame]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 124 FramedTextBox 13.021,26.042,436.198,122.396 0,0,450,150 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Polyline 4 450,0 450,94.792 422.396,150 0,150 } } FigureSymbol "[combined fragment2]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 138 FramedTextBox 13.021,26.042,436.198,122.396 0,0,450,150 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Polyline 4 450,0 450,94.792 422.396,150 0,150 Line 0,500 1000,500 } } FigureSymbol "[combined fragment3]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 139 FramedTextBox 13.021,26.042,436.198,122.396 0,0,450,150 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Polyline 4 450,0 450,94.792 422.396,150 0,150 Line 0,333 1000,333 Line 0,666 1000,666 } } FigureSymbol "[combined fragment4]" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 512 Width 768 Reshape 140 FramedTextBox 13.021,26.042,436.198,122.396 0,0,450,150 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Polyline 4 450,0 450,94.792 422.396,150 0,150 Line 0,250 1000,250 Line 0,500 1000,500 Line 0,750 1000,750 } } FigureSymbol "actor" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 128 Width 64 Fill { Ellipse 300,0,700,200 } Outline { Ellipse 300,0,700,200 Line 500,200 500,700 Line 0,350 1000,350 Line 0,1000 500,700 Line 1000,1000 500,700 } Hot 11 1000,161 924,88 783,31 599,0 402,0 218,31 77,88 0,161- 0,1000 1000,1000 1000,161 } FigureSymbol "class/object" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 52.083,104.167,942.708,885.417 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "active class/object" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 Reshape 136 FramedTextBox 114.583,104.167,880.208,885.417 63,0,937,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 63,0 63,1000 Line 937,0 937,1000 } MiniOutline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 100,0 100,1000 Line 880,0 880,1000 } } FigureSymbol "terminate" { FixedAspect TRUE Height 128 Width 128 Reshape 61 Silhouette TRUE DisplayScale 45 Fill { Polygon 13 0,41 41,0 500,458 958,0 1000,41 541,500 1000,958 958,1000- 500,541 41,1000 0,958 458,500 0,41 } Outline { Polyline 13 0,41 41,0 500,458 958,0 1000,41 541,500 1000,958 958,1000- 500,541 41,1000 0,958 458,500 0,41 } Hot 13 0,41 41,0 500,458 958,0 1000,41 541,500 1000,958 958,1000- 500,541 41,1000 0,958 458,500 0,41 } FigureSymbol "state" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 128 Width 192 Reshape 22 FramedTextBox 62.5,156.25,931.25,828.125 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Polygon 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } Outline { Polyline 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } MiniOutline { Arc 0,0,>500,>500 >250,0 0,>250 Line >250,0 <750,0 Arc <500,0,1000,>500 1000,>250 <750,0 Line 1000,>250 1000,<750 Arc <500,<500,1000,1000 <750,1000 1000,<750 Line >250,1000 <750,1000 Arc 0,<500,>500,1000 0,<750 >250,1000 Line 0,>250 0,<750 } Hot 69 0,>191 >3,>172 >7,>152 >12,>134 >20,>115 >29,>98 >40,>82 >53,>67- >60,>60 >67,>53 >82,>40 >98,>29 >115,>20 >134,>12 >152,>7 >172,>3- >191,0 <809,0 <828,>3 <848,>7 <866,>12 <885,>20 <902,>29 <918,>40- <933,>53 <940,>60 <947,>67 <960,>82 <971,>98 <980,>115 <988,>134 <993,>152- <997,>172 1000,>191 1000,<809 <997,<828 <993,<848 <988,<866 <980,<885 <971,<902- <960,<918 <947,<933 <940,<940 <933,<947 <918,<960 <902,<971 <885,<980 <866,<988- <848,<993 <828,<997 <809,1000 >191,1000 >172,<997 >152,<993 >134,<988 >115,<980- >98,<971 >82,<960 >67,<947 >60,<940 >53,<933 >40,<918 >29,<902 >20,<885- >12,<866 >7,<848 >3,<828 0,<809 0,>191 } FigureSymbol "seq activation" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 256 Width 32 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "seq lifeline" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 256 Width 8 Outline { Line 500,0 500,1000 } } FigureSymbol "class/object r3" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 210 Width 192 Reshape 2 FramedTextBox 39.063,35.714,957.031,157.143 0,0,1000,194 0 0 0 0 FramedTextBox 39.063,228.571,957.031,567.857 0,194,1000,606 0 0 0 0 FramedTextBox 39.063,639.286,957.031,960.714 0,606,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 Line 0,194 1000,194 Line 0,606 1000,606 } } FigureSymbol "class/object:5" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 50.761,144.928,944.162,840.58 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "class/object:7" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 52.083,144.928,942.708,840.58 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "class/object:28" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 46.729,144.928,948.598,840.58 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "class/object:59" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 44.248,144.928,951.327,840.58 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "class/object:65" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 50.761,144.928,944.162,840.58 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "class/object:67" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 52.083,144.928,942.708,840.58 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "class/object:88" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 46.729,144.928,948.598,840.58 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } FigureSymbol "class/object:119" { FixedAspect FALSE Height 108 Width 192 FramedTextBox 44.248,144.928,951.327,840.58 0,0,1000,1000 0 0 0 0 Fill { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } Outline { Rect 0,0,1000,1000 } } ## End Symbols Section: EndSymbol "arrow umlopen" { LineTo 80 Fill { Polygon 4 500,500 900,300 900,700 500,500 } Outline { Polyline 4 500,500 900,300 900,700 500,500 } } EndSymbol "arrow umlsolid" { LineTo 80 Fill { Polygon 4 500,500 900,300 900,700 500,500 } Outline { Polyline 4 500,500 900,300 900,700 500,500 } Silhouette TRUE } EndSymbol "arrow umlstick" { Outline { Line 500,500 1000,300 Line 500,500 1000,700 } Silhouette TRUE } EndSymbol "measure stick2" { Outline { Polyline 3 800,300 500,500 800,700 Line 500,0 500,1000 } } EndSymbol "msg found" { Centered TRUE LineTo 100 Fill { Polygon 4 700,500 1000,300 1000,700 700,500 Ellipse 300,300,700,700 } Outline { Polyline 4 700,500 1000,300 1000,700 700,500 Ellipse 300,300,700,700 } Silhouette TRUE } EndSymbol "msg lost" { Centered TRUE LineTo 40 Fill { Ellipse 300,300,700,700 } Outline { Ellipse 300,300,700,700 } Silhouette TRUE } EndSymbol "anchor point" { Centered TRUE Magnify 20 LineTo 100 Outline { Ellipse 0,0,1000,1000 } } ## Figure Styles Section: FigureStyle "Title" { Label TRUE Height 74 Width 110 Description "A page, document, or diagram title" FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0042 Behavior 0x00000000018251E2 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 12 TypeWeight 700 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Heading" { Label TRUE Height 74 Width 110 Description "A heading for a swimlane or diagram section" FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x00000000018251E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 9 TypeWeight 700 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Comment" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 Description "An informal description, or a diagram contraint" FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeItalic TRUE TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Label" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Node Label" { Label TRUE InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 DefaultText "Label" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Flow Label" { Label TRUE InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 DefaultText "Label" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Path Label" { Label TRUE InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 DefaultText "Label" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Event" { Label TRUE InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A trigger event possibly combined with a [guard condition] and/or- /action" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Guard Condition" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A branch condition (enclose condition in brackets)" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Keyword" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A keyword for a use case association or a dependency" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Message" { Label TRUE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A message identifier or description" FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0044 Behavior 0x0000000001A241E1 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Note" { Category "General" HasButton TRUE Height 128 Width 192 Description "Additional information concerning any element of the diagram" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "note" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Terminate" { Category "Sequence" HasButton TRUE Height 50 Width 50 Description "Destruction event" FillColor 0,0,0 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "terminate" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Actor" { Category "Use Case" HasButton TRUE Height 128 Width 64 Description "An external person, process, or thing that interacts with a syste- m" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "Actor" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "actor" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Actor System" { Category "Use Case" InMenu FALSE DisplayText TRUE Height 144 Width 256 Description "An actor that is another system (alternate notation)" DefaultText "actor\line " BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E22 Symbol "class/object" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "State" { Category "State Machine" HasButton TRUE Height 64 Width 160 Description "A condition in which each event has a consistent defined response" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E22 Symbol "state" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Object" { Category "Sequence" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "An object with a lifeline and/or activations that communicates wi- th other object" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "class/object" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Active Object" { Category "Class / Object" HasButton TRUE Height 96 Width 192 Description "An object that actively directs other objects" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E22 Symbol "active class/object" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Activation" { Category "Sequence" HasButton TRUE Height 512 Width 22 Description "An execution specification such as a procedure call including the- time it waits " BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Lifeline" { Category "Sequence" HasButton TRUE Height 512 Width 22 Description "An object lifeline" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Box" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for grouping diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024421 Symbol "[class/object]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Box Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for grouping diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[class/object]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Subject Boundary" { Category "Containers" InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for grouping diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024421 Symbol "[class/object]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Subject Boundary Dash" { Category "Containers" InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 Description "A container for grouping diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[class/object]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Rounded" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[state]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Rounded Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[state]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Cloud" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[booch class/obj]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Cloud Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[booch class/obj]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Oval" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[usecase]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Container Oval Dash" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 PenStyle 8 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[usecase]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (2)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 2]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (3)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 3]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (4)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 4]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (5)" { Category "Containers" Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 5]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Swim Lanes (6)" { Category "Containers" InMenu FALSE Height 0 Width 0 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[swim lanes 6]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Frame" { Category "Containers" HasButton TRUE Height 384 Width 768 Description "A container for identifying related diagram elements" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[frame]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Combined Fragment2" { Category "Containers" HasButton TRUE Height 384 Width 768 Description "A frame for conditional partition of sequences" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[combined fragment2]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Combined Fragment3" { Category "Containers" HasButton TRUE Height 384 Width 768 Description "A frame for conditional partition of sequences" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[combined fragment3]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Combined Fragment4" { Category "Containers" Height 384 Width 768 Description "A frame for conditional partition of sequences" FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 4 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000301024021 Symbol "[combined fragment4]" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Arc Sides" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arc sides" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Circle" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000033000424A12 Symbol "circle" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Diamond" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 128 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "diamond" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Hexagon" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "hexagon" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Box" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "rectangle" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Rounded Box" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "rounded box" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Octagon" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 128 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000424E12 Symbol "octagon" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Oval" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "oval" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Round Sides" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "round sides" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Paper" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 148 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "paper" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Deck" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "deck" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Arw Left" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 72 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow left" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Arw Right" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 72 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow right" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Arw L/R" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 72 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow left/right" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Arw Up/Down" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 80 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow up/down" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Arw Up" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 80 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow up" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Arw Down" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 192 Width 80 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "arrow down" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Drum" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 128 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "disk simple" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Callout Right" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 160 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "callout 3" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Callout Left" { Category "Nonstandard" Height 160 Width 192 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E12 Symbol "callout 4" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } FigureStyle "Class R3" { Category "Class / Object" Height 280 Width 256 Description "A class or object with a name compartment and a body compartment" TextInits "\vertalc \qc\sect \vertalt \ql\sect \vertalt \ql\sect \vertalt \q- l" BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000003300024222 Symbol "class/object r3" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial Mon" } ## Connector Styles Section: ConnectorStyle "Measure" { Category "Nonstandard" HasButton TRUE Description "Designates a specific time interval" End1 "measure stick2" End2 "measure stick2" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Line" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic line for drawing" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Dashed Line" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic dashed line for drawing" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Dotted Line" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic dotted line for drawing" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 6 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Divider" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic heavy line for drawing dividers" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 5 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Dashed Divider" { Category "Nonstandard" Description "A generic heavy dashed line for drawing dividers" End1 "null" End2 "null" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 5 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x00000000000000C0 } ConnectorStyle "Anchor" { Category "General" HasButton TRUE Description "Connection to Note for comments and constraint notation" End1 "anchor point" End2 "anchor point" End1Length 7 End2Length 7 PenStyle 6 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Message SYNC" { Category "Message" HasButton TRUE Description "A synchronous message / procedure call" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Message ASYNC" { Category "Message" HasButton TRUE Description "An asynchronous message" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Message REPLY" { Category "Message" HasButton TRUE Description "A reply/return from a synchronous message" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Message LOST" { Category "Message" HasButton TRUE Description "A messsage sent to a receiver unknown or outside of scope" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 End1 "msg lost" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Message FOUND" { Category "Message" HasButton TRUE Description "A messsage received from a sender unknown or outside of scope" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 End1 "null" End2 "msg found" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } ConnectorStyle "Message SYNC Left" { Category "Message" Description "A synchronous message / procedure call (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 270 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message SYNC Right" { Category "Message" Description "A synchronous message / procedure call (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 90 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message SYNC UpR" { Category "Message" Description "A synchronous message / procedure call (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message SYNC UpL" { Category "Message" Description "A synchronous message / procedure call (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message SYNC DownR" { Category "Message" Description "A synchronous message / procedure call (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message SYNC DownL" { Category "Message" Description "A synchronous message / procedure call (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message ASYNC Left" { Category "Message" Description "An asynchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 270 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message ASYNC Right" { Category "Message" Description "An asynchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 90 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message ASYNC UpR" { Category "Message" Description "An asynchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message ASYNC DownR" { Category "Message" Description "An asynchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message ASYNC UpL" { Category "Message" Description "An asynchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message ASYNC DownL" { Category "Message" Description "An asynchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message REPLY Left" { Category "Message" Description "A reply/return from a synchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 270 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message REPLY Right" { Category "Message" Description "A reply/return from a synchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 90 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message REPLY UpR" { Category "Message" Description "A reply/return from a synchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message REPLY DownR" { Category "Message" Description "A reply/return from a synchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message REPLY UpL" { Category "Message" Description "A reply/return from a synchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message REPLY DownL" { Category "Message" Description "A reply/return from a synchronous message (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 PenStyle 12 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message LOST Left" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage sent to a receiver unknown or outside of scope (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 270 End1 "msg lost" End2 "arrow umlopen" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message LOST Right" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage sent to a receiver unknown or outside of scope (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 90 End1 "msg lost" End2 "arrow umlopen" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message LOST UpR" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage sent to a receiver unknown or outside of scope (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "msg lost" End2 "arrow umlopen" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message LOST DownR" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage sent to a receiver unknown or outside of scope (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "msg lost" End2 "arrow umlopen" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message LOST UpL" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage sent to a receiver unknown or outside of scope (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "msg lost" End2 "arrow umlopen" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message LOST DownL" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage sent to a receiver unknown or outside of scope (stamp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "msg lost" End2 "arrow umlopen" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message FOUND Left" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage received from a sender unknown or outside of scope (st- amp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 270 End1 "null" End2 "msg found" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message FOUND Right" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage received from a sender unknown or outside of scope (st- amp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 90 End1 "null" End2 "msg found" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message FOUND UpR" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage received from a sender unknown or outside of scope (st- amp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "msg found" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message FOUND DownR" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage received from a sender unknown or outside of scope (st- amp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 1 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "msg found" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message FOUND UpL" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage received from a sender unknown or outside of scope (st- amp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 0 End1 "null" End2 "msg found" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ConnectorStyle "Message FOUND DownL" { Category "Message" Description "A messsage received from a sender unknown or outside of scope (st- amp)" AutoLabel TRUE AutoLabelText "message" AutoLabelPosition 2 FragmentCreation TRUE FragmentLength 128 FragmentAngle 180 End1 "null" End2 "msg found" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000080 } ## Figures & Connectors Section: Figure 146 { Style "Object" Text "MainForm" Bounds 269,2000,407,2069 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E0A Symbol "class/object" TypeSize 6 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 147 { Style "Object" Text "CommandManager" Bounds 629,2000,826,2069 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E0A Symbol "class/object:65" TypeSize 6 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 148 { Style "Object" Text "SongForm" Bounds 1087,2000,1279,2069 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E0A Symbol "class/object:67" TypeSize 6 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 149 { Style "Lifeline" Text "" Bounds 330,2069,346,2400 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 150 { Style "Lifeline" Text "" Bounds 719,2069,735,2400 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 151 { Style "Lifeline" Text "" Bounds 1175,2069,1191,2432 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 152 { Style "Activation" Text "" Bounds 326,2080,351,2333 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" HasConnectionPoints TRUE ConnectionPoint 1 480,185.771 "" 1 } Figure 153 { Style "Activation" Text "" Bounds 715,2127,740,2336 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" HasConnectionPoints TRUE ConnectionPoint 1 480,172.249 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 2 480,0.000 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 3 480,540.670 "" 1 } Figure 154 { Style "Activation" Text "" Bounds 1171,2163,1196,2368 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" HasConnectionPoints TRUE ConnectionPoint 1 500,0.000 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 2 480,375.610 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 3 480,219.512 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 4 480,687.805 "" 1 } Connector 155 { Style "Message SYNC" Figure1 152 Figure2 153 ConnectionPoint1 1 ConnectionPoint2 2 EndPoint1 351,2127 EndPoint2 715,2127 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlsolid" End1Length 28 End2Length 32 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 156 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 153 Figure2 154 ConnectionPoint1 1 ConnectionPoint2 1 EndPoint1 740,2163 EndPoint2 1171,2163 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 28 End2Length 32 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 157 { Label TRUE Text "Create Song Sequence Diagram" Bounds 534,1794,1655,1881 FillColor 1,2,3 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000000000A241D2 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 21 TypeWeight 700 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 158 { Label TRUE Style "Flow Label" Text "createSong_onclick()" Bounds 361,2085,622,2117 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0014 Behavior 0x0000000001A241C9 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 159 { Label TRUE Style "Flow Label" Text "Create(DataRow is null, int index);" Bounds 750,2121,1170,2153 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0014 Behavior 0x0000000001A241C9 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Connector 160 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 153 Figure2 154 ConnectionPoint1 3 ConnectionPoint2 2 EndPoint1 740,2240 EndPoint2 1171,2240 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 161 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text "setIsNew(true)" Bounds 865,2198,1044,2230 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 162 { Style "Object" Text "SongDataControl" Bounds 1412,2000,1626,2069 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E0A Symbol "class/object:88" TypeSize 6 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 163 { Style "Lifeline" Text "" Bounds 1511,2069,1527,2544 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 164 { Style "Activation" Text "" Bounds 1507,2163,1532,2464 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" HasConnectionPoints TRUE ConnectionPoint 1 480,149.502 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 2 480,468.439 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 3 480,627.907 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 4 480,308.970 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 5 480,840.532 "" 1 } Connector 165 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 154 Figure2 164 ConnectionPoint1 3 ConnectionPoint2 1 EndPoint1 1196,2208 EndPoint2 1507,2208 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 166 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text "Create()" Bounds 1300,2166,1400,2198 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Connector 167 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 154 Figure2 164 ConnectionPoint1 4 ConnectionPoint2 2 EndPoint1 1196,2304 EndPoint2 1507,2304 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 168 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text "CreateNewRow()" Bounds 1246,2262,1454,2294 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 169 { Style "Object" Text "SongDataProvider" Bounds 1742,2000,1968,2069 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x000003F000024E0A Symbol "class/object:119" TypeSize 6 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 170 { Style "Lifeline" Text "" Bounds 1847,2069,1863,2544 FillColor 1,2,3 BorderWidth 3 PenStyle 12 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011619024212 Symbol "seq lifeline" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 171 { Style "Activation" Text "" Bounds 1843,2163,1868,2464 BorderWidth 3 TextFormat 0x0022 Behavior 0x0000011618024212 Symbol "seq activation" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" HasConnectionPoints TRUE ConnectionPoint 1 480,627.907 "" 1 ConnectionPoint 2 480,840.532 "" 1 } Connector 172 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 164 Figure2 171 ConnectionPoint1 3 ConnectionPoint2 1 EndPoint1 1532,2352 EndPoint2 1843,2352 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 173 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text "getDataAdapter()" Bounds 1580,2310,1793,2342 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Figure 174 { Text "" Bounds 1641,2201,1656,2216 FillColor 0,0,0 BorderWidth 0 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0000 Behavior 0x0000033000327012 Symbol "null" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Connector 175 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 164 Figure2 174 ConnectionPoint1 1 EndPoint1 1532,2208 EndPoint2 1648,2208 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 TRUE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 176 { Text "" Bounds 1641,2249,1656,2264 FillColor 0,0,0 BorderWidth 0 BindToStyle FALSE TextFormat 0x0000 Behavior 0x0000033000327012 Symbol "null" TypeSize 8 TypeFace "Arial" } Connector 177 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 174 Figure2 176 EndPoint1 1648,2208 EndPoint2 1648,2256 SuppressEnd1 TRUE SuppressEnd2 TRUE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Connector 178 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 176 Figure2 164 ConnectionPoint2 4 EndPoint1 1648,2256 EndPoint2 1532,2256 SuppressEnd1 TRUE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 179 { Label TRUE Style "Flow Label" Text "AddBinding()" Bounds 1542,2166,1706,2198 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0014 Behavior 0x0000000001A241C9 Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } Connector 180 { Style "Message ASYNC" Figure1 164 Figure2 171 ConnectionPoint1 5 ConnectionPoint2 2 EndPoint1 1532,2416 EndPoint2 1843,2416 SuppressEnd1 FALSE SuppressEnd2 FALSE End1 "null" End2 "arrow umlstick" End1Length 39 End2Length 39 LineWidth 3 EndBorderWidth 3 Behavior 0x0000000000000000 } Figure 181 { Label TRUE Style "Path Label" Text "UpdateChanges()" Bounds 1576,2374,1796,2406 FillColor 1,2,3 TextFormat 0x0012 Behavior 0x0000030000BA51CA Symbol "lbl" TypeSize 8 TypeWeight 400 TypeFace "Arial" } ## Staples Section: Staple 73 { StapleType 4 Connector -1 ConPos 0 Figure1 149 Fig1PosX 128 Fig1PosY 0 Figure2 146 Fig2PosX 128 Fig2PosY 255 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 27 } Staple 74 { StapleType 4 Connector -1 ConPos 0 Figure1 150 Fig1PosX 128 Fig1PosY 0 Figure2 147 Fig2PosX 128 Fig2PosY 255 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 27 } Staple 75 { StapleType 4 Connector -1 ConPos 0 Figure1 151 Fig1PosX 128 Fig1PosY 0 Figure2 148 Fig2PosX 128 Fig2PosY 255 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 27 } Staple 76 { StapleType 4 Connector -1 ConPos 0 Figure1 149 Fig1PosX 128 Fig1PosY 95 Figure2 152 Fig2PosX 122 Fig2PosY 127 OffsetX -1 OffsetY 14 PinType 16 } Staple 77 { StapleType 4 Connector -1 ConPos 0 Figure1 150 Fig1PosX 128 Fig1PosY 105 Figure2 153 Fig2PosX 122 Fig2PosY 128 OffsetX -1 OffsetY 26 PinType 16 } Staple 78 { StapleType 4 Connector -1 ConPos 0 Figure1 151 Fig1PosX 128 Fig1PosY 112 Figure2 154 Fig2PosX 122 Fig2PosY 128 OffsetX -1 OffsetY 37 PinType 16 } Staple 79 { StapleType 3 Connector 155 ConPos 0 Figure1 152 Fig1PosX 0 Fig1PosY 0 Figure2 158 Fig2PosX 0 Fig2PosY 0 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 16 FlowSide 1 } Staple 80 { StapleType 3 Connector 156 ConPos 0 Figure1 153 Fig1PosX 0 Fig1PosY 0 Figure2 159 Fig2PosX 0 Fig2PosY 0 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 16 FlowSide 1 } Staple 81 { StapleType 5 Connector 160 ConPos 127 Figure1 161 Fig1PosX 127 Fig1PosY 127 Figure2 -1 Fig2PosX 0 Fig2PosY 0 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 16 LateralOffset 10 LateralConsistency 0 } Staple 82 { StapleType 4 Connector -1 ConPos 0 Figure1 163 Fig1PosX 128 Fig1PosY 0 Figure2 162 Fig2PosX 128 Fig2PosY 255 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 27 } Staple 83 { StapleType 5 Connector 165 ConPos 127 Figure1 166 Fig1PosX 127 Fig1PosY 127 Figure2 -1 Fig2PosX 0 Fig2PosY 0 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 27 LateralOffset 10 LateralConsistency 0 } Staple 84 { StapleType 5 Connector 167 ConPos 127 Figure1 168 Fig1PosX 127 Fig1PosY 127 Figure2 -1 Fig2PosX 0 Fig2PosY 0 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 27 LateralOffset 10 LateralConsistency 0 } Staple 85 { StapleType 4 Connector -1 ConPos 0 Figure1 170 Fig1PosX 128 Fig1PosY 0 Figure2 169 Fig2PosX 128 Fig2PosY 255 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 27 } Staple 86 { StapleType 5 Connector 172 ConPos 127 Figure1 173 Fig1PosX 127 Fig1PosY 127 Figure2 -1 Fig2PosX 0 Fig2PosY 0 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 27 LateralOffset 10 LateralConsistency 0 } Staple 87 { StapleType 3 Connector 175 ConPos 0 Figure1 164 Fig1PosX 0 Fig1PosY 0 Figure2 179 Fig2PosX 0 Fig2PosY 0 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 27 FlowSide 1 } Staple 88 { StapleType 5 Connector 180 ConPos 127 Figure1 181 Fig1PosX 127 Fig1PosY 127 Figure2 -1 Fig2PosX 0 Fig2PosY 0 OffsetX 0 OffsetY 0 PinType 27 LateralOffset 10 LateralConsistency 0 } Staple 89 { StapleType 4 Connector -1 ConPos 0 Figure1 163 Fig1PosX 128 Fig1PosY 131 Figure2 164 Fig2PosX 122 Fig2PosY 127 OffsetX -1 OffsetY -1 PinType 16 } Staple 90 { StapleType 4 Connector -1 ConPos 0 Figure1 170 Fig1PosX 128 Fig1PosY 131 Figure2 171 Fig2PosX 122 Fig2PosY 127 OffsetX -1 OffsetY -1 PinType 16 } ## Groups Section: c $A? ?3"`?2Ojݐ̡P|HG+`!#jݐ̡P|HGF"L/AxŜ |T՝<">R-uy(UB# $$$bZ*حvᑐL B*BuhPEu`w>Y=w9sgdZ0ȲbՖOBW ?S{[RHN+^lR@h<),]mZB[Evw{\zSQJ{{;Ɗe[؋b©2EǠPmمQ6v-Z┕,BI%,JD=B:(1+(FC -z@۠P= ЋӀ1 c`jVCK{)ylho>,ذUE >>Kۋŋ1 bļ !B9 %1"EPj y]*zϗ]kPo }>>{w"bHQw/QXԪj%~PD]ۀ1MP3lv+|>P_/͇r}0&c†,"X_Y % V2\ C9-En1.F  /ztTS /S?utrXue?/&nY 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